

Fantastic Norway
Appreciation towards
Fantastic Norway
for providing the following description:
Fantastic Norway was commisioned by Asplin Ramm to improve the stretch between Rosenholm Campus and Rosenholm Station.
We proposed Norways longest footbridge between the station and the campus, in the extension of the architectural axis currently running through the excisting office complex.
The walk from the station to the office complex includes walking throuhg a tight, clean cut in a rocky hill, past an out door fire place, through an icy steel mesh, inside a bell tower and through a high rise bird dwelling.
Along the 330 meter long bridge we established four turrets, each of which brings practical and poetic qualities into the forest area below and to people walking ton the thin line to Rosenholm Campus. The bridge is in spite of its enormous length, modest in proportion and expression.
The project was designed in close colaboration with architect Kathrine Næss and engineer Degrees of Freedom (by Gaute Mo).
Fantastic Norway