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华盛顿马丁·路德·金纪念图书馆翻新丨美国华盛顿丨Mecanoo与OTJ Architects

2021/11/26 16:36:04
经过为期三年的翻新工作(由 Mecanoo 与 OTJ Architects 共同带领),位于华盛顿的马丁·路德·金纪念图书馆(MLKL)现已重新向公众开放。这座于 1972 年首次运营的图书馆在今天重生为一个符合当代需求的终身学习的场所,并对所有的社区开放。MLKL 是二十世纪建筑大师密斯·凡德罗设计的唯一一座图书馆,后来又以 1968 年遭遇暗杀的民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金的名字命名。
After a three-year transformation by Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo, working in collaboration with OTJ Architects, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (MLKL) has re-opened in Washington D.C.. The library, which opened in 1972, is reborn as a contemporary lifelong-learning hub which reaches out to all communities. It was the only library designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, one of the twentieth century’s greatest architects, and was subsequently named after Dr. King, the towering civil rights leader who was assassinated in 1968.
▼图书馆外观,Exterior view ©Trent Bell
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Honoring the Legacies of Mies and King
MLKL 的翻新项目从各个层面上创造了新的人文环境,其设计和规划均以未来的使用为依据,增加的设施包括公共屋顶花园、剧场、多座标志性的楼梯和一系列社区工作室及工作坊等。新设计的一个核心目标是“彰显图书馆的社会聚集功能以及它作为城市社交地标的强大身份感”。设计方法在密斯·凡德罗和马丁·路德·金博士留下的截然不同的遗产之间取得了平衡。
The transformation of MLKL brings a new, humanistic environment at all levels, designed and programmed for the future, and it adds facilities including a public roof garden, a theater, signature staircases and a suite of community studios and workshops. A central objective of the new design, as Houben explains, is “to highlight the library’s social gathering purpose and its strong presence as a social landmark in the city”. The design approach balances the very different legacies of Mies van der Rohe and Dr King.
▼街道视角,View from the street© Mecanoo
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39600 平方米的复兴项目尊重了原始建筑充满力量感的简洁性——它展现了密斯·凡德罗用直线型黑色玻璃和钢材塑造的独特美学典范——这一点也反映于他在纽约和芝加哥的几座著名的摩天大楼的设计当中。图书馆拥有一个方正的体量,其中三个楼层以玻璃围合,看上去仿佛漂浮在由黑色钢柱构成的底层柱廊之上。
The 39,600 m2 (426,000 sq ft) rejuvenation project respects the powerful simplicity of the original building. It is an example of Mies van der Rohe’s distinctive rectilinear black glass-and-steel aesthetic, which characterizes his iconic skyscrapers in New York and Chicago. The MLKL’s rectangular form has three glazed floors which float above a first (ground) floor recessed behind a colonnade of black steel columns.
▼图书馆的其中三个楼层以玻璃围合,The MLKL’s rectangular form has three glazed floors©Trent Bell
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▼黑色钢柱构成的底层柱廊,The colonnade of black steel columns© Robert Benson
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A new café is partitioned by glass from the Great Hall, and extends to an outside area on the library’s north-east corner. Brick walls have been cut back so that it is open to the sidewalk, connecting the library with the city.
▼室外景观,Landscaped area©Trent Bell
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▼从柱廊望向一层室内,View to the ground floor from thecolonnade©Trent Bell
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An environment that is warm, social and healthy
位于 G 街的主入口通往图书馆大厅。原有建筑的许多特征都得到了恢复。在 Don Miller 创作的描绘马丁·路德·金生平的巨幅壁画下方(安装于 1986 年),Mecanoo 的设计团队置入了一个向内凹进的空间,并在墙面上装饰以垂直的木制板条。抬升于地面的座位阶梯吸引着人们坐下聊天、阅读和观景。这一部分的干预为大厅带来了温馨的氛围和良好的声学效果,从进入图书馆的那一刻起,来访者便能很快地融入图书馆的社交维度。在图书馆的所有功能区域里,人们可以很清楚地感受到哪些是密斯的原始设计,哪些是 Mecanoo 的新设计。大厅中还增加了一幅由 Nekisha Durrett 创作的新壁画。
The main G Street entrance leads into the Great Hall, the lobby. Original features are restored. Below a magnificent mural from 1986 by Don Miller, which celebrates Dr King’s life, Mecanoo has recessed the wall and lined it with vertical wooden slats. Bench steps rise from floor level, drawing people to sit, chat, read and watch. The intervention brings warmth and better acoustics to the lobby, and boosts the library’s social dimension from the moment you enter. As with all the library’s features, it is clear what was Mies’ original design, and what is new and designed by Mecanoo. The lobby also hosts new murals by Nekisha Durrett.
▼从外部望向大厅,View to the lobby from outside© Robert Benson
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▼图书馆大厅,TheGreat Hall©Trent Bell
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▼描绘马丁·路德·金生平的巨幅壁画(安装于 1986 年)©Trent Bell The magnificent mural from 1986 by Don Miller, celebrating Dr King’s life
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▼壁画下方的座位,The bench steps below themural©Trent Bell
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▼从外部望向楼梯,View to the staircase from outside© Robert Benson
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▼从入口过厅望向楼梯,View to the staircase from the entrance hall©Trent Bell
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▼首层公共区域,Public area©Trent Bell
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▼Mecanoo 团队设计的木制扶手楼梯,具有雕塑般的流动感©Trent Bell Mecanoo has introduced two new wood-lined staircases characterized by their sculptural fluidity
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▼自然光从圆形天窗洒落 Natural light falls through circular skylights© Robert Benson
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▼俯瞰楼梯,Aerial view© Robert Benson
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A library that offers laboratories, skills training, community services and more
Mecanoo 的设计使图书馆的地下层首次向公众开放。该楼层包含了多种设施,并提供资源和技能培训。新增设的“Fabrication Lab”提供了配套齐全的实践设备,是一个“可以尽情产生噪音的空间”。对比之下,“Studio Lab”的房间就十分安静,可以进行音乐、舞蹈和瑜伽等活动。
Mecanoo has opened the lower ground floor to library users for the first time. It hosts a wide range of facilities that offer resources and skills training. The new Fabrication Lab is a suite of workshops with hands-on equipment, and as Houben comments, “this is a space where you can make noise!”. In contrast, the Studio Lab’s rooms are quiet, enabling activities such as music, dance and yoga.
▼展览空间,Gallery©Trent Bell
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从二层往上,原先的书架挡住了四面的窗户,现在全部得到了清理,从而使自然光能够深入到建筑内部。在二层,朝向 G 街的窗户一侧设有一个连续的阅读台,是“阅读丝带”(Reading Ribbon)的组成部分——这条“丝带”长 220 米,贯穿了图书馆的多个楼层。
From the second floor upwards, book shelves had previously blocked the windows on all sides. These have been cleared away, allowing natural light deep into the building. On the second floor, a continuous reading counter stretches along the window overlooking G Street. It is part of a 220m (720ft)-long “Reading Ribbon” over multiple floors.
▼阅读室,Reading room©Trent Bell
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▼安静学习空间,Quiet study room©Trent Bell
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The second floor now hosts a colorful new children’s library, divided into three “age zones”, and includes a slide beside one of the staircases. Fun was missing in the old library, but now it’s built in, and the slide even introduces thrill.
▼楼梯和滑梯,The slidebeside one of the staircases©Trent Bell
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▼儿童图书室,Children’s library©Trent Bell
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三层的亮点是“大阅览室”(Grand Reading Room)。在拆除了旧天花板后,单层的空间如今获得了双倍的高度,并从视觉上与四层的阅览室相连接。双层高的天花板上悬挂着 Xenobia Bailey 创作的新装置作品——这位艺术家以其融合传统非洲元素与当代都市美学的创作风格而著称。
On the third floor, the highlight is the Grand Reading Room. Previously just one floor high, removal of a ceiling now gives it double height, visually connecting into the fourth floor reading room above it. A new installation by Xenobia Bailey hangs from the new two-story ceiling, an artist known for her strong traditional African and contemporary urban aesthetics.
▼大阅览室顶部悬挂着 Xenobia Bailey 创作的装置作品,Grand Reading Room, with a new installation by Xenobia Bailey© Robert Benson
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D.C. gains a new auditorium and a public roofgarden
图书馆四层有一个可容纳 291 人的大礼堂,这个双层高的活动空间被暖色调的木制墙面环绕,具有柔和的弧形转角;阶梯式的观众席抬升并连接至全新的第五层空间。礼堂前厅与五层的会议室及活动中心相邻,并开放于一个新的空中花园。
The fourth floor now features a major 291-capacity auditorium. This double-height event space has warm wood-lined walls which curve around the corners, and banked seating which rises into an entirely new fifth floor. There, the auditorium lobby is bordered by conference rooms and an Events Center, which opens into a new sky-garden.
▼礼堂外观,Auditorium©Trent Bell
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▼礼堂内部,Interior view©Trent Bell
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▼阶梯式的观众席,Seating area©Trent Bell
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The new floor is contained within a trapezoid, glazed pavilion, sheltered by a roof cantilevering out around it. Set back from the edges, the pavilion is not visible from the street, from where the building’s profile and geometry look exactly as Mies designed it.
Surrounding the pavilion is new roof garden. Paths crisscrossed between angular planters which bring biodiversity into the heart of Washington. This hidden yet public oasis offers everyone tranquility, proximity to nature and an open sky. “The rooftop was a desert”, comments Houben. “Now it becomes a park for the city”.
▼俯瞰屋顶花园,Aerial view to the new roof garden© Robert Benson
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▼一片隐蔽又开放的公共绿洲,A hidden yet public oasis©Trent Bell
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▼屋顶成为城市中的公园,The rooftop now becomes a park for the city©Trent Bell
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▼夜景,Night view© Robert Benson
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▼建筑原貌,Before renovation©Mecanoo
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▼地下层平面,A Level Floor Plan©Mecanoo
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▼一层平面图,First Floor Plan©Mecanoo
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▼二层平面图,Second FloorPlan©Mecanoo
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▼三层平面图,Third FloorPlan©Mecanoo
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▼四层平面图,Fourth FloorPlan©Mecanoo
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▼五层平面图,Fifth FloorPlan©Mecanoo
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▼屋顶平面图,Roof Plan©Mecanoo
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▼南立面图,South Elevation©Mecanoo
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▼北立面图,North Elevation Elevation©Mecanoo
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▼东立面图,East Elevation©Mecanoo
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▼西立面图,West Elevation©Mecanoo
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▼沿公共区域剖面,Cross Section – Public Areas©Mecanoo
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▼沿楼梯间剖面,Longitudinal Section Staircase©Mecanoo
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Photographs: Trent Bell, Robert Benson
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