知末案例   /   娱乐空间   /   会所   /   OFA飞形


2014/12/22 08:00:00
来自设计师 : 本案委案主是一位在商界初崭头角的年轻新贵,希望为亲朋们打造一处不同于传统的相聚之所。在与其交谈的过程中,OFA飞形觉察出 「以车会友」是委案主及其亲朋生活中的共同旋律。综合委案主个人兴趣,大陆豪车市场初步发展的商业需求,OFA飞形创造性地提出了融合三种经营业态——汽车美容(J23 Detailing)、名车展厅(J23 Show Room)、休闲会所(J23 Club Lounge),创造出一座以汽车为主题的新时尚社交会所。
▼走进未来实验室——J23 Detailing
首先进入的是汽车美容区域(J23 Detailing)。不同于传统汽修行业给人们留下的印象,OFA飞形将此处打造为一处简约而独特的「未来实验室」。透过红色汽车薄膜的卷帘,空间在黑白主色调的衬托下显得简约有力,天花采用蜂窝状的日光灯排列方式,在带来强烈未来科技感的视觉冲击同时,又能满足专业人员对汽车细致美容的亮度需求。
After entering the red roll-up car blind, the first area is Automotive beauty area(J23 Detailing). The dominant colour of black and white brings out the simplicity and strength of the room. The ceiling fluorescent lights are arranged like honeycombs,giving a strong futuristic sense while meeting the lighting demand of professional car care. The supporting rest area use radioactive lines with the sense of speed and modern dark leather as design elements. Being there is like standing right inside the famous Monaco Circuit, surrounding by the flowing lights and colours drawn by speed. Combined with partial sunglasses design, the rest area echoes the auto beauty area and continues to create a cool futuristic atmosphere.
玩转折纸游戏——J23 Show Room
由于本案前所未有地融合了三种经营业态,因此在设计架构中对整体空间内与外、上与下关系的考量,成为值得玩味的课题。名车展厅区域(J23 Show Room)在此则扮演着一个过渡衔接的角色。 Show Room一方面延续了汽车美容区的黑白配色,使美容区酷感十足的未来感得以延展,同时用一方巨大的白色翻板潇洒玩起「折纸游戏」,勾勒空间迷人曲线。配合灯光,翻板裹挟之下的展厅和展品自然成为瞩目的焦点。
The structure design of this case is very interesting because it unprecedentedly combines three business formats. The designer must consider the relationship between the whole space and separate areas. The dominant colour of the luxury car exhibition area (J23 Show Room)is black and white just like the car beauty area. A huge white turning plate is placed like a “Origami”, makes the space below to be the focus point in sight. At the same time, the entrance of J23 Club Lounge extends from outside to inside like a car drives in at full speed. That wood entrance tunnel tears the top of the turning plate apart and cleverly connects downstairs to upstairs.One side of the tunnel is partial transparent. That gives visitor another extraordinary view of the car exhibition. Designer makes full use of colour and structure to connect the three areas.
驶入新空间——J23 Club Lounge从室外延伸至室内的休闲会所(J23 Club Lounge)入口,仿若呼啸驶入,成为一桥木质感的隧道,色调由此转换。同时撕开巨大白色翻板顶端,与楼上的空间巧妙衔接。隧道近展厅一侧做局部透明处理,为名车观赏辟出一方独特视野。
通过木质感的隧道,步入二楼休闲会所区域(J23 Club Lounge),则是另一番空间体验。彩色亚克力陈列柜、玻璃酒柜与仿真赛车玻璃盒,错落有致地放置在以木色系为主的空间中。而这些便是属于委案主的「珍奇柜」,让来访者于其中赏玩,生发出无穷想象。由木条交错拼接而成的壁炉,作为整个空间的主轴,营塑温暖氛围。具有现代线条图案的玻璃、金属质感材料的点挑以及锐色灯光,穿插于整个空间,于温暖和谐中又暗合了人们内心对速度与激情的追寻。
Walking through the tunnel of wood texture, visitor enters the J23 Club Lounge which gives a different experience of space. In this wood color dominated space, there are multi-colour acrylic display cabinets, glass grapevines and glass boxes contained simulation car models. A fireplace made by wooden slats is in the centre of the entire space and it brings a warm feeling to surroundings. It’s the perfect environment to meet and chat with friends. However, modern pattern glasses, metal texture decorations and sharp colour lights inspire the car-lovers who take a break here to continue fulfilling their dreams. The wonders of life waits ahead of them. Next second, go chase and enjoy the charm of speed.
OFA 飞形结合业主个人兴趣与实际需求,创造出互相延续的三个场域,不但跨越社交会所的传统观点,也让喜爱汽车的人士,拥有一处时尚又科技感十足的聚会场所——完成了一次对社交会所认知的启蒙性更新。
As one of the best firms that are good at commercial integration design, OFA sensed our young client’s deep desire for rising above the common herd, combined his personal interests and practical needs, created J23—a brand new business model that integrated three different businesses formats. This is not only a perfect answer to a private custom, but also a cognitive update for the understanding of social gathering.In this trendy social venue with cars as the bond, people will certainly have brand new social experiences.
Main Materials: Whitetiles, fluorescent tubes, black mirrors, paint glasses, leathers, ceramic mosaics, white texture wallpapers, mirrors, glazed stainless-steels, oak wood veneers, wood floorings, multi-colour acrylics, luminous art glasses
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