

"A beautiful merging of architecture, engineering, and landscape to solve a problem and create a visionary place. This project sets a high bar for what landscape architects can do with small spaces and challenging structures. As an adaptive use project, this roof garden pushes boundaries in its design, materials, and plants. Congratulations to both the designer and the client, who had the vision to make this happen. " – 2014 Awards Jury
"建筑设计、工程设计与景观设计的完美融合缔造出这处梦幻般的住宅屋顶花园,这就使得得项目中的各种疑难迎刃而解。”该项目的挑高、悬空式独特檐体设置,有利于景观设计师更为灵活地营造各个小型绿化空间,并与特殊的整体空间结构相互融合。作为一个适应性功能型项目,这一屋顶花园通过设计、植栽及材料应用,巧妙而自然地展现各空间之间的界限。在设计师与客户的通力协作下,这处屋顶绿化空间最终以怡人的姿态呈现。”- 2014年奖项评审团
2014ASLA: Sky Garden By Raymond Jungles, Inc
The Sky Garden is a secret residential garden on the roof of a new car park and renovated office building in Miami Beach, Florida. In place of concrete and equipment, the Clients desired a lush, wild garden to complement their personal residence and award-winning car park designed by world famous architects. The site is a harsh environment with high winds, intense sun and limited planting areas, yet it abounds with birds and pollinators.
▼An aerial view of the Sky Garden, the verdant “icing” on top of the iconic car park structure anchoring the westernmost terminus of Lincoln Road Mall.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼Construction view of the top floor of the new car park with the 7th floor multi-use public space below.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼View from the same angle, showing the completed Slope Garden. The average soil depth is six inches. The Client and Architect desired a wild garden. Plants that could thrive in shallow soil depths were selected.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼View from the top of the ipe steps above the renovated bank office building towards the Slope Garden. Native Railroad vine hangs from stainless steel cables acting as a living art piece, producing shifting shadows on the pedra portuguesa pavement.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼The Slope Garden and south facade of the residence open to the sky.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼View from the covered loggia towards the private elevator tower that takes the Client to his Parking level and down to the ground floor, the 1111 Lincoln Road plaza.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼View looking up the inviting pedestrian pathway of the Slope Garden from the covered loggia.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼View towards South Beach as the sun begins to set in the western sky.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼Planting detail showing the use of native wildflowers and grasses mixed with epiphytes. The hardy red trunk Acacia provides sculptural drama, shade and scale. Zoysia grass is allowed to grow naturally and is left unmowed.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼ Before view of the pool area. Previously, this area housed much of the bank building’s equipment.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼ After view of the pool area. Crooked Sabal palms add movement and drama to the facade. The pool was positioned to provide strategic views to other areas of the Sky Garden. There is a glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼ Southern view of the outdoor dining area. The poured-in-place concrete table was designed by the Architect.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼ (left)The Sky Garden’s vines seize the foreground of the western views towards downtown Miami from the 7th floor multi-use space. This floor houses parked cars, fashion shoots, community yoga classes, weddings, holiday parties and Art Basel events.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
(right )Vigorous flowering vines mask the Sky Garden’s private elevator tower. “Swiss cheese” Monstera deliciosa and Alcantarea imperialis add texture and color.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
▼ With very shallow soil levels, the Landscape Architect chose vines and plantings that would withstand the harsh winds and direct sunlight. Many of these plants grow naturally on the sand dunes, including Railroad vine and Indian blanket flower.
Photo Credit: Stephen Dunn Photography
The Sky Garden is a model for traditionally underutilized rooftop space. The Architect and Landscape Architect created a balance of aesthetic vision and practical residential needs for this unprecedented home built on the roof of a structure that is part Parking garage, part retail, part event space and part penthouse.
The Sky Garden is a crowning touch to an award-winning car park at the western terminus of Lincoln Road. The structure is recognized around the world for its bold architecture, and is one of the most visible and recognized buildings in the City of Miami Beach. The Architect hung the house underneath the top slab, cut into the volume. With the garage height of seventy-five feet, the penthouse’s siting is optimized. The residence, although exceptionally designed, is meant to be unpretentious, deferring to the landscape for a true sense of identity.
The west side is the Sky Garden is called the Slope Garden, which acts as the “front yard” of the residence. The high point of the Slope Garden provides an ideal vantage point for views across Biscayne Bay towards the Downtown Miami skyline.
The Slope Garden’s winding Zoysia grass path creates a variety of experiential moments within the landscape. The grass is left unmowed, to allow for its natural mounding characteristics. Vines, including Railroad Vine, Virginia Creeper, and Grape extend up the private elevator tower into the sky, and hang down onto the 7th floor multi-use space below, giving Parking patrons clues to the Sky Garden’s existence. The Landscape Architect specified a custom Hydrote