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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT

2022/05/08 03:15:46
Studio NDT 为一座拥有 50 多年历史的殖民风建筑遗产注入了新的活力。设计力求在延续怀旧之情的同时融入现代理念,保留殖民风格的影响并突出帕塔纳克山的特征。
Entrusted with breathing new life into a colonial heritage building with over 50 years of history, we sought to infuse contemporary-modern ideas into the development without losing the nostalgia of the colonial style influences or existing character that is unique to Pratamnak Hill, Pattaya.
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-5
Our efforts lead to the amalgamation of both modern & colonial design expressions, in the architecture and landscape design, crafting a luxurious 5-star hotel experience overlooking the Gulf of Thailand.
aerial view of the pool area
© VARP Photo
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-11
设计在原有建筑的基础上增加了一个明亮通风的大堂,一个 35 米长的游泳池作为不可或缺的核心放置在大堂的落客点附近。以上策略为平面布局奠定了基础,使客人一经抵达便被阳光明媚的大堂、柔和的海风和广阔的曲线泳池所环抱,让人联想起附近的海岛与水晶般湛蓝的海水。
Recognizing a need for a bright, airy lobby which the original building lacked, a 35m length pool, an integral core to the design, was introduced adjacent to the lobby, where the drop-off once stood. This opens up the layout of the development, allowing arriving guests to be embraced by a sunlit lobby, gentle sea breeze and an expanse of the organically designed pool, harking back to the nearby Koh Larn (little island in the Gulf of Thailand) and its crystal blue waters.
the colonial heritage building
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-17
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-18
Upon exploring the pool area, guests can utilize the Sunset Deck, Chill-Out Shallow Pool and various facilities such as the cabanas and sun-bathing areas. Utmost care was also given to the integration of the existing mature trees as their towering canopies cast leafy shadows unto the pool where guests can be certain to delight in the many poolside leisure activities.
the pool area
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-24
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-28
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-29
the organically designedshoreline
© VARP Photo
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-33
▼岸线细部 details © VARP Photo
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-35
Traversing on past the pool and cascades of blue and green, a verdant oasis awaits guests, accessible via a lower-level deck. Discover an expansive lawn, encompassed by a garden of lush, manicured plantings, offering a space where countless special occasions can take place.
an expansive lawn
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-41
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-42
rest area
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-46
pathway to the hotel
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-50
花园作为周围街道的缓冲区,有利于保障泳池的私密性。Studio NDT 对所有区域都进行了精心考虑,提供了一个豪华酒店景观设计的卓越范本。
The garden also functions as a buffer from the surrounding streets, providing much needed privacy for the pool area, a testament to our commitment in ensuring all areas are crafted with meticulous consideration and a flair for luxury hotel landscape design.
entrance by the parking lot
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-56
retaining the existing mature trees
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-60
the garden providing privacy for the pool area
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泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-64
©Studio NDT
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-68
©Studio NDT
泰国芭堤雅“穿越芭堤雅”酒店丨Studio NDT-72
项目:CROSS Pattaya Pratamnak
客户:Kasetsinn Co.,Ltd
景观面积:7,400 平方米
景观设计师:Studio NDT Co.,Ltd
Instagram: studio.ndt
首席项目设计师:PORDEE Design Studio
建筑师:ATMOSPHERIC Architect
室内设计师:PORDEE Design Studio
摄影师:VARP Photo
Project: CROSS Pattaya Pratamnak
Client: Kasetsinn Co.,Ltd
Location: Pattaya, Thailand
Completion Year: 2022
Landscape Area: 7,400 sqm
Landscape Designer: Studio NDT Co.,Ltd
Instagram: studio.ndt
Lead Project Designer: PORDEE Design Studio
Architect: ATMOSPHERIC Architect
Interior Designer: PORDEE design studio
Photographer: VARP Photo
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