

01 沙漠 Desert
2016 年拍摄于 atacama
阿塔卡马沙漠(Atacama Desert),西班牙语作 Desierto de Atacama,是南美洲西海岸中部的沙漠地区,在安第斯山脉和太平洋之间南北绵延约 1000 千米,总面积约为 18.13 万平方千米,主体位于智利境内。
The Atacama Desert(Spanish: Desierto de Atacama) is a desert area in the middle of the west coast of South America. It covers about 1000 kilometers strip of land on the Pacific coast, west of the Andes Mountains, occupies 181300 square kilometers. The main body is located in Chile.
大洋与大山的夹峙,大气、洋流与地形因素的共同作用,使得阿塔卡马成为世界最古老和最干旱的沙漠地区之一,年降水量小于 0.1mm,被称为世界的“旱极”。
Lie between the ocean and the mountain, the combined effects of atmosphere, ocean currents and topographical factors make Atacama one of the oldest and driest desert regions in the world and the annual precipitation is less than 0.1mm, which is known as the "dry pole" of the world.
捕雾 Fog Catching
Due to the lack of rain, the locals took inspiration from the plants in the area and invented a method of catching fog with nets. They started a fog catching experiment in a small coastal village in central Chile.
When the fog goes through the net, the mesh catches the droplets, and gravity pulls the water down through a water pipe running under the net, to a water storage. This way, local people get access to this source of life.
03 隐喻 Metaphor
The process is very similar to making a cup of pour over coffee. Purified hot water goes through ground coffee and a paper filter to end up being a fine coffee with a smooth taste.
The method of catching fog has spiritual resonance with coffee extraction in certain dimensions. Water is the source of life for the survival of locals living in Atacama Desert, and a cup of good coffee is an indispensable part of contemporary young people’s lives as well.
▲ 木丝板 Wood wool board
Water harvesting net used in the interior. Walls are decorated with panels made of natural recycled wood and mesh, referring to the structure of water harvesting nets. The play of textures and natural materials gives the space calm and charming ambiance. 04 Create relationships
Creating a harmonious relationship between each other is the focus in the early design. The lay-out of the coffee shop accommodates all the subtle interactions between baristas, baristas and guests, and between guests in many different ways.
Modern young people show freedom and openness in their lives and the genuine communication and interaction between each other give the space a long-term vitality, creating and maintaining intimacy.
沙漠,一般意义上的不毛之地,生命以更罕有的形式存在,自然的纯净与宇宙的壮阔更加清晰。在 Atacama 看似荒凉的外表之下,暗藏着对生命本源的追溯。
Desert is the extremely barren land in general sense. However, life there exists in a rarer form that makes the purity of nature and the magnificence of the universe much clearer. Under Atacama’s seemingly desolate appearance, there is a hidden pursuit of the origin of life.
景德镇定制 atacama 咖啡杯具
Brand and product
Dagger Atacama 被简化为一个设计字母“a”。a 是字母表上的第一个字母,意味着新生,一切的开端。a 也是 adventure,是沙漠里的探险,是 into the wild 走向未知的旅途。a 还是“ah”,是对生命的惊奇与喜悦,是永远向往最真和最初。
Atacama is simplified to a design letter "a". “a” is the first letter in the alphabet, meaning the very beginning of life. “a” is adventure, an adventure into the desert, into the wild and into the unknown. “a” means "ah" as well, the surprise and joy of life, always longing to be the truest and the original.
Start with a simple and refreshing cup of coffee, create a free, open and inclusive space for the urban youth who love life and are eager to share, explore, dare cross the boundaries and engage in various and fascinating ways modern live has to offer.
平面概念 Plane concept
Name | 项目名称:Atacama Coffee& Friends
Location | 项目地点:WUHAN · CHINA | 中国武汉
Area | 项目面积:40㎡
Client| 项目委托方:Atacama Coffee& Friends
Date | 完成时间:08.20212021 年 8 月
Design Firm | 项目设计方:外物 WHY WOULD 设计事务所
Interior Design | 主案设计:XUAN 湯 璇
DrawDesign| 图纸设计:夏金
VI Design | 平面标识设计:Dagger
Analysis Chart Design | 分析图设计:祝薇
Article | 撰文 XUAN 湯 璇 /Hannah 帅晗
Photographer | 摄影 XUAN 湯 璇(除标注外)
Construction | 项目施工方:武汉糯米装饰设计工程有限公司
Auxiliary Cooperation| 配合单位:CDN 西顿|OEZER 欧哲|BEHR 百色熊|LEIFU 磊富
不断的设问与思考,探索与梳理,是外物「WHY WOULD」的内在设计文化。
WHY WOULD design is a young and creative independent design brand founded in Wuhan, China. Through the medium of light / color / texture / sound of spatial architectural structure, it expresses the living and commercial space conforming to contemporary aesthetics, and outputs the thinking concept of aesthetics and visual art.
⊙ 品牌 173-4330-0246
主理人 155-2777-2936