

NO.1 疯子 Nuts
People who take natural wine as their career are normally a bit "crazy". They will spend the day and night on the field with the grapes because of their enthusiasm. They will also research various ancient papers to discover the secret behind the wilderness, and experiment with more naturally original brewing techniques. This group of “nuts” are distinctive and ambitious, their beliefs turn to the courage to be unafraid of the temporal perspective.
酒疯子(Wine Nuts)由几位 90 后女孩创立。她们迷恋自然发酵,迷恋万物自然生长,是一群怀着对脚下这片土地的热爱与崇敬,固执的喜欢纯粹真实和食物的“疯子们”。
"Wine Nuts" is found by some girls born after the 1990s. They are fond of the process of wild fermentation; the vitality of things on the ground. They are a group of “nuts” who love and reverence our lands and they are tenaciously besotted with the pure original food from these lands.
#神秘 #自然 #力量
#mysterious #natural #strength
The idea of "original", and "natural" become the keywords during the beginning communication with the clients, from their concept of the brand and their thinking of natural wine.
Stonehenge stands in the Salisbury Plain, southwest of London. Huge stones standing there on the green, mysterious and full of power, the most original and natural space.
巨石阵 | Stonehenge
设计草图 | Sketch
Several big stones happen in the space as big columns, at the same time as dividing space, these columns become the thing which makes people feel safe and reliable.
Day View Exterior
The skin of the stones was crafted abstract through texture which demonstrates a sense of original roughness and strength. The combination of the skin and psychedelic, ambiguous lighting creates a mysterious and relaxed drinking atmosphere.
Interior View
Not to make fake stones look similar to the real ones, we choose to make them look more abstract that only reflects the feeling of the original by the man-made slot cut crafted. After the craftsmanship of the slot cut experiment with various cement humidity and gap density, the slot was finished under the natural site condition to try to avoid more human intervention.
拉槽细节 Slot Cut Detail
主入口竖卧了一座长 5 米高 2.3 米的巨石,直接穿透玻璃进入室内,让人们徘徊于真实的自然和抽象的自然之间。透过不同的形式去体会相似的气质,这也是给予来感受自然酒魅力的“酒疯子们”的最高仪式。
A huge stone, long 5 meters and high 2.3 meters, lay on the main entry which passes through the glass into the interior. It illustrates a sense of wandering between the real and abstract nature through the diverse forms to experience the similar temperament. It is also the highest formality that is given to the “wine nuts” who come for celebrates the natural wine charm.
巨石细节 |Stone View巨石阵中通往石柱的古道和夏至日早晨初升的太阳在同一条线上,其中另外两块石头的连线指向冬至日落方向,石头的方位与时间的变化相呼应,产生空间与时间的关联。
The ancient path leading to the stone columns in Stonehenge is aligned with the rising sun on the morning of the summer solstice. The line between the other two stones points in the direction of sunset on the winter solstice. The position of the stones corresponds to the changing time, producing the correlation between space and time.
Except for the natural growth process from a seedling to a bunch of grapes, then a bottle of wine, it takes enough patience to wait. The changing moon plates were designed to illustrate the naturally passing time on the door head which represents such a process of the natural wine production cycle.
The light with shadow shuttle through the screen board under the night. Each moon has its own unique style under various lights.
Moon LightNO.3 酒窖 Wine Cellar
Creativity and design are reflected on the natural wine label. Each bottle has an unpredictable flavour, and consequently, the traditional way to order the glasses with the name is not suitable for “wine nuts”. Accordingly, the walk-in wine cellar is designed for the customers to experience an immersive wine selection.
A wooden wine rack with glass constitutes the wine cellar, when walk-in the area, the depth of space will produce the feeling of being encapsulated.
步入式酒窖 Walk-in Wine Cellar 沉沉夜幕,十二轮月亮灯亮起,巍峨巨石在灯下渲染出神秘布景,粗粝却不粗糙的墙柱像某种古老的阵法,你置身其中,如同一脚踏进了远古世界。
Deep dark night, 12 Moon Lights glow. The moonlight pass on the surface of the enormous stone that illustrates a sense of mystery, an ancient formation with rough but not coarse wall& column. It’s like stepping into the other ancient world.
Wine Nuts 平面图 | Wine Nuts Plan
Wine Nuts 立面图 |Wine Nuts Elevation
Wine Nuts 剖面图 |Wine Nuts Section
重庆未韬建筑设计事务所 | WT ARCHITECTS
事务所成立于 2017 年,以建筑设计为主业,同时参与项目策划、总体规划、景观设计及室内设计。团队核心成员均拥有海外留学背景及国内外工作经验,兼具国际化视野及本地落地实操能力。重点关注文化类、旅游类、建筑改造及城市更新类、商业零售空间类项目。常年关注当代艺术的设计团队以原创精神作为设计的基准态度,将极强的审美和艺术性与设计工作结合起来,同时作为重庆本地为数不多使用 BIM 技术进行正向设计工作的团队。对于项目设计质量、工程落地有极高的要求和把控,脚踏实地。在重庆行业内有一定的知名度和较好的口碑。
设计研究范围 | Range of Interests
贰厂国际文创园 TESTBED2(aLL Design 期间作为项目负责人参与)、南之山古腾堡星汉书店、重庆工业博物馆奶酪商店、重庆大数据展厅 C 馆 MK SPACE、未言律师事务所、江小白的一亩三分地、东村文创园、金紫山文创园、李子坝梁山鸡公园店/金沙天街店、受气牛肉觉园店、洱源元汤温泉民宿、李雪芮羽毛球馆、江小白社区总部、七层线文创园、三层马路首开区、万顺温泉小镇概念规划、小重楼餐酒吧、日本民宿酒店、石门渡创意街区、Wine Nuts 酒疯子餐酒吧、南坪后堡社区改造等。
TEDx“演讲白纸之上,空间之下”;501 马贡多青年艺术家群展;DESIGN ECOLOGIES 杂志;英国皇家美术学院夏季展;建筑之外全国巡展;时尚渝中人物专访;靶点视频人物专访;重庆电视台贰厂项目专访;《DOMUS》杂志文章发表;奶酪商店的一夜交流展览;《渝中电创园贰厂专刊》专访;重庆大学《重庆建筑》杂志专访;《建卒》杂志专访;《重庆与世界》专访;重庆电视台《这里是重庆》采访;本土原乡 9X9 联展;西南独立建筑师跨界联展;《中国当代青年建筑师》专题访谈;《中国建筑装饰装修》专刊;《TOP 装潢世界》专刊;广州设计周走进先锋事务所人物访谈;受邀参加设计重庆双年展青年建筑师联展、建筑档案城市记录者人物专访......