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重塑生态平衡,西班牙 CLUB MED 图德拉修复工程

2011/03/23 13:47:27
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In 1961, on the eastern tip of Iberia Peninsula, Cap de Creus cape, one the windiest and mostnorthern exposed corner of our geography, Club Med constructed a privative holiday villagewith 430 buildings to receive around 900 visitors 3 months a year. The urbanization projectit is considered as one of the most notorious examples of modern movement settlement onthe Mediterranean coast. With the advent of democracy and the rise of ecologicalconsciousness, Cap de Creus was declared Natural Park in 1998. The cape, including Club Medsurroundings, was classed with the highest figure of land protection because its outstandinggeological and botanical values. In summer 2003 Club Med ceased activity.
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In the period, 2008-10, Club Med has been ‘deconstructed’, its ecological dynamics revived anda network of paths and viewpoints as been ‘remade’ for its rediscovery, becoming Mediterranean coast biggest restoration project ever. The work distills and enhances the consubstantial values of the site, the diversity of geological formations, the harshness and nakedness of the rock outcrops, the specialization of native vegetation, the wind and these a magnificence.
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Five actions are contemplated in the restoration project:
1. Removal of Invasive Exotic Flora (IEF), Carpobrotus edulis and other 10 species on a surface of 90 ha. IEF once planted in the Club scattered around displacing specialized maritime rocky native communities of EU protected flora.
2. Selective deconstruction of 430 buildings, equivalent of 1.2 ha of edification and 6ha of urbanization.
3. Management & recycling of 100% of construction waste, 45.000 m3, reusing ‘in situ’ local stone for landfills, and transporting ceramic materials outside for civil works.
4. Ecosystem dynamics revival, remaking the site’s topography and drainage systems, to reestablish the original sediment flows and exchanges between land and sea.
5. Discovery & social valorization. Including 3 main interventions:
– Hierarchical path system recycling existing paths and promoting circular routes.
– Main path (2km) structuring the site’s discovery, it reuses the existing main road and reduces its section from 7-4 m to 3.5 m while homogenizes paving treatment with asphalt. At the beach, 250m are newly redone to recover the beach full dimension, once quartered by the former road system.
– Secondary paths, out of concrete, leading to the main viewpoints
– Tertiary paths, ‘without firm, out of low disperse railings, which leads to the secondary network of viewpoint and sensitive areas.
– Network of viewpoints to enhance best panoramas.
– Animal-rock identification. Traditionally fishermen’s and kids had identified rock formations with animal names for its orientation, Dalí did too. The project, proposing a game of perception constructs a sort of ‘lecterns’ outlining the ‘animal-rocks’ silhouette
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在此期间,2008年的10月起,CLUB MED被重新“解构”,恢复其生态和动态路径和网络,并成为地中海沿岸最大修复工程。景观师的工作使得场地的裸露岩石,原生植被,海以及风,都得到最佳的展现。
1 去除外来入侵植物种类。涉及到90公顷面积内10个左右的植物品种。
2 对曾经的430栋楼进行选择性拆除。大约有1.2公顷的改建和6公顷的修整。
3 100%管理和回收由改建造成的45000立方米建筑垃圾,将他们用于土方填埋,以及转化为民用外部建材。
4 生态系统修复,重塑网站地形和排水系统,重建雨水径流,更好的参与海陆循环。
5 探索挥发其社会意义。主要有以下方面。A 分层次的道路系统,循环的道路体系。B将场地2公里长的主路宽度由7米将至3.5米。同时采用环保路面。在海滩上,将以前4分之一大约250米长的道路系统重建。C从主路分支的二级道路将引导人们达到最好的观景点。D 化石鉴定。按照惯例请当地的渔民和孩子对化石中动物进行识别,设计师将其系统归纳,并在化石的一侧作出标记以方便人们进行学习了解。
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– Location: Cap de Creus cape, Cadaqués, Catalunya, Spain
– Designer(s):
Collaborators EMF: M. Batalla, M. Bianchi, A. Lopez, G. Batllori, L. Majer,
C. Gomes M. Solé, L. Ochoa, J.L Campoy
Collaborators Ardèvols: Raul Lopez, Cristina Carmona.
– Commissioned by: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino. Generalitat de
Catalunya. Parc natural del Cap de Creus. Gestora de runes de la construcció S.A
– Construction companies : Tragsa, Control Demeter, Massachs i Jardinería Sant Narcís.
– Area: 200 ha
– Period of design: 2005-2007
– Implementation period: 2009-2010
– Photographers: Martí Franch, Pau Ardèvol, Esteve Bosch
-management of the deconstruction: Jose Luis Tostado, MMAMRM
EMF Landscape Architecture
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