

本项目为一个木制雪库,位于日本新泻县上越市的 Yasuzuka 小镇上。雪库利用雪的制冷功能,将作为天然冰箱储存附近收割的稻米。除了农民老龄化和缺乏接班人的问题之外,山区梯田农民的生产力普遍低于平原农民,收入也往往更低。上越市委托事务所设计了这个雪库,旨在改善以上问题。
This is a wooden snow storage built in a small town called Yasuzuka in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture. The snow storage is a natural refrigerator that utilizes the cold heat of the snow, and this time, rice harvested in the neighborhood will be stored. In addition to the aging of farmers and the lack of successors, farmers in terraced rice paddues in mountainous areas generally have less productivity than farmers on the plain, and tend to have lower incomes. The client Joetsu City aim to improve this situation.
▼ 建筑外观概览,overview of the building exterior
▼ 建筑“循环”分析图,analysis drawing of building’s “circulation”
Since the humidity inside the snow storage is always high and the building may be damaged by snow pressure, reinforced concrete construction is usually chosen, but this time, as a wooden structure, the aim was to rethink the sustainable relationship between the local forestry industry and snow. If inexpensive snow storage can be realized, farmers will be able to build snow storages easily, whether newly constructed or renovated, and this will increase the momentum for snow utilization rather than snow removal and snow conquering, and promote the use of snow energy.
▼ 雪库与周边环境,the snow storage and the surrounding environment
▼ 雪库主入口,main entrance of the snow storage
▼ 建筑外立面近景,close shot of the building exterior
A snow storage is a building that must be closed to the outside due to its performance. This time, a semi-outdoor corridor was built around the perimeter of the snow storage so that visitors can feel the charm of its surroundings. For example, a portion of the exterior wall is watermarked to allow visitors to hear the sound of the Oguro River and birdsong in an area that is used as a snow disposal site in the winter. For the local residents, openings were placed to capture the scenery of their daily lives in an impressive manner. The aim was to create a place where farmers can take pride in farming in a snow country.
▼ 半室外走廊,a semi-outdoor corridor
▼ 由走廊看向室外,a view from the corridor to outdoor
▼ 增加室内外联系的廊道空间,
a corridor that enhance the connection between indoor and outdoor
▼ 从二层走廊看向远处的雪山,a view from the second floor corridor to snow mountain
The exterior walls of the corridor are double-skinned to reduce environmental impact by preventing solar radiation from reaching the insulated walls surrounding the snow storage, while at the same time serving as a winter snow fence. The long pillars of the corridor are divided by auxiliary beams to form braided pillars, and the span and top height required for the snow storage were secured by conventional construction methods using small-diameter local cedar timbers instead of large-section laminated timbers.
▼ 稻米储藏空间,storage space for rice
▼ 储藏空间的架空廊道,the overhead corridor of the storage space
▼ 木制承重结构近景,close shot of the wooden structure
▼ 雪库夜景,night view of the snow storage space
▼ 项目区位图,site drawing of the project
▼ 一层平面图,plan of the first level
▼ 二层平面图,plan of the second level
▼ 剖面图,section
Location:Taruta, Yasuzuka Ward, Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture
Building area :356㎡
Total floor area :458㎡
Structure: Wooden framework method of construction
Scale:2nd floor above ground
Structural engineers:HSP
Mechanical engineers:KANKYO ENGINEERING Inc.
Art direction:Sanae Inoue
Technical support:Yukidaruma Foundation
Construction:Sato Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Photo credit:soichiro suizu