
2018/12/21 10:41:32
双重命题 | Double proposition
The first proposition comes from the breakout of the times – in this era of high-speed iterations, whether it is possible to break the imprisonment of the “experience world” and establish a vision of high visual intensity and an unknown space of high experience concentration. The second major proposition comes from the breakthrough of cognition—the domestic municipal green space, real estate landscape design with great numbers of projects and short design periods, which also led landscape designers to be repeatedly consumed by the market and routines without end and without limits. Pursue a single form of pop style, but make the landscape a luxury of exquisite life. Whether it is possible to break the shackles of “content pile up” and “experience pale” and establish a place with high purity and high composite function.
▼水池概览,pond overview
▼极度克制的语言和材料,结合多样的功能,using the extremely restrained language and materials, combined with various functions
▼兼具高纯度体验和高活力指数的场所,a high-purity experience with a high vitality index
应对:包罗万象的“空” | Solution: Vacant but all-encompassing
▼项目分析图,conceptual diagram
The entire Zhuhai Garden covers an area of 2,100 square meters. The height difference of the site itself is not obvious. There is only a mountain about 40 meters high on the south and west sides. The mountains on both sides have properly enclosed the entire site. This makes the venue more introverted. At the main entrance, through a series of continuously turning paths, two moving lines of “stopping” and “immersing” are established. This is an important reference for the dynamic experience design of the demonstration area project of the future real estate landscape. Try a single Project multipath experience. Therefore, this time the design study adopted the “Vacant but all-encompassing” to deal with it. It aims to tilt, fold, stretch, cut, highlight, and dent, simply by using the extremely restrained language and materials, combined with various functions. The reshaping of artificial movements such as uplifts, breaks, and wraps creates a place that combines a high-purity experience with a high vitality index.
▼在主入口通过一系列不断转折的路径建立起“驻足”、“浸入”两条完全不同体验的动线,at the main entrance, through a series of continuously turning paths, two moving lines of “stopping” and “immersing” are established
▼夜景,night view
在“驻足”的动线之中,设置了从200cm逐渐提升到900cm高度不断起伏的异形装置,装置不断的高度变化也为使用者提供了多种活动的可能,最终900cm的高度不但很好的形成整体环境中的一个弱形式(Weak form),同时也定义出整个展园的西侧边界。装置本身也可结合今后地产项目营销的特性,利用不同元素或声光电的小型装置创造出不同的氛围。
In the moving line of “stopping”, there is a special-shaped device that gradually rises from 200cm to 900cm. The constant height change of the device also provides users with a variety of activities. The final height of 900cm is not only good. Forming a Weak form in the overall environment and also defining the west side of the entire exhibition. The device itself can also be combined with the characteristics of future real estate project marketing, using different elements or small devices of sound and light to create different atmospheres.
▼装置座位细部,seating area
▼从200cm逐渐提升到900cm高度不断起伏的异形装置,a special-shaped device that gradually rises from 200cm to 900cm
The “immersion” line is a walkway that allows the user to keep approaching the central pool. The eastern side of the trail is a landscape pavilion that forms a complete connection with the ground as the eastern boundary of the entire exhibition park. The design allows the landscape pavilion to be not only a boundary of the site, but also an extension of the site. In order to further establish the relationship between people and water, roads and bridges, each other, the north side of the trail has been treated in a sinking process, thus creating a slow decline, which can be seen at the bottom of the pool. A unique experience. This similar approach to designing interior spaces will also be more integrated into the limited space of the future real estate landscape demonstration area. The all-encompassing “vacant” space provides rationality and operability for high-intensity form operations; the all-encompassing “vacant” space ensures the integrity and purity of the space while establishing the richness of the site.
▼“浸入”动线是一个让使用者不断接近中心水池的步道,the “immersion” line is a walkway that allows the user to keep approaching the central pool
▼建立起人与水、路与桥之间相互浸入、相互暧昧的关系,establish the relationship between people and water, roads and bridges, each other
Project name: The 12th China (NanNing) international garden EXPO Zhuhai park
Design time: 2018.06
Completion time: 2018.12
Design company: PlayMaker Design Kaizhong Cao Studio
Master Designer: Kaizhong Cao
Client: Zhuhai City Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau
Project address: The 12th China (NanNing) international garden EXPO
Award: Outdoor Exhibition Park Comprehensive Competition “Excellent Exhibition Park” Zhuhai Garden
Area: 2100 m2
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