
2017/06/12 00:31:06
该景观项目旨在重新整合、并组织 Badalona 镇中一块三条道路的交叉路口。项目的预算较低,只有 95.5 欧元/平方米。
The purpose of the project is to reorganise the green space bounded by Avinguda d’Itàlia, Avinguda de Mònaco and Carrer de Verdi in the town of Badalona, with a low budget and a final cost of 95.5 €/m2.
▼项目外观,the appearance
项目由当地 Badalona 理事会发起,随后由巴塞罗那大都会区域项目和工程处和相关设计人员共同完成。
The brief was drafted by the Projects Service of Badalona Council and then completed with the collaboration of the Projects and Works Service of the Area Metropolitana de Barcelona and the project’s designers.
▼场地位于三条道路交汇的位置,Site is located at an intersection of three roads
▼城市的基础设施,the infrastructure of the urban area
项目增加了城市尺度的舒适性,强调了城市绿轴的连续性,将从 Besòs 河延伸出的绿色空间和 Montigalà 公园联系起来,使当地的空间尺度更加宜人。经过了对城市空间和地块用途的研究,设计团队针对毗邻的小学和学前班儿童进行了优化,为不同年龄段的孩子提供了有了空间。城市家具在场地中提供了坐卧和休息的设施,同时保证了交通流线的顺畅。
The project addresses the interurban scale, strengthening the continuity of the green axis that runs from the river Besòs, linking various parks and plazas, before connecting with the parks of Montigalà, as well as addressing the local scale. After mapping the empty urban spaces and the uses made of them, the need for a play area for children of different ages was identified, to be situated strategically near the district’s schools and pre-school centres, with street furniture to enhance both the places for sitting and resting, and the circulation areas.
▼交通空间和景观的结合,the tranport space is blended into the design
To systematise the green axis, the proposal connects the existing zebra crossings and preserves the species of trees, Tipuana, growing in the surrounding parks. The project offers topographical continuity to interrelate the various levels of the site with no architectural barriers. The resulting diagonal paths, long enough to create negotiable slopes, are extended to offer places to sit and enjoy the space.
▼空间中无障碍的交通流线,the project offers topographical continuity without barriers
The natural topography of the site is modified to accommodate the proposed programme. Two dunes, planted with grass, creepers and shrubs, offer protection from traffic and a changing landscape with the passing seasons, and a gentle hollow marks out the play space. The slopes of the planted dunes shut out views of much of the traffic, at the same time allowing an atmosphere of safety where adults can keep an eye on children playing.
▼草丘为孩子们创造了安全的游戏环境,the slopes of planted dunes create a safety atmosphere
Prefabricated concrete is used to make up the difference in level in the play area, its geometry lending itself for use as a bench. In this way, the fences separating children from adults are eliminated in an integrative, intergenerational solution.
▼预制的混凝土模块弥合了高差,prefabricated concrete is used to make up the difference in level
The games offered are collective to encourage participation rather than individual play; transparent to allow adults to keep an eye on activities, and abstract so they can be transformed in the children’s imagination.
▼空间增加了城市的互动性,the space encourage collective participation
▼鸟瞰,bird’s eye view
Client: Area Metropolitana de Barcelona
Surface: 3.330 m2
Budget: 95,5 €/m2
Authors: Marta Peris, José Manuel Toral
Team: Ana Espinosa, Albert Rubio, Leticia Soriano, Izaskun Gonzalez, Eva Blanco
Landscape: Albert Bestard
Systems: Jaume Pastor
Constructor: Eurocatalana obres i serveis
Photos: José Hevia
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