▼当地植被和建筑相互和谐,产生不同的微气候,the native vegetation and part of the building that surrounds it, are proposed as elements in harmony that go through the different microclimates generated
▼开放式框架结构细节,details of the open frame structure
Water and its natural cycle manage the different degrees of humidity, optimizing its use by gravity to cover the infrastructural needs of the building and the park, understanding both as a single public space in continuity.
▼水及其自然循环带来不同的湿度,设计借助重力优化利用水循环,water and its natural cycle manage the different degrees of humidity, optimizing its use by gravity
The air appears as a warm breeze from the west in the plateau, and as cool cross-ventilation in the existing forest and the pergola of vegetation in reception area. The fire, from the solar radiation on the skin and in a climate full of contrasts like the continental, heat is excessive in summer but necessary in winter. Here, solar rays are supplied in alternation with the shade provided at any given time by the ever-useful deciduous leaves.
▼空气在植被架子中呈现为凉爽的对流风,the air appears as cool cross-ventilation in the pergola of vegetation in reception area
Ultimately, the architecture exert the mediation in key of habitability, that facilitates the interaction between the different elements, enjoying sensations and diverse environmental and climatic contents.