

The floor-to-ceiling glass window is visually spacious and has good lighting. The living room furniture aspect, adopts the gray tone and the metallic element embellishment, creates the calm but does not lose the fashion atmosphere. The floor selection is very comfortable foot wood floor decoration, making the entire living room simple and comfortable to reveal a sense of luxury.
淡淡的书香杂在原木的自然清香中,沁香四溢;藏蓝色框架,造型极为简约,为其中的木质架板提供了更为广阔的展示空间,书架上摆上Cartoon characters,既可愉悦心性又可调节视力,让简约中充满着变化,实用处体现着美观。The light book incense is mixed in the natural fragrance of the log, and the fragrance overflows; The Tibetan blue frame, which is extremely simple in shape, provides a wider display space for the wooden frame. The Cartoon characters are placed on the shelf, which is both pleasant and adjustable. The simplicity is full of changes, and the practical place reflects beauty.
轻奢主义无关金钱与其他,就像卧室里并没有奢靡的装潢也没有华丽丽的装饰。只有刚好合适的淡淡舒适感。无负担、有品质的生活态度It has nothing to do with money and other things, just as there is no luxury decoration in the bedroom and no gorgeous decoration. Just the right amount of light comfort. An unburdened, quality attitude to life
再是忙碌的工作,终有平静的时刻;再是奔波的生活,总要有落脚的居所。在苍鹰飞累了之后,栖息的地方不过求一片安宁舒适Then the busy work, there is finally a moment of calm; Then the life of running, there is always a place to stay. After the eagle is tired, the habitat is only a piece of Anningshushi.