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拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group

2022/04/14 09:00:02
Rockwell Group 是一家位于纽约的跨学科建筑和设计公司,近期完成了拉斯维加斯新维珍酒店的室内设计。项目原身是硬石酒店,设计师重新设计了空间的概念,使其焕然一新。Rockwell Group 的任务是设计围绕主赌场的“维珍空间”,包括一个新的汽车入口和名为 The Junction 的入口体验空间,游客入住办理区,the Commons 俱乐部和餐厅,以及一间 Shag Room。Rockwell Group 还在主赌场内额外设计了两间酒吧,并使大堂空间贯穿整座酒店。
Leading New York based interdisciplinary architecture and design firm Rockwell Group has unveiled their design of the interiors of the new Virgin Hotel in Las Vegas, a re-conceptualized and revitalized property in the former Hard Rock Hotel. Rockwell Group was appointed to design the ‘Virgin Spaces’ that surround the main casino, including a new porte cochère and entry experience – The Junction – as well as a check-in area for guests, the Commons Club and the Commons Club Restaurant and the Shag Room. Rockwell Group also designed two additional bars within the main casino and transformed the lobbies throughout the hotel.
▼酒店外观,external view of the hotel
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-4
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店距离标志性的拉斯维加斯大道有数英里距离。为了突显这片分离的区域,Rockwell Group 计划创造一个奢华的目的地,并以纯粹而富有雕塑感的形式融入周边的沙漠地形之中。酒店中的公共空间参考沙漠现代主义风格,设置大量玻璃幕墙和室外露台,尽可能模糊室内外界限。
Virgin Hotel Las Vegas is situated a few miles away from the iconic Strip, and Rockwell Group chose to accentuate this separation by creating a luxury destination that taps into the wider context of the desert landscape with pure forms and sculptural moments. The public spaces within the hotel reference desert modernism and, wherever possible, blur the lines between indoors and out, with glazing and an outdoor terrace.
overall view of the interior space, glazings blur the lines between indoors and out
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-10
Rockwell Group 希望将游客带入一场位于沙漠高速上的冒险,途中散步这自然奇观。这一想法清晰地表达了对拉斯维加斯及其周边沙漠景观的尊重。项目使用中性的自然材料,包括石板地面和带有“维珍红”的夯土墙面,玛瑙石以及绿植。设计最终呈现了一系列包容的休息和就餐空间,邀请顾客徘徊、探索。
Rockwell Group envisioned taking guests on an adventure along a desert highway, spotted with natural wonders and follies – a clear homage to the city of Las Vegas and its surrounding desert landscape. The neutral, natural material palette includes flagstone flooring and rammed earth walls with pops of Virgin’s signature red, agate stones, and greenery. The result is an inclusive series of lounge and dining spaces that invite guests to linger and explore.
▼入口空间,entrance space
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-15
A new entrance welcomes guests with monumental, rammed earth walls, a cactus garden planted in a dune-like setting, and a striking geometric breezeblock wall. The dramatic centerpiece of the porte-cochère is an angular canopy clad in reflective gold metal, while red tiles frame the entry portal, signifying the Virgin brand and contrasting with the neutral rammed earth that surrounds it.
canopy and sculptural wall
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-21
The Junction 由主大厅、集会和休息空间组成,表明拉斯维加斯维珍酒店脱离额原本的维加斯模式,帮助游客给自己定位。以胶合板制成的带镶板的吊顶连绵起伏,贯穿整个空间,形成了一种令人印象深刻的雕塑氛围,中间穿插的光井在夜晚闪闪发光。
The Junction – the main lobby, gathering, and lounge space – announces Virgin Las Vegas’s departure from the Vegas norm and helps guests orientate themselves. A plywood, coffered, hung ceiling undulates throughout the space creating an impressive sculptural setting with light wells that glow at night.
▼入口通道,entrance hallway
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-26
▼与赌场相连的大厅,lobby near the casino
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-29
▼起伏的木制天花和丰富的座位,undulating wooden ceiling and various seating areas
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-32
Rockwell Group 在 the Junction 区域边设置了一个更加私密的空间,名为和谐大厅,包含贵宾入住区和酒吧。木质屏风前摆放了一张长长的公共图书馆桌,设有唱机和耳机,邀请游客在此停留。所有空间被中部覆以镜面的拱形天花整合在一起,亚克力吊灯仿佛漂浮在空中。
Alongside the Junction, Rockwell Group has designed a more private space – the Harmony Lobby, which houses a VIP check-in and a bar. A long communal library table in front of a fluted wooden screen features a record player and earphones, inviting guests to linger, surrounded by a central mirror-clad ceiling cove that unites all the spaces and features acrylic chandeliers that seem to float above.
▼贵宾入住区,VIP check-in
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-37
long table, wooden screens and acrylic chandeliers as if floating
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-41
The Commons 俱乐部从大厅延伸而出,休闲的就餐区围绕吧台布置,与开阔的室外露台相连。圆形吧台坐落在雕塑式的拱顶下,直径六米的天窗让阳光散射入空间。吧台正面使用彩色碎玻璃,以夯土为灵感;后部矗立着一座由成角的镜面板组成的圆塔,如同龟裂的土地,将一块发光的水晶围绕在中间。环绕吧台后的弧形金属屏风上装饰有玛瑙石,创造出一种亲密的氛围。
Extending from the lobby, the Commons Club features a bar surrounded by a casual dining area that spills out onto an expansive terrace. The circular bar sits under a sculptural dome that terminates in a 20-foot diameter skylight with a diffused pattern. The bar die is composed of crushed, coloured glass inspired by rammed earth, while the back bar features a circular, sculptural tower composed of angular, mirrored panels that surround a glowing crystal centre inspired by cracked earth. Curved metal screens embellished with agates surround the back bar and create a sense of intimacy.
▼拱顶下的圆形吧台,circular bar under the dome
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-46
▼吧台和座位区,bar and the surrounding seating areas
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-49
紧靠 the Commons 俱乐部的是同名的餐厅,空间中央的长椅采用浅色木制框架,上方为凹陷的软木天花和吊灯。餐桌出乎意料地由木条水磨石制成,位于餐厅边缘的座椅设置在壁龛内,配以艺术装饰和煤渣块制成的细部。
Sitting next to the Commons Club, its namesake restaurant features central banquette seating framed in light-coloured wood that sits under a recessed cork ceiling and pendant lights. Dining tables are made of an unexpected wood chip terrazzo and the seating niches at the perimeter of the restaurant feature art and breezeblock detailing.
seatings at the perimeter of the restaurant and wood chip terrazzo tables
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-55
Shag Room 是一间休闲而奢华的酒吧兼休息室,人们可以通过一个照相亭进入。空间中设有紫红色的长毛绒座椅和长椅,地面铺设长毛地毯,中部是一个下沉的交谈区。波斯地毯从天花垂下,主吧台便隐藏在这片富有戏剧性的幕布后方。
The Shag Room, a casual yet sumptuous bar and lounge, is accessed through a speakeasy photobooth entrance and features plush soft seating and banquettes in shades of purple and red upholstery with shag carpet surrounding a conversation pit. Swooping Persian carpets hang from the ceiling, and the main bar is hidden behind dramatic drapery.
▼铺满地毯的休息室,lounge paved with carpets
©Nikolas Koenig
拉斯维加斯维珍酒店室内设计丨美国拉斯维加斯丨Rockwell Group-60
▼私密的空间,private space
©Nikolas Koenig
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此外,Rockwell Group 还介入到了赌场区地面和天花的景观设计中,设置了一块红色的地毯,模仿沙丘的弧形轨迹,保证酒店和赌场之间设计风格的连续性。
维加斯维珍酒店的客房分布在三栋独具特色的塔楼中,分别名为蛋白石、峡谷和红宝石,其中红宝石内均为套间。这些塔楼由拉斯维加斯本地事务所 Studio Collective 设计。2015 年,Rockwell Group 设计了 Richard Branson 在芝加哥的第一家维珍酒店,参与发展了维珍标志性的玩乐精神。
Elsewhere in the hotel, Rockwell Group has made interventions to the floor and ceiling landscapes in the casino area, with a red carpet design that mimics curving tracks in the sand dunes and ensures design continuity throughout the hotel and the casino. The guest rooms at Virgin Vegas are spread over three distinctive towers – Opal, Canyon and the all-suite Ruby Tower – and were designed by Los-Angeles based Studio Collective. Rockwell Group has been developing Virgin’s signature playful spirit since 2015, when the firm designed Richard Branson’s first Virgin Hotel in Chicago in 2015.
▼通往赌场的走道,corridor connecting to the casino
©Nikolas Koenig
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