The curve, on the outside, gives a sense of grace. On the inside, it gives you a sense of centripetal force. So curves can give rise to magical Spaces and forms in architecture.
建筑外立面 Building Facade
建筑外立面 Building Facade
建筑外立面 Building Facade
建筑外立面 Building Facade
The entrance of the hotel does not have too many complex decorations. The shape is simple. The canopy with arc shape is not only practical, but also the most direct presentation of the temperament contained in the hotel.
⼤堂中庭 The Lobby Atrium
休息区 Rest Area
休息区 Rest Area
吧台 Bar
过道 The Corridor
珠宝售卖 Jewelry Sales
珠宝售卖 Jewelry Sales
珠宝展示区 Jewelry Display Area
珠宝展示区 Jewelry Display Area
The front hall of the B2 floor rest area takes the mirror and metal lines as the media, the tone is calm and introverted, interspersed with modern art furniture, making the spatial level more diversified.
休息区 Rest Area
卫生间 Toilet
酒吧门厅 Hall
酒吧卡座区 Car Seat
酒吧舞台 Stage
酒吧散座区 Seat
吧台 Bar
吧台 Bar
私人影院 Private Cinema
The sculptural revolving staircase is very artistic and is the "clock in" point of the hotel.
旋转楼梯 Spiral Staircase
电梯厅 The Elevator Hall
过道 The Ccorridor
公共卫⽣间 Public Rest Room
The "air swimming pool" is hung in the air between the two buildings to experience the excitement of swimming in the "air".
空中泳池 Air Swimming Pool
空中泳池 Air Swimming Pool
白金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
白金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
白金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
白金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
黑金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
黑金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
⿊金系奢华套房 Deluxe Suite
⿊白色系经典雅致套房 Suite
⿊白色系经典雅致套房 Suite
商务套房 Suite
商务套房 Suite
商务套房 Suite