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迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design

2022/05/12 17:50:44
建于1927年的一座建筑,是艺术家的文化中心,以前被称为Spanish村,位于迈阿密海滩的步行广场Española Way。在那里,有一家由纽约工作室Jessica Schuster设计的酒店Esme Hotel。饱和的色调,地中海的图案和有年代感的家具在装修后的精品酒店中随处可见。
Built in 1927, a cultural center for artists, formerly known as Spanish Village, is located on Espanola Way, a pedestrian plaza in Miami Beach. There is the Esme Hotel, designed by New York studio Jessica Schuster. Saturated hues, Mediterranean motifs and vintage furniture abound in the renovated boutique hotel.
Jessica Schuster Design与活动策划和设计公司Infinity Hospitality Group,对酒店进行了改造,让其拥有145间客房。Española Way的建筑类似于西班牙和法国的地中海村庄。Schuster将当地丰富的建筑历史作为室内设计的起点。
Jessica Schuster Design, in collaboration with event planning and Design firm Infinity Hospitality Group, transformed the hotel to include 145 rooms. The architecture of Espanola Way resembles Mediterranean villages in Spain and France. Schuster used the area's rich architectural history as a starting point for his interior design.
Jessica Schuster想在迈阿密历史悠久的Española Way旁边创造一种波西米亚宏伟的艺术拼贴。当客人到达大厅时,便会看到豪华的天鹅绒地板和铺有织物的长凳,让人想起南欧国家常见的有图案的瓷砖。柳条罐里的植物增添了酒店的波西米亚主题。
Jessica Schuster wanted to create a magnificent Bohemian art collage next to Miami's historic Espanola Way. When guests arrive in the lobby, they are greeted with plush velvet floors and fabric-covered benches, reminiscent of the patterned tiles common in southern European countries. Wicker pot plants add to the hotel's Bohemian theme.
Jessica Schuster想创造一些与迈阿密南海滩的地中海文化相呼应的东西。这是通过使用充满活力的颜色、有趣的纹理和细节来实现的,而这些同时都保持了酒店最初设计的历史面貌。经过大堂后,游客可以在酒店内的鸡尾酒吧El Salón品尝鸡尾酒或拉丁风味菜肴。
Jessica Schuster wanted to create something that echoed the Mediterranean culture of Miami South Beach. This is achieved through the use of vibrant colours, interesting textures and details, all while maintaining the historic look of the hotel's original design. After passing the lobby, visitors can sample cocktails or Latin dishes at El Salon, the hotel's in-house cocktail bar.
Schuster worked closely with the Miami Historic Preservation Commission to replicate some elements of the original building. The studio also used materials such as limestone, travertine and gypsum, which are prominent in Miami's Mediterranean Revival design. Because it is a historic building, the studio worked hard to restore the integrity of south Beach's unique original design.
The hotel's upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms continue the art Deco aesthetic. Many rooms feature a rose and emerald color scheme, paired with gold and vibrant collision patterns that create eye-catching finishes for floors and walls. On the roof is a vintage bar and a swimming pool with a ruffled red awning and pinstriped seats.
迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-15
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迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-22
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迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-24
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迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-27
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迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-30
迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-31
迈阿密 Esme 酒店丨美国迈阿密丨Jessica Schuster Design-32
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