

Maria Baoli
Appreciation towards
Maria Baoli
for providing the following description:
万花筒,一个美丽之物的观察器。Maria Baoli借由万花筒的观察美丽之物的本质,展开她自己独一无二的现实场景摄影作品。
Kaleidoscope is a term derived from the Ancient Greek: kalos meaning “beauty”,eidos, which is form and skopeō, “to look to, to examine
” hence “observation of beautiful forms.
In this serie I play with ordinary scenes where a mere mirror invites to enter different realities. It also questions the limits between public and
private spheres: the mirror, an element traditionally belonging to an intimate space- such as the bathroom- is placed outdoors. On one hand
this intervention enables to interact with the urban landscape and on the other hand the reflection on the mirror reveals an extension of the
inside realm. It messes with the viewer’s preconceptions about ordinary places, thus, these spaces are a playground to experiment and
transform the atmosphere with a simple object. Besides,the faces of the models are intentionally hidden, which can help the viewer to be
placed in this enigmatic scene.
This age of constant surveillance with cameras and the internet revolution has lead to an invisible line between intimacy and public life.
We are all exposed to hundreds of cameras and somehow these photographs try to establish a dialogue between the viewer/voyeur and the
observed individual.
Maria Baoli