树中之树雕塑丨英国伦敦丨Heatherwick Studio

2022/06/06 10:41:58
6月2日星期四晚,树中之树(Tree of Trees)在白金汉宫的特别仪式上点亮,以庆祝英国女王登基70周年的庆典。
The Tree of Trees was illuminated during a special ceremony at Buckingham Palace on the evening of Thursday 2nd June in honour of Her Majesty the Queen.
▼整体鸟瞰,Aerial view of the project
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▼位于白金汉宫前的树中之树,The Tree of Trees in front of Buckingham Palace
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这座雕塑由Heatherwick Studio设计,属于女王绿色树冠(Queen’s Green Canopy)植树计划所引导的全国社区运动,旨在种植更多树木并激励下一代种植者。雕塑高21米,采用回收钢材制成。350棵英国本土树苗栽种在沿着80根枝干旋转排列的铝盆中。整体由来自克利夫兰和伊利到哈利法克斯、波特斯莱德和伦敦的焊工、设计师、制造商和树艺师组成的团队建造而成。
Designed by Heatherwick Studio, the sculpture is one part of a national community campaign to plant more trees and inspire the next generation of tree planters, led by the Queen’s Green Canopy. The sculpture stands 21 metres high, made of reclaimed surplus steel. 350 British grown saplings rest in spun aluminium pots set along its 80 branches. It has been created by a team of welders, designers, fabricators and arborists from Cleveland and Ely to Halifax, Portslade and London.
The sculpture stands 21 metres high, made of reclaimed surplus steel.
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350 British grown saplings rest in spun aluminium pots set along its 80 branches.
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设计师Thomas Heatherwick说:“Tree of Trees集中体现了难以置信的社区活动,该活动已经种植了超过一百万棵树苗,庆祝了民族团结的时刻。在英国的城镇中,我们需要拥有更多树木及自然。而设计师和城市管理者的任务就是发挥创造力和想象力,来实现这一目标。”
“The Tree of Trees is here to highlight an incredible community campaign that’s already planted more than a million saplings and celebrate a moment of national togetherness. We all know we need more trees and nature in Britain’s towns and cities. Our job as designers and all the other people who make and manage cities is to apply our creative energy and imagination to the task of making that happen.” said Designer Thomas Heatherwick
▼树中之树与社区,The Tree of Trees and community
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After the Jubilee, the saplings will be taken to a nursery in Cambridgeshire and cared for in 20 litre pots until the planting season begins this October. They include nine different species so that the right tree can be planted in the right place. Each one will then be gifted to community groups to celebrate their work, help green our cities and renew the countryside.
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树中之树雕塑丨英国伦敦丨Heatherwick Studio-24
A million trees have already been planted through the Queens Green Canopy, nurturing a legacy to honour Her Majesty the Queen.
▼施工视频,Construction video
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