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雕塑般的空间设计丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Jean Verville

2022/04/17 18:00:00
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Jean Verville
Jean Verville的建筑实践基于实验和探索。在他的每一个项目中——住宅或商业,装置或透视——他想象建筑类似于雕塑。他在一个几乎无形的现实中变换线条和体积,将使用者投射到草图中。他的建筑以一种强烈的物质性呈现出雕塑般的体量,增强了它们的表现力。他的注意力完全集中在使用简单手段的独特建筑上。
Jean Verville’s architectural practice is based on experimentation and exploration. In each of his projects – residential or commercial, installation or scenography – he imagines architecture as akin to sculpture. He transposes lines and volumes in an almost immaterial reality, projecting the user into the sketch. His structures present sculptural volumes with a strong materiality that amplifies their expressiveness. His attention is fully focused on unique architecture using simple means.
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架构系统的开发需要用户仔细检查他们的习惯,并对与他们的日常生活相关的需求提出疑问。在这个合作创作的过程中,Mathieu和Benjamin采用了Jean Verville建筑师工作室的有趣方法,以热情、幽默和敏感来明确项目的特征。
Focusing as much on compactness as on organizational interrelationships, the development of the architectural system requires its users to scrutinize their habits, and question the needs related to their daily life. In this process of collaborative creation, Mathieu and Benjamin adopt the playful approach of Studio Jean Verville architects with enthusiasm, humor, and sensitivity in order to specify the character identity of the project.
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