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K·O· Lee Aberdeen公共图书馆

2018/04/27 18:21:06
CO-OP Architecture
Appreciation towards
CO-OP Architecture
for providing the following description:
After more than eight years of effort and a passed bond vote, Aberdeen proceeded with replacing its 1950’s era library. The former library was overcrowded, had little natural light, and suffered from repeated water damage. A new civic based design was pursued to address these issues, and to develop a new “living room” for the city. The result is a state-of-the-art building that can both inspire and serve the needs of the community. This library was not designed to be a bin for dusty books and card files; it was designed to be a center of creativity, research and collaboration…and to be free to the public.
▼项目外立面一览,project overview
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▼项目入口被设计成一个夺人眼球的大门,the project entrance is an outstanding gateway
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▼项目西翼的长屋顶让人联想起草原住宅,the long pitched roofs on the west wing remind people of the prairie house
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▼西翼使用大量玻璃,the west wing uses large areas of glass
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K.O. Lee Aberdeen图书馆,沿着第三大道的线形结构,是一个当代设计,灵感来自于阿伯丁的四个原始铁路仓库,至今仍屹立于此,包括北部的大仓库,密尔沃基的仓库,芝加哥西北的仓库,明尼阿波利斯和圣路易斯的仓库。虽然这些仓库表达多种风格的建筑,其中的三个,外加这个图书馆北侧的历史建筑,主要是工匠与草原风格,这座新建筑试图用微妙的手段,用现代的手法融合这种风格。
The K.O. Lee Library, with its linear configuration along 3rd Avenue, is of a contemporary design with inspiration from the vernacular of four original railroad depots in Aberdeen which still stand today, including; The Great Northern Depot, The Milwaukee Depot, The Chicago Northwestern Depot and The Minneapolis and St. Louis Depot. While these depots articulate multiple styles of architecture, three of these, along with the historic buildings to the north of this library that formally housed Central High School, are predominately designed in the Craftsman/Prairie Style, and this new building attempts to pay subtle deference to that style in a contemporary way.
▼图书区域一览,the book area
▼电脑区域,the computer area
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▼专门为孩子设计的独立学习房间,the private study rooms
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▼舒适的阅读区域,the cozy reading booths
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▼项目后门区域,the back door area
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由于许多铁路线路进入城市,使得整个城市从空中的角度看起来像是轮辐一样, 或者说是一个“枢纽”,南达科他州的阿伯丁被戏称为“枢纽城市”。这座图书馆坐落在铁路在一百多年前第一次汇聚的中心地带的附近,连接过去和未来。同时该项目也是另一种社区中心,能够连接和丰富居民和访客的生活。
As a result of the many railroad lines that entered the city and created spokes, or a “hub”, from an aerial perspective, Aberdeen, South Dakota, was nicknamed the “Hub City”. This library, located near the heart of where those railroad lines first converged more than one hundred years ago, is intended to be a link to the past and the future, and is another kind of community hub – designed to connect and enrich residents and guests for many generations.
▼项目夜景,project night view
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▼项目概念,project concept
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▼场地平面,the site plan
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▼项目平面,project plan
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▼项目立面,project elevations
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首席建筑师:CO-OP建筑(Tom Hurlbert)
MSR(咨询架构师),Quest Construction(总承包商),Mettler Sichmeller Engineering(机械和电气工程师),Helms&Associates(土木工程师),Rise Structural Associates Inc(结构工程师),Confluence(景观设计师) 亚历山大米切尔图书馆基金会
照片提供:CO-OP Architecture(Spencer Sommers)
Project location: Aberdeen, SD
Completion Year: 2017
Gross Built Area: 30,961 SF (interior space and covered outdoor space)
Lead Architects: CO-OP Architecture (Tom Hurlbert)
Other participants
MSR (Consulting Architect), Quest Construction (General Contractor), Mettler Sichmeller Engineering (Mechanical and Electrical Engineer), Helms & Associates (Civil Engineer), Rise Structural Associates Inc (Structural Engineer), Confluence (Landscape Architect), City of Aberdeen, The Alexander Mitchell Library Foundation
Photo credits: CO-OP Architecture (Spencer Sommers)
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