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标志性的中世纪现代洛杉矶住宅丨John Lautner

2022/02/01 14:22:32
1961年,John Lautner为室内设计师兼音乐会钢琴家Marco Wolff设计了西好莱坞住宅。住宅一开始,就在一片几乎是垂直的、崎岖不平的土地,这造就了西海岸上世纪中期现代住宅建筑的巅峰。有了这个家,Lautner更倾向于自然的原始状态,彻底改变了先入为主的家庭生活观念。在树林中,这是对人类曾经生活方式的大胆陈述;在岩石中,在山顶上栖息,建筑师在上面印了他的痕迹。
In 1961, John Lautner designed the West Hollywood house for interior designer and concert pianist Marco Wolff. The house began on an almost vertical, rugged plot of land that made the West Coast the pinnacle of modern residential architecture in the middle of the last century. With this home, Lautner prefers the primitive state of nature, completely changing his preconceived notions of family life. In the woods, it's a bold statement about the way humans once lived; In the rocks, perched on the hilltops, the architect has stamped his mark on them.
Iconic Midcentury-Modern L.A. Hom是一座四层楼的住宅,位于西好莱坞的一片绿树成荫的飞地中,面积达9785平方英尺。从街上走近它,就像走近一块岩石的表面。现在这栋建筑被Rønning和Hearst Rønning买下。他们邀请了建筑师兼室内设计师Clive Wilkinson来帮助重现住宅昔日的辉煌。
Iconic Midcentury-Modern L.A. Hom is a four-story home with 9,785 square feet in a leafy enclave in West Hollywood. Approaching it from the street is like approaching the face of a rock. The building has now been bought by Rønning and Hearst Rønning. They enlisted architect and interior designer Clive Wilkinson to help recreate the home's former glory.
Lautner has a philosophy when building houses, which he calls grammar, that contributes to the whole concept of space. And once an architect has formed such an idea, he carries it out ruthlessly. For Rønning, as a filmmaker, Lautner has inspired him a lot. Because when he saw the house, he saw that Lautner did not compromise on even the smallest details.
Rønning is not alone in his fascination with the era's design. From the start, Wilkinson did not want to leave any sort of imprint on the house, and he saw it as his job to clarify Lautner's original design. It's not about Wilkinson's own design, it's about bringing an extraordinary piece back to what it should be. This also involves making some additions to the home without compromising the architectural integrity of the home. For example, an extra bedroom was added through an old utility room, as well as a small wine cellar and home gym.
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