

餐厅位于Vilnius Gediminas大街的一栋历史保护建筑中。原名“Commotion(骚动)”的空间现已以“Babble(絮语)餐厅”的身份重新回到了这处满载历史的艺术殿堂。
The restaurant is located in a historical, heritage-protected building on Vilnius Gediminas Avenue. Commotion, which has returned to the art of the palace full of history, today is called “Babble”.
▼外观,exterior view
“Babble” is the idea of a long evening, a place where you don’t have to rush out. Eating, communicating without a rampage but gently and cozy. It’s like being at home with friends or family.
▼室外用餐区,exterior dining space
▼室内用餐区,interior dining space
▼室内用餐区局部,details of interior dining space
The restaurant and bar located in one space allow guests to choose between a long dinner experience or a tasty cocktail at the bar.
▼吧台,the bar
Team – Jurga Marcinauskaitė, Laimis Valančiūnas
Location – Vilnius, Lithuania
Area – 120 m2
Year – 2021
Photographer – Darius Patrulaitis