The project is an interior design of Origami-Engineering Laboratory at Faculty of Design, Kyushu University. A newly developed “origami-type” aluminum honeycomb panel was utilized to create “fusuma” (Japanese style sliding door) to enclose a small digital fabrication workshop.
▼项目概览,overall of the project
Origami honeycomb panel is made of an aluminum sheet with periodic slits and folded lines. When this sheet is folded, a three-dimensional honeycomb shape is created. Compared to the conventional expanded honeycomb, this origami honeycomb is more precise and therefore have the potential to be exposed. Furthermore, by adjusting the geometry of origami, it is possible to create complex shapes such as an oblique, tapered, or curved panel.
▼阖门完全关闭效果,full closed state
▼阖门打开效果,opening state
在本项目中,设计师采用了倾斜的蜂窝板,在这种类型的面板中蜂窝隔板与面板表面呈45度倾角。蜂窝芯的表面材料则采用了具有高透明度、耐候性的新型膜材料 —— ECTFE膜。因此,整个“折纸型”蜂窝板制成的“阖门”重量很轻,每扇门只有4.5公斤,形态方面则采用了与日本阖门一致的简单细节。
For Paper Lab, we utilized the oblique honeycomb panels, whose cell dividers incline at 45 degrees to the panel surface. ECTFE film was experimentally used as the face material for the honeycomb cores. It is a new membrane material with high transparency and weather resistance. The honeycomb “fusuma” is lightweight, weighing only 4.5 kg each, and uses the same simple details as Japanese fusuma.
▼“折纸型”蜂窝板能够产生复杂的视觉效果,”Origami” honeycomb panels can produce complex visual effects
▼面板的透明度会随着观察角度的变化而变化,the transparency of the panel changes with the viewing Angle
▼蜂窝构造创造出独特的多影像视觉效果,the honeycomb structure creates a unique multi-image visual effect
▼材料细部,material details
Combining oblique honeycomb panels and highly transparent membrane, this “fusuma” sliding panels produce complex visual effects; reflective, transmissive, and shielding effects in a thickness of only 25 mm. Its transparency change depending on the viewing angle. They are opaque when viewed from the front, but they appear to be transparent when viewed from an oblique angle. The reflection in the honeycomb cell created a unique visual effect of multiple images.
▼夜间透光效果,night views
▼轴测图,axonometric diagram
Location: Fukuoka, Japan
Status: Built in 03.2020
Program: Laboratory
Designer: Masaaki Iwamoto Laboratory, Kyushu University + ICADA
Designers in charge: Masaaki Iwamoto, Shoichi Nakamoto
Origami Engineer: Kazuya Saito
Contractor: ZOOM
Origami panel manufacturer: Shiroyama Industry Company, Taiyo Kogyo
GFA: 51.09m2
Photographer: Yashiro Photo Office