

All Photo ©
Bob Carey
由摄影师Bob Carey 始于2003年,套着这粉色小短裙各处留影看起来很疯狂是吗?真正的契机却是他的妻子在项目开始后的6个月被查出患有乳腺癌。他的妻子顽强的与病魔斗争,即便在2006年复发后也没有放弃希望。整个9年期间,面对生活,用充满力量和精神的面貌笑对人生。整组照片洋溢着一个丈夫对妻子浓郁的爱。
最后摄影师终于完成了这本摄影集:Enter Ballerina 。里面不仅仅是单纯影像的集合,也包含了作者幽默的言谈和路上的奇闻乐事。其发售后得到的资金将捐助那些被查出患有乳腺癌的妇女。2012年的秋天,这本书将正式发售,Bob Carey的目标是筹集到$75000。当然,这离不开大家的帮助,大家的爱心将随着购买这本书而生根发芽,帮助到这些家庭。你也可以选择成为书本的赞助商,如果您赞助500美元以上,你会得到一本首印版特别尺寸纪念册,包括在作者FACEBOOK以及其它地方的资料。赞助商可以无限制购买书籍。之外,你还可以选择预购或购买相关的T恤产品。最后,你可以对这个项目实施任何数目的捐款。
The Tutu Project began in 2003 as a lark. I mean, really, think of it. Me photographing myself in a pink tutu, how crazy is that? But nine years ago my wife, Linda, and I moved to the East Coast and, as odd as it may sound it, the self-portraits proved to be a perfect way of expressing myself. Why? Because even though the move was exciting, exhilarating, and inspiring, it was 180 degrees from what I knew. So I took the old, mixed it in with the new, and kept the tutu handy.
Six months after the move, Linda, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She beat it, only to have it recur in 2006. During these past nine years, I’ve been in awe of her power, her beauty, and her spirit. Oddly enough, her cancer has taught us that life is good, dealing with it can be hard, and sometimes the very best thing—no, the only thing__we can do to face another day is to laugh at ourselves, and share a laugh with others.
Enter Ballerina, the book. Not only is it a collection of my tutu images, it also shares many humorous stories about the adventures of a guy and his pink tulle. So far, there has been a tremendous response to the series of photos— people are particularly moved by the images. And their interest and enthusiasm have made us want to share that experience with as many people as possible in the form of a book, so that we can raise money to help other women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
This autumn, I will self-publish Ballerina. The net proceeds from the sale of the book will go directly to breast cancer organizations, including Cancercare.org and the Beth Israel Department of Integrative Medicine Fund, that make significant differences in the lives of women with breast cancer and in the people who love them. Our goal is to raise $75,000. But we need your help to seed the book project so it will take root and grow—and positively affect these families.
Here’s how a sponsorship works. For $500, you will receive a special edition 20-by-24-inch signed tutu print, valued at $1,200—along with a first edition of the book, Ballerina. You will also receive recognition on my Facebook fan page and in all other project materials, including mention in Ballerina. Best of all, there is no limit to the number of sponsorships you can purchase. Other ways you can contribute to this book project are by purchasing a T-shirt or pre-purchasing a signed copy of Ballerina, which will ship once it is published. Of course, you can also contribute any cash amount you choose. All of these options are below.
Thank you for considering sponsorship of the much-anticipated Tutu Project. We want you to know how grateful we are. By joining us in this effort, you are making a real difference for women who have to endure far too much.
After years of talking about the project, it’s really happening—and I’m tickled pink.
Bob Carey
Bob Carey