Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán

2021/11/22 15:08:23
Habitas在沙特阿拉伯西北部未知的AlUla地区揭开了它的下一个“家”。Habitas AlUla于2021年11月1日开放,由西班牙的设计工作室Lázaro Rosa-Violán设计。它坐落在阿沙尔山谷沙漠峡谷中的一个古老绿洲中,周围环绕着砂岩悬崖和棕榈树林。宁静的度假小径将客人引向三层的96间客房,以及瑜伽甲板,健康和健身中心,餐厅和游泳池。每个空间都是由基于伦理的有机材料建造的,这些材料与自然环境无缝融合。
Habitas unveils its next “home” in the uncharted AlUla region in the Northwest of Saudi Arabia. Opened on November 1st, 2021, Designed by Spanish design studio Lázaro Rosa-Violán. It is located in an ancient oasis in the desert canyon of the Ashar Valley, surrounded by sandstone cliffs and palm groves. The serene resort pathways lead guests up to each of the 96 guest rooms spanning three tiers, as well as to the yoga deck, wellness and fitness centers, restaurant, and swimming pool. Each space is constructed from ethically-sourced organic materials which blend seamlessly into their natural surroundings.
最低侵入性的建筑模型,以及该房产的可持续建筑方法,是Habitas的名片:模块化建造,低影响设计,提供有机空间,在这里,各种有意义的体验都可以活跃起来。Habitas AlUla是该品牌六大规划支柱的体现:音乐、健康、冒险、文化、学习和烹饪,所有这些都经过精心开发,让客人沉浸在该地区真实的文化和自然环境中。这是通过容纳艺术和文化散步,峡谷徒步,瑜伽,冥想和呼吸的程序来说明的。Habitas将利用其音乐根源来创造和策划来自该地区独特天赋的声音,并通过音乐会系列向客人展示它们。
The minimally invasive build model, along with the property’s sustainable construction methods, are the Habitas calling cards: modular-build, low impact design that delivers organic space in which meaningful experiences of all kinds can spring to life. Habitas AlUla is an embodiment of the brand’s six programming pillars: music, wellness, adventure, culture, learning, and culinary, all of which are meticulously developed to immerse guests within the region’s authentic culture and natural environment. This is illustrated through programming that accommodates art and culture walks, canyon trekking, yoga, meditation and breathwork. Habitas will leverage its musical roots to create and curate sounds from the region’s unique talents, and showcase them for guests through the medium of a concert series.
除了当地倡议的文化和历史相关的公开讨论讲座外,客人还可以通过每周户外影院放映的地域文化电影和纪录片来收集和扩展他们对这一历史地区的知识。众多的艺术和文化活动,如Mohammad Ahmed Ibrahim、Superflex和Nadim Karam主办的艺术品,补充了这些学习经验。这还包括在导游的带领下游览纳巴泰人曾经居住过的古城遗迹。
Guests are invited to gather and expand their knowledge of this historical region with weekly outdoor cinema screenings featuring regional cultural films and documentaries in addition to open discussion lectures relating to local initiatives, culture, and history. Numerous Arts & Culture activities, like the hosted artworks of Mohammad Ahmed Ibrahim, Superflex and Nadim Karam, complement these learning experiences. This also includes a guided walk through the remains of the ancient city where the Nabateans once lived.
Located along the original pilgrimage route to Mecca and described as an open-air museum, AlUla spans 22,561 km2 of land, enveloped in both the immense beauty of the natural world and the dramatic splendour of human creation. The ancient site was a hub of trade and cultural exchange for millennia and abounds to this day with traces of those who passed through over the years. AlUla is home to thousands of burial places including +100 tombs, 94 of which remain elaborately carved at Hegra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. They stand majestically among mammoth structures carved and refined by the natural elements.
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-11
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-12
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-13
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-14
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-15
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-16
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-17
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-18
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-19
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-20
Habitas AlUla 可持续设计度假村丨沙特阿拉伯丨西班牙设计工作室 Lázaro RosaViolán-21
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