

▼项目概览,general view
▼金属花朵在阳光下闪闪发光,metal flowers
Art and Science are inspired by nature. One of the most iconic characteristics of the densest city in the world, Hong Kong, is her abundant natural landscape and hilly topography. The piece borrows HK mountain ranges and translates nature through science into a field of artificial flowers. It is a spectacle of nature interpreted through science by using heat and temperature to create flowers of different colors of metal oxidation. The colors shift and change as the audience circulate and view it at different angles resembling the endless cycle of nature.
▼装置与高楼,the installation and tall buildings
▼装置与树林,the installation and woods
At night, the entire installation is lit by a layer of glowing pebbles which resembles the hidden lives in nature at night that deserve our attention. Throughout the display period, the artificial flowers would slowly wither upon autumn through rusting due to the exposure to air and water, which is also part of the designed natural and scientific mechanism.
▼不同颜色的氧化金属花朵,flowers of different colors of metal oxidation
▼夜景,night view
Napp Studio & Architects由曾伟俊和何鸿礼于2016年创立。他们视设计为一门既简约又能达到实际用途的媒介。通过设计抽丝剥茧,挑选及发挥设计的重点与长处;亦追求在简洁别致的设计中发掘出美的存在。 Napp Studio & Architects在空间和物体之间,跨越不同规模和范畴, 包括建筑、室内、展览、家具和产品。作品荣获多项本地和国际奖项,包括台北设计奖金奖,金点设计奖,Perspective 40 under 40及香港青年设计才俊奖;作品亦曾在多个展览中展出,例如: 国际威尼斯建筑双年展、SPARK The Science and Art of Creativity、深港城市/建筑双城双年展。
Napp Studio & Architects was founded by Aron TSANG and Wesley HO in 2016. They explore design as a minimal yet effective intervention in dialogue with the needs of its users and context. Through filtering and accentuating the essential in design, they find beauty in simple and clear intentions. Napp Studio & Architects is a design office that works across scales and disciplines between space and object from architecture, interior, exhibition to furniture and product. The practice has won multiple local and international awards including Gold Award in Taipei International Design Award, Golden Pin Award, Perspectives 40 under 40, and Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award.
Date: June 2022
Location: Tamar Park, Hong Kong
Design Team: Aron TSANG, Eryn KAM, Frida LAW, Natalie KO, Wesley HO
Fabricator: Hattrick Creative, Kam Hung Metal Engrave
Client: Art Promotion Office
Photographer: Jimmy HO
Status: Completed
Project link: