

The House of the Cathedral refers to the former chancery house in the city center of Dresden Old Town – in immediate vicinity of the Stallhof (Stable Yard) and Residenzschloss (former Royal Palace). The buildinglocated in the now listed “cultural-historical center” has been reconstructed in 1997 – as one of the first buildings after the reunification.
The House of the Cathedral combines various uses such as the bishop’s residence and the administration of the Bishopric of Dresden-Meissen, apartments and guest residences, parish and youth rooms of the Cathedral as well as various rooms for public event.
教堂庭院,the courtyard
▼楼梯通向二层室外走廊,stairs leading to the second floor
In seven partial construction measures, the uses were reorganized and expanded during ongoing operations in favor of a hybrid coexistence of public, semi-public and private units.
▼室外走廊形成灰空间,space under the outdoor corridor
In addition to this reorganization, the room layouts of the event spaces were redesigned, a chapel was located in the core of the building as the new center and a dark hallway was upgraded as the new library and informal meeting place. The courtyard was redesigned as a semi-public, urban distribution and event space with all ground-level usages opening up to its walkway. The former vehicle access now serves as the new main entrance and thus aligns the House of the Cathedral with the public of the bustling Schlossstrasse.
▼街道一侧的入口,entrance on the street
In its orientation and the juxtaposition of different functions, the House of the Cathedral is a unifying locus.
入口楼梯,stairs at the entrance
▼活动大厅,event hall
▼大厅一角,a corner of the event hall
报告厅,conference room
▼看向讲台,view of the stage
The implementation of the building task, the reorganization and unrestricted simultaneity of the uses, the opening and orientation of the house towards the City Center as well as the creation of a barrier-free access strengthen this togetherness – which was also a central theme for the building owners from the beginning. The coexistence of the hybrid uses and the different age groups in the house was addressed, as was the coexistence of existing and new elements.
电梯厅,elevation hall
▼改造后明亮的公共走廊,bright corridor after renovation
▼公共走廊看小礼拜堂,view of the small chapel from the public space
▼礼拜堂,view in the chapel
▼看向中央祭坛,view of the central altar
Thus, the building was not completely overhauled, but rather, in the spirit of sustainability and resource conservation, the existing structure was reused and continued to be used, while new elements were implemented selectively, thereby enhancing the existing structure.
▼活动室,public room
▼地下平面,basement floor
▼首层平面,the ground floor
▼二层平面,the first floor plan
▼三层平面,the second floor plan
Project Name: Haus der Kathedrale (House of the Cathedral)Office Name: Alexander Poetzsch ArchitektenOffice
Social Media Accounts:kontakt@alexanderpoetzsch.de
Firm Location: Dresden (GER)Completion Year: 2021
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 3027 m2
Project Location: Dresden (GER)Program / Use / Building Function: bishop’s residence, administration of the Bishopric of Dresden-Meissen, apartments and guest residences, parish and youth rooms of the Cathedral, public event spaces
Lead Architects: Alexander Poetzsch, Ina Greifenhagen, Burkhard Schoebl
Lead Architects e-mail: hdk@alexanderpoetzsch.de
Photo Credits: Brigida González
Photographer’s Website:Photographer’s e-mail: mail@brigidagonzalez.de