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Santorini 纯白洞穴式观景别墅丨希腊丨Kapsimalis Architects

2022/08/21 18:00:00
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“In every new project, what we are most interested in is the purity and clarity of the concept, and how it is reflected in the form, shapes, function, space, construction, materials, and textures of the building.” Architects
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位于 Santorini 的传统村庄 Oia,一座淳朴原始的乡村别墅,在 Kapsimalis Architects 的操刀设计下,既具备现代主义的纯粹、简单、永恒之感,同时保留了当地建筑的传统元素。
Located in Santorini’s traditional village of Oia, an old house gets a thoughtful update by Kapsimalis Architects, while maintaining the existing traditional architectural elements.
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The grouppaid particular attention to highlighting the diversity and value of the interior’s cavernous and vaulted spaces while emphasising the vaule of original craftsmanship.
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1. 别墅南临岛屿上的火山和爱琴海,高低参差的平屋顶和悠长的拱形建筑给予悬崖峭壁一抹纯白的留影。
Facing South to the island’s Volcano and the Aegean Sea, the villa cuts a familiar figure against the cliffs with a flat roof structure of different levels and a long vaulted building.
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Not uncommon in the area, part of the residence is cave-like. Two skylights let the natural light enter in, further creating a sense of being underground.
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A slightly slide of white walls and a garden full of olive trees comprises and signals the main entrance to Villa’s upper level.ENTRANCE 1 Living Room 02
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1 建筑中间一处的内部楼梯串联了三个独立空间。楼梯上通别墅天花板上的天窗,下达餐厅的天井,从而获得足够采光,在视觉上将两层融为一体。
A central internal staircase connects the three individual levels and unifies visually the first two, through an internal patio that leads to the dining area, illuminated by a skylight on the ceiling of the Villa.
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The ground floor is made up of a kitchen, a dining area, the main living room and a master bedroom in a row, oriented to West and two other bedrooms in the other direction looking the South.
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The communal space of the ground level can be completely opened by sliding doors totally disappeared inside the walls, transforming the main house into a yard.
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1 厨房的墙体表皮被漆成米黄色,地面采用暗棕色混凝土,家具由浅色橡木精心打造而成。
The kitchen is well-equipped with beige colored surfaces, brown rough concrete as a floor, light oak furnishings.
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White and deep blue ceramic tiles, marble, brown-colored semi-transparent glass, rugs and pieces of pottery…The designers aim to give a cosy minimal feeling of craft, an eclectic taste and a summerish, comfortable sense that conform to island’s life.
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KITCHEN 1 Dining Room 04
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1. 餐厅,深灰色大理石地板和橡木板中和了石灰墙壁单调乏味。部分内置的家具表面涂有当地的白色水泥灰,以进一步投射出这个家如“茧”般的包容与圆润。
In the dining room, large slabs of dark grey marble flooring and dark stained oak offset the white of the walls’ plaster. Parts of the furniture are built in and covered with white, local cement plaster, to further project the home’s ‘cocoon’ feeling of tolerance and softness.
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The passageway of the dinning room follows on outside with warm white walls and the continuity of the grey marble flooring, paired with complementary vase, metal and wood furniture.
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1 建筑朝南的地块被用作上层卧室的外部空间,在部分位置种有植物。一汪长如系带的池水由卧室延伸向 Cycladic 海域。
The terrace of the wing that faces the South is used as exterior space of the upper level’s bedroom and is partly planted. An elongated, shallow and protected pool leads from the interior space of the bedroom straight to the Cycladic sea.
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BEDROOM1 Bathroom06
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1 地下空间包含一个小休息室,一个健身房,一个按摩房、一个紧急出口,还有两个内置独卫浴的卧室。由首层一直延展到地下室斜坡绿树如荫,有助于室内采光。
The level below the ground consists of a small lounge area, a gym, a place for massage and retreats, and two bedrooms with bathroom en-suite. A slope with plants from the ground level to the basement brings the natural light inside.
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1 室外,一个大型游泳池,一个日光浴场,一个由凉亭组成室外餐饮空间以及别墅的主庭的花园,都与建筑上层空间及南侧的外部楼梯有机连接,如为一体。
Outside, a big in scale pool, a spot for sunbathing, an exterior dining area under a pergola and gardens comprise the main yard of the Villa that is connected with the upper level through, also, an exterior staircase on the Southside of the building.
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beautiful scenery OUTSIDE 1
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Kapsimalis Architects 精心改造了这座传统的洞穴式别墅,以创造一个不拘一格且风格独特的度假屋,并保留现有的外部结构和内部形式,和谐统一,成为一体。
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Kapsimalis Architects
Kapsimalis Architects 是一家位于希腊 Santorini 的建筑公司,由 Alexandros Kapsimalis 和 Marianna Kapsimali 创立。
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