

▼视频,Video ©Mihail Vinokurov
由Doriana和Massimiliano Fuksas领导设计的俄罗斯新建格连吉克机场在短短一年半时间内完工,并将全面投入运营。该项目在2018年赢得了机场的设计竞赛,它是一场对机场建筑全新模式的重要设计实验,充分强调建筑与其周边景观的连续性,注重用户的旅行体验。新机场将俄罗斯著名的黑海度假城市之一——格连吉克,与许多俄罗斯境内重要城市相连,包括莫斯科、圣彼得堡、喀山和叶卡捷琳堡。
The new Gelendzhik Airport in Russia, designed by Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas, was completed in just one and a half years and will be fully operational. The project is the result of a competition won back in 2018. It represents essential experimentation for a new model of airport architecture, thanks to the design of a building in continuous relationship with its surrounding landscape, which emphasizes the users’ travel experience. The new airport connects Gelendzhik, one of the most renowned Black Sea Resort Cities, with many domestic destinations, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, and Yekaterinburg.
▼项目鸟瞰,Birdview ©Fuksas
The project is inspired by the flight of birds, the sea, and the wind. Its organic forms reproduce the moment when a bird suddenly changes direction during its flight: the capture of a dynamic and unpredictable movement translated into a poetic architecture. The reference to the natural elements of the territory is found throughout the design of the building, which represents, for its uniqueness, a natural landmark for the city and an example of contemporary architectural experimentation.
▼建筑外观-灵感来自鸟类的飞行、大海和风,Building exterior – inspired by the flight of birds, the sea, and the wind ©Fuksas
▼场地俯瞰,Top view of the site ©Fuksas
该建筑仅靠九根内部柱子和四根外部网状柱子支撑,这些柱子除了发挥其结构功能外,还成为一种外光主义的雕塑元素。屋顶是由2,500多个钢球和大约12,000个条形元件组成的三维结构,上面覆盖着白色三角形复合板。该建筑的屋顶面积为 14,500 平方米,在景观中以一种充满活力和强大的形式脱颖而出。所有机场功能都位于内部展馆内,以香槟色阳极氧化铝包裹。玻璃幕墙由极其透明和节能的双层玻璃面板组成,与工程系统一起保证高水平的内部热舒适度。玻璃的透明度提供了室内外空间的连续性,让旅行者在景观中获得身临其境的体验。
The building stands on only nine internal columns and four external reticular pillars that become en Plein air sculptural elements beyond performing their structural function. The roof comprises a three-dimensional structure of more than 2,500 steel spheres and about 12,000 bar elements covered with white triangular composite panels. With a roof area of 14,500 square meters, the building stands out as a dynamic and powerful form in the landscape. All airport functions are located inside the interior pavilions, clad in champagne-colored anodized aluminum. The glass façade is composed of highly transparent and energy performative double-glazed panels that guarantee, together with the plant engineering system, high levels of internal thermal comfort. The transparency of the glass provides for a continuous relationship between inside and outside, allowing the traveler an immersive experience in the landscape.
▼外部网状柱子支撑建筑,External reticular pillars support the building ©Fuksas
▼航站楼外立面,Facade ©Fuksas
▼落客区,Drop-off area ©Fuksas
▼玻璃幕墙由极其透明和节能的双层玻璃面板组成,The glass facade is composed of highly transparent and energy performative double-glazed panels ©Fuksas
▼柱子与玻璃近景,Closer view of the pillar and glass ©Fuksas
The false ceiling has been realized through parametric design and represents one of the most characterizing elements of the interior. The design was generated through algorithms, and it is enriched by a dynamic integrated lighting system. The aluminum triangles of the ceiling reproduce the inside the main scenarios of the sky during the day and night, automatically changing color during the 24 hours. Travelers are overlooked by a dynamic sky, with its changes and the shape that seems modeled by the wind and rippled by the sea’s waves.
▼室内概览,Overall view of the interior ©Fuksas
▼天花板吊顶,The false ceiling ©Fuksas
The entire building has been designed to ensure maximum interior comfort, thanks to an automatic centralized system that monitors fire protection, lighting, air conditioning and heating, and air circulation. Thanks to sensors installed both inside and outside the building, the entire system will facilitate the management and control of the terminal and ensure savings of about 30% of regular electricity and water consumption. Same as Shenzhen Bao’An International Airport, Studio Fuksas’ project also included the interior design, unique furniture design, wayfinding system, and exterior landscaping and parking areas design. The furnishings are positioned in the areas of internet point, check-in, security control, gates, passport control, and baggage claim. Their unique design follows geometric lines multiplying, even in the pattern of the luminous triangles of the ceiling cladding.
▼值机区域,Check-in area ©Fuksas
▼安检区域,Security control area ©Fuksas
▼登机口,Gates ©Fuksas
▼行李提取区域,Baggage claim area ©Fuksas
▼等候区家具配置,Furnishings in the waiting area ©Fuksas
The design for the external green areas preserves without hiding the typical rocky landscape of Gelendzhik. The landscape is left in an almost uncontaminated form, constantly remembering the typical configuration of the territory. A 1-hectare park on the forecourt of the new terminal will be implemented, with the introduction of about 6000 local trees and shrubs. The area will be divided into several areas connected by pedestrian and bicycle paths, and the parking area will be provided with bicycles and scooters, private parking areas, and charging stations for electric vehicles.
▼夕阳下的航站楼,The terminal at sunset ©Fuksas
The new terminal of Gelendzhik Airport is one of the largest seismically isolated structures in the Krasnodar territory: the external pillars are equipped with 90 different support devices able to withstand an earthquake of up to 8 degrees.
▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,First floor plan
▼天花平面图,Ceiling plan