

这个包含 72 个居住单元的经济适用房项目坐落在不规则的地形上,在有限的预算下,它同时面临着应对地形问题和在附近建立社区的挑战。该项目的成功之处在于它带来了惊喜和宁静相互交织的体验:惊喜体现在将日光引向地下庭院的圆形窗洞;宁静体现在另一个庭院内——建筑物和山坡成为了隔绝城市噪音的缓冲带;甚至连场地的挡土墙也发挥出双重作用:既能支撑山坡,又能安装儿童攀爬架和户外黑板。设计师创造性地为场地赋予了多个层级,在保持整个场地的可达性的同时塑造出具有沉思氛围的空间,为公共住房的形象打造提出了新的可能性。——2020 年评审委员会
Set upon unruly terrain, this 72-unit affordable housing project faced challenges of addressing topography and building community within its neighborhood while on a limited budget. Where it succeeds is in alternating moments of surprise and calm— the former through an oculus that admits daylight to a lower-level courtyard, the latter in a serene courtyard that employs the buildings and hillside as a buffer against urban noise; even the site’s retaining wall pulls double-duty, holding back the hillside but also serving as children’s climbing apparatus and outdoor chalkboard. The designers creatively layered levels and carved out contemplative spaces while maintaining site-wide accessibility that contributes to a new image of what public housing could become. – 2020 Awards Jury Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture
旧金山的 901 Fairfax 社区长期处于服务不足和缺乏管理的状态。作为宏观规划的一部分,本次项目旨在继续修复 Hunters View 的街区,并对场地中陈旧过时的房屋进行补救。在这里,重建工作需要解决陡峭地形和充满隐患的社区模式带来的额外挑战。项目最终营造出了一系列温馨友好的空间,为邻里提供了与户外场景互动和远离都市喧嚣的机会。葱郁的水生植物、定制的户外家具和本地材料相得益彰,共同提升了社交中心的景观品质。
901 Fairfax in San Francisco is the neighborhood hub for a community that has been vastly underserved in its past. This ambitious project continues the restoration of the Hunters View neighborhood, remediating the decrepit and outdated housing on site as part of a larger master plan. At this site, rebuilding what was dilapidated faced additional challenges of steep topography and an unsafe neighborhood pattern. The project provides welcoming spaces, opportunities to interact with the outdoors and with fellow neighbors, as well as respite from busy urban life. Lush and waterwise planting, custom site furniture, and local materials elevate the landscapes of this new social heart for San Francisco’s Hunters View.
▲场地平面:901 Fairfax 社区是旧金山猎人角重建计划中的一部分。该项目包含了服务于整个社区的社区中心、托儿所以及经济适用房。Site Plan. 901 Fairfax is located in the restored Hunters View development in San Francisco. The project includes a community center and child care facility that serve the entire neighborhood, as well as affordable housing.©N/A
901 Fairfax 位于前猎人角海军造船厂上方的山坡地带,是旧金山变化最快且长期缺乏服务和管理的社区之一。本项目是猎人角四期重建计划中的第二期,由 HOPE SF 项目出资(该项目斥资 20 亿美元在旧金山东南部修建 4600 户新住宅)。设计团队针对具有挑战性的地形提出了创新性的方法,同时能够满足客户在设计效率方面的目标并控制公共项目的成本。
作为社区重建的重要核心,该项目修复的两个街区包含了 72 套经济适用房、一个社区中心和一间托儿所,并且可以享受到旧金山湾的全景。设计团队利用有限的资源为住宅区打造了多处便利设施,包括氛围亲切的入口广场、运动场、社区中心庭院和裙楼庭院。设计着重于创造与场地和社区间的连接,通过种植耐旱植物修复山坡,并在多个层级上建立充满新意的视线关联。开放的步行天桥连接了住房的各个楼层,透明的玻璃门向社区庭院空间打开。
从公共广场继续往前走,将会进入托儿所及社区中心的半公共庭院。位于庭院中央的沙池和游戏地面呈现出相似的造型。约有 70 名来附近社区的婴幼儿和学龄前儿童,在这座非营利设施中享受到了负担得起的、安全而又充满乐趣的游戏空间。
为了在具有挑战性的地形中开辟出户外空间,项目需要在场地后部修建一道超过 20 英尺的挡土墙。从设计之初,这堵巨大的墙壁就并为被当做一种限制来看待,而是成为了项目的一个组成部分:它从视觉上连接了托儿所和社区中心的庭院,以一种顺应地势的倾斜姿态贯穿了两个区域。在托儿所区域,字母形状的支撑元素被嵌入挡土墙内,可供孩子们游玩和攀爬,同时,垂直的墙壁也可以被当做黑板来用粉笔涂画。此外还设有沙箱和天然的玩水区域。托儿所庭院中种植着色彩鲜艳且气味宜人的植物,例如野牡丹和天竺葵等。
最后一个空间是专门为 901 Fairfax 社区居民设计的裙楼庭院,在这里既可以体验到阴凉的下沉式院落空间,又可以享受阳光普照且充满野趣的山坡景观。景观设计师希望居住者可以随时随地沉浸在丰富多彩的花园景致中,为此特意挑选了一种能够适应复杂坡地的本地植物,与其他耐旱和耐受力强的物种混合种植。
▲社区广场为托儿所和社区中心以及经济适用房提供了一个温馨的入口。白桦树、藤蔓墙和木质座椅点亮了原本昏暗的空间。Neighborhood Hub. The community plaza provides a welcoming entry for both the childcare and community centers, as well as the affordable housing units above. Birch trees, a vine wall, and wood seating brighten the shady space.©Marion Brenner
▲停留的机会:广场中央的长椅犹如漂浮在地面之上。从广场可以望见旧金山的景色。An Opportunity to Linger. The bench at the center of the plaza was intended to feel as if it were floating above the groundplane. A view of San Francisco can be enjoyed from the plaza.©Marion Brenner
▲重复的形式:拨片形状的元素在不同的空间重复出现,例如儿童游戏区的彩绘地面和沙池。人们可以从上方的楼层和人行天桥上体验景观。Repeated Forms. The sinuous guitar pick shapes are repeated in the various spaces, as seen in the groundplane and sandboxes of the Childcare play area. The landscape is often experienced from the floors and pedestrian bridges above.© Left: ACLA / Right: Bruce Damonte
A Constraint Becomes a Feature. Climbing holds and chalk transform the tall retaining wall into a vertical play space. Other features, such as a pump spilling water onto a salvaged curbstone, provide opportunity for delight.
©Marion Brenner
▲属于所有人的游戏空间:低矮的护栏将两个不同年龄段的儿童分隔开,同时不影响保育园的看护。在夜晚和周末,游戏空间会直接向社区中心开放,以服务更多居民。Play for All. A low fence provides separation for two different age groups, while still allowing visibility by the childcare providers. On evenings and weekends, the play space opens directly onto the community center courtyard for expanded use by the residents.© Bruce Damonte
▲相聚的机会:社区中心的室外庭院是一个开放且灵活的聚会和活动空间。定制的台面可供居民举办他们喜欢的烧烤和聚会活动。Opportunity to Gather: The community center outdoor courtyard is an open, flexible space for parties and events. A custom countertop was designed for the many barbecues the residents like to host.© Top: Bruce Damonte / Bottom: Marion Brenner
▲俯瞰场地后方的半公共和私人空间。Birdseye View of the semi-public and private spaces toward the back of the site.©N/A
▲从上方的人行天桥俯瞰裙楼庭院和圆形光井。Experiences From Above. The podium courtyard and Oculus as seen from the pedestrian bridge above.©Marion Brenner
▲喘息与缓和:裙楼庭院中的茂盛植物为空间注入了一种俏皮的、花园般的品质。Respite and Reprieve. The exuberant planting in the podium courtyard imbues a playful and garden-like quality to the space.©Marion Brenner
▲强烈的形式:圆形光井和凸起的混凝土花槽成为空间的主导。耐候钢材质的花槽界定出庭院的边界。Strong Forms. The Oculous and raised concrete planter anchor the space. Corten planters form the edges of the courtyard.©Marion Brenner
▲圆形光井:居民在庭院中玩乐,他们可以从圆形光井望见下方的室内庭院。Oculus. Residents play in the courtyard and look down from the Oculus into the interior courtyard.©Marion Brenner
▲连接景观与天空:根据视角的不同,圆形光井带来了朝向室内庭院或天空的视野。在繁忙的健康中心,室内庭院提供了一个平静的时刻。Where Landscape Meets Sky. Depending on your vantage, the Oculus frames the interior courtyard below or the sky above. The interior courtyard provides a moment of calm within the busy wellness center.©Marion Brenner
A Garden of Delight. The planting palette in the courtyard is a mix of hardy succulents that thrive in the cool San Francisco climate, as well as colorful drought tolerant species.
©Marion Brenner
▲山坡上的游戏:山坡被构想为城市环境中的野趣空间。镶嵌于山体的回收路缘石成为了孩子们的天然游戏空间。Hillside Play. The hillside was envisioned as a piece of wild nature placed within the surrounding urban context. Reclaimed curbstones set into the hillside are a natural play space for kids.©Marion Brenner
▲可沉浸的景观:大片的植物在微风中摇曳,将不同材料的硬景观自然地连接在一起。A Place to Immerse One’s Self. Large swaths of informal planting sway in the breeze and tie the disparate materials together.©Marion Brenner
A Revitalized Neighborhood
901 Fairfax 位于旧金山一个历史上服务不足且变化迅速的街区,坐落在前猎人角海军造船厂上方的山坡上。该开发项目是猎人景的四个阶段中的第二个,由 HOPE SF 项目资助,这是一个 20 亿美元的倡议,旨在旧金山东南部创建 4600 多套新住房。设计团队确定了具有挑战性地形的创新和创造性方法,同时满足了客户实现设计效率以控制这个公共资助项目成本的主要目标。
作为重建社区的关键核心,这两个街区包含 72 套经济适用房、一个社区中心和儿童保育设施,可欣赏到旧金山湾的广阔景色。设计团队利用有限的资源为住房场地提供了许多便利设施,包括一个温馨的入口广场、游乐场、社区中心庭院和平台庭院。设计重点是通过恢复山坡上耐旱种植和创新的视线连接来创建与场地和社区的连接。开放式人行天桥连接房屋的楼层,玻璃门通向社区庭院空间。
Engaging the Community
With a shared value to improve the community and quality of life for its residents, the design team saw the end users as the ultimate client. The community process also informed the programming for the community center and child development center, and their associated outdoor spaces.
A Challenging Site with Many Uses
The plaza outside the community center and childcare facility entrances serves as a fulcrum between the two disparate programs. The space is welcoming and inviting, where residents are encouraged to linger after they attend a community event or drop off their child at daycare. The guitar pick shaped bench, constructed of steel and local reclaimed Deodar cedar, is the sculptural center of this space and was originally envisioned as a ‘floating bench’. Several other benches with the same design language are located throughout the space, each offering a slightly different vantage and user experience. The floating bench encircles a grouping of birch trees which sway with the breeze.
As you progress from the public plaza, you enter the semi-public childcare and community center courtyards. The sinuous, guitar pick shapes in the floating bench are echoed in the sand boxes and play surfacing for the nonprofit childcare facility that sits at the heart of the project. About 70 neighborhood infants, toddlers, and preschoolers receive affordable care and a safe place to play at this new facility.
In order to carve outdoor spaces out of the challenging topography, the project required a 20’+ site retaining wall at the back of the site. Rather than being viewed as a constraint, the massive wall was an integral part of the program starting early in the design process. The retaining wall visually connects the adjacent childcare and community center courtyards, slicing through both spaces at an angle which slopes with the grade. In the childcare area, playful climbing holds were inserted into the wall to create a climbing surface, and children are encouraged to use the vertical surface for drawing with chalk. Sandboxes and a natural water play area provide additional amenities for the children to utilize. Planting in the childcare courtyard includes colorful and fragrant species such as Tibouchina and scented geraniums.
Through valuable community input, certain amenities were identified for the community center courtyard. Residents voiced a desire for an outdoor space for barbecues and parties. The design team responded by creating a flexible community center space, where the doors to the multi-purpose room open wide and tables and chairs can be moved outdoors. A custom concrete countertop was also included in the space, so residents can locate a barbecue adjacent to the countertop and serve for a crowd of people. The large stair in the space, which leads to the courtyard on Level Two, doubles as a podium and stage for speakers or small performances.