

Project Statement
重庆,因长江而立 ,随川流不息。上世纪城市飞速发展的需求,导致滨江沿线的自然和生活逐步让位于灰色基础设施建设,人、城、河渐行渐远。
The rapid expansion of the city (ChongQing) causes social and environmental problems, such as the nature and life along the riverside gradually giving way to the construction of gray infrastructure, and people, cities and rivers are gradually moving away.
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view to the site
2018 年,重庆市政府启动了主城区“两江四岸”治理提升工作,要求立足“百年大计、时代精品”的宗旨,把“两江四岸”作为主城区城市发展“主轴”,打造成为“山水之城·美丽之地”城市品牌的典范。
中冶赛迪发挥多学科多专业配置的技术优势,以设计牵头的 EPC 总承包模式承建重庆主城区“两江四岸”十大公共空间之一的珊瑚公园片区,以“川流-穿留”为设计理念,释放滨江空间,助推城市品质提升,让重庆长滨焕发新的生机。其中东水门大桥至储奇门码头段已于 2021 年 7 月对外开放。
“Two Rivers and Four Banks”project proposed by Chongqing municipal government in 2018, CISDI obtained the construction opportunity of the project of “node of Coral Park Area – dongshuimen bridge to chuqimen wharf section”, and will build a place in Changbin that combines public activities with the design route. The design will release the riverside space, boost the improvement of urban quality and make Chongqing Changbin glow with new vitality. The section from dongshuimen bridge to chuqimen wharf has been opened to the public in July 2021.
▼场地区位,Site Location
东水门大桥至储奇门码头段位于重庆市渝中区核心区域,距离朝天门约 1 公里,邻湖广会馆,长江索道从场地上空掠过。我们在这里重塑了一个生态、韧性、活力的滨江公共空间,自开放以来备受公众喜爱。
The section from Dongshuimen Bridge to Chuqimen Wharf is located in Yuzhong District, Chongqing. This project renews an ecological, resilient and dynamic riverside public space here. Since it opened, the place is loved by all age visitors.
Space after design update
▼夜间鸟瞰,Aerial view by night
设计挑战 Design challenges
场地处于长江迎水面,河水冲刷力度大,且位于 20 年一遇洪水位以下,每年季节性呈现 10-30m 水位落差。场地呈狭长线形空间,长度约 1.4 公里,水利工程于 2017 年完成加固,场地被分为三级台地:190 标高(长滨路)、180 标高平台和 175 标高平台。设计受限条件多、局限性大,场地空间已成形,设计必须满足防洪要求,维护消落区库岸稳定,减少水土流失,保障长江行洪安全,不得大幅度改变岸线形态。同时需要综合考虑洪水淹没、清淤、应急通车、码头趸船等诸多功能需求。
The site is a long and narrow space with a length of 1.4km, which was reinforced in 2017. The platform in the site is divided into three levels: 190 elevation (Changbin Road), 180 elevation and 175 elevation. Due to the original space of the site and the inherent shape of the coastline cannot be greatly changed, the project will face many challenges, such as flood control, maintaining the stability of reservoir banks in the water-level-fluctuating zone, reducing soil and water loss, and ensuring the safety of flood discharge of the Yangtze River. At the same time, it is also necessary to comprehensively consider the functional requirements of flood inundation, desilting, emergency opening to traffic, wharf barge and so on.
▼提升前后场地对比,Space beforeand after design update
Increasing green plants, repair the ecological environment of water-level-fluctuating zone
Different planting methods are used on different elevation platforms to create an ecological belt suitable for the hydrological condition of the Yangtze River.
▼被绿色覆盖的三级平台空间,The three levels of the grassy platform
▼平台空间,The grassy space
▼黄昏中的重庆长滨,Changbin in the twilight
重庆以“山水之城”闻名,设计上提取“山城”元素 ,将 7 个生硬的下江梯步立面打造成为特色的“山形景墙”。考虑洪水淹没的标高情况,上部采用垂直绿化,弱化整体的生硬感和压迫感,下部 3-4m 为实体景墙,利用材质的对比和层次的叠加,丰富立面线条,从南滨路、南山、长江索道上均可远观,形成重庆长滨的特色符号。
对应沿线旧时老码头的位置,延续场地文化基因,结合 4 处山形景墙讲述储奇门码头、太平门码头、望龙门码头、东水门码头的故事,构建人文荟萃风貌带。
Chongqing has been called “Mountain city”, the design element in the landscape wall will use the shape of mountain to describe the history of chuqimen wharf, Taipingmen wharf, wanglongmen wharf and dongshuimen wharf. It will build a historical and cultural landscape belt.
Comparison of the steps and landscape wall
▼“山形景墙”,The landscaped “gable wall”
Overlooking the bridge from the landscape wall
The design uses foliage and flowering plants. Making visitors feel the changes of the four seasons.
▼季节的色彩,180 标高平台种植的元宝枫,The colorful maple
▼捕捉植物的变化,The beautiful moment of plants
180 标高以下洪水淹没频率较高,选择甜根子草、卡开芦等消落区适生植物,保障洪水后不易倒伏,并迅速复绿。
Areas below 180 platform are prone to be inundated by seasonal floods. Selecting suitable plants as sugarcane and kakailu to ensure rapidly recovery after flood.
▼野趣之美,180 标高以下栽植的消落区适生植物,Wild and beautiful plants
▼2021 年,场地经受住 8 次洪峰考验,“韧性适应洪水”的设计构想得以实践,In 2021, The area experience withstood 8 flood tests
Re-linking the city and the waterfront
基于现状水利工程,打造 180、175 两级标高的公共活动空间,完善基础配套设施,优化游憩体验,提升滨江活动的多样性,把生活岸线还给市民,打造便捷共享游憩带,构建立体城市景观带。
Based on the current elevation, two levels of public activity spaces at 180 and 175 platform have been built respectively, the infrastructure has been improved, the diversity of riverside activities has been increased, the living riverbank has been returned to the public, and a tridimensional urban landscape belt has been constructed.
▼180/175 两级标高的滨水活动空间,Waterfront activity space at 180/175 level
▼180 标高平台节点,打破同质化的空间形态,The 180 platform breaks the single spatial form
▼倾斜墙面上,镌刻四首描写渝中母城的经典诗词,感受巴渝古韵之美,Ancient poetry described the history of Chongqing on the landscape wall
自 2010 年三峡水库 175 蓄水以来,重庆主城区冬季消落带水位约 3 个月持续在 175m。位于 175 标高平台的滨江漫步道拥有主城滨江区域难得的亲水性,未来还将延伸成为环渝中半岛的无障碍滨江步道,为市民提供散步、骑行、慢跑场所,倡导健康生活方式。
The riverside trail on the 175 platform is hydrophilic and will be extended into a barrier-free promenade around Yuzhong Peninsula in the future.
▼175 标高的滨江漫步道,The 175 platform promenade
▼场地上遛狗的人群,People taking their dogs for a walk
▼提升滨江活动的多样性,Enhance the diversity of riverside activities
A large number of barges are moored on the river line, the site provides outdoor activities and transit space for tourists.
▼沿线停泊的趸船,也成为一道独特的风景线,Ships moored along the river
Surprising details in the design
▼定制的折线型栏杆,The customized folding railings
▼山形景墙和渐变栏杆的独特造型获得了国家外观专利,The unique shape of landscape wall and gradient railings (which designed by CISDI) has been obtained the national appearance patent
▼栏杆细部,The gradient railings
因场地每年被洪峰淹没频率较高,特别是 175 标高平台几乎每年会被洪峰淹没数次,为保障滨水安全,景观照明设置在 180 标高以上,以功能性照明为主。
Due to the 175 platform of the site is easily submerged, the garden lights will be set on the 180 platform, and its function is mainly lighting.
▼180 标高平台选用 6m 高的庭院灯,并定制可调节角度的射灯,以兼顾 180、175 标高平台的功能照明,The garden lamp of six meters high is selected for the 180 elevation platform, and adjustable angle spotlights are customized to take into account the functional lighting of the 180 and 175 platform.
结语 Conclusion 中冶赛迪以景观为主的多学科团队整合水生态、水安全、水环境、水文化为一体,为城市滨水区域的生态整治提供多维一体的解决方案,助岸线新生,塑滨江新颜,让市民重回水岸生活。
CISDI has a multidisciplinary design team under the leadership of landscape design group. The group of CISDI will integrate water ecology, water safety, water environment and water culture, to provide professional solutions for the ecological remediation of urban waterfront areas. The aim is to help the riverbank area regenerate, reshape the landscape of waterfront, and let the citizens return to the waterfront life.
▼重庆长滨,Chongqing Changbin
珊瑚公园片区的储奇门码头至菜园坝长江大桥段消落区、珊瑚公园、滨江公园将于 2022 年陆续建成,届时将提供更加多元化的滨水体验,共同实现“重塑江与城之界”的构想,成为城市核心区滨水存量空间复兴的实践。
Coral Park and Riverside Park of Chuqimen wharf to Caiyuanba Yangtze River Bridge section at the part of Coral Park will be completed in 2022, which will provide more diversified waterfront experience and jointly realize the concept of “Re-inventing a relationship between a city and it’s rivers.” This project will become the successful practice of the revitalization of waterfront space in the urban area.
▼重塑江与城之界,Re-inventing a relationship between a city and it’s rivers
建成时间:2021 年 7 月
EPC 总承包单位:中冶赛迪工程技术股份有限公司
主创设计:高自远 左春丽 廖丹
技术把控:康旭 唐菁
方案设计:李立轩 李钊 黄金路 王禹
土建设计:陈雍直 陈靖琳 石谊
植栽设计:熊建 王丽杰 唐筱立 张博文
水电设计:周孝桂 梅涌 吴敏
工程经济:胥维桃 蹇菲
工程管理:周浩 郭智 陈雍直 刘鹏 孙波
Project Location: Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China
Project Area: 43700㎡
Completion Year: July 2021
Client: Chongqing Yuzhong Binjiang Construction Management Office
Design: CISDI
Program Leader: Wang Chao ¬
Chief Design: Gao Ziyuan,Zuo Chunli,Liao Dan
Technology to Control: Kang Xu, Tang Jing
Concept Design: Li Lixuan, Li Zhao, Huang Jinlu、 Wang Yu
Civil Design: Chen Yongzhi, Chen Jinglin, Shi Yi
Planting Design: Xiong Jian, Wang Lijie, Tang Xiaoli, Zhang Bowen
Hydropower Design:Zhou Xiaogui, Mei Yong, Wu Mi
Structure Design: Yu Chao
Engineering Economy: Xu Weitao,Jian Fei
Project Management: Zhou Hao, Guo Zhi, Chen Yongzhi,Liu Peng,Sun Bo