
2022/08/24 14:37:40
生活纠缠且喧嚣,我们步履不停,苦寻一处安心的暂歇之地。说天上月,饮杯中酒,愿这世间万家灯火,终有抚慰你的那一盏。Life is entangled and noisy, and we still keep pursuing, It’s Hard to find a place to rest. to chat the moon in the sky, drink the wine in the cup, If only the thousands of sparkling city lights in the world, always have a light that soothes you.
玄关的仪式感在于屋主归家时的状态切换。象形雕塑及迎宾灯是进门时的视觉前景,不仅带来精神上的美好寓意,更是希望为深夜归来的人带来抚慰:不论何时归家,总有一盏灯在等你。The ritual sense of the entrance lies in the state switching when the owner returns home. The pictorial sculpture and the welcome lamp are the visual prospects when entering the door, not only bringing a good moral in spirit, but also hoping to bring comfort to those who return late at night: no matter when you return home, there is always a lamp waiting for you.隔墙延伸出的镂空柜体及绿色植物的融入,连接了玄关与客厅的互动,保护隐私但不封闭,营造出家轻松自然的氛围。The hollow cabinet extending from the partition wall and the integration of green plants connect the interaction between the entrance and the living room, protecting privacy but not being closed, creating a relaxed and natural atmosphere at home.
这是一个毫不吝啬大面积玻璃窗的家居空间,天朗气清阳光肆意,让视线自然地让渡到窗外的珠江及城市风光,同时减少光的无效反射,空间由此具备扑面而来的开阔感。天花板以白色为主,制造光的体积,配以科学的灯光设计,让光线的整体通透性再次提高时也不用担心给眼睛增负。This is a home space with large glass windows. The sky is clear and the sun is shining, allowing the eyes to naturally cross the Pearl River and the city scenery outside the window, while reducing the ineffective reflection of light, and the space thus has a sense of openness. The ceiling is mainly white, creating the volume of light, and is equipped with scientific lighting design, so that when the overall permeability of the light is improved again, there is no need to worry about adding burden to the eyes.低饱和度的米白色、灰色辅以黑色,带来自然无压力的心理体验感。自然编织沙发弱化了传统沙发边框的生硬感,素雅别致且舒适,打造毫不费力的居家空间。茶几、电视等小面积黑色色块的加入,制造视觉缓冲点,避免空间整体沉闷,赋予其张弛有度节奏。Low saturation of off-white, gray supplemented by black, bringing a natural and stress-free psychological experience. The natural woven sofa weakens the stiffness of the traditional sofa frame, is elegant and comfortable, and creates a effortless home space. The addition of small black color blocks such as coffee tables and televisions creates visual buffer points, avoids the overall dullness of the space, and gives it a rhythm of relaxation.
c omf ort ab le, cr eat ing an ef f or tl es s ho me sp ac e. T he ad di ti on of sm al l bl ac k co lo r bl oc ks su ch as cof fe e ta bl es an d te le vi si on s cr ea te s a vi su al bu ff er po in t to av oi d th e ov er al l du ll ne ss of th e sp ac e an d gi ve it a re la xe d rh yt hm.
荔枝面石材的长方形壁龛,其造型与另一侧公区连接处的通道相呼应,打破沙发背景墙的单调,也让空间更具联动性和秩序感。The rectangular niche with litchi surface stone echoes the channel at the junction of the public area on the other side, breaking the monotony of the sofa background wall and making the space more linkage and order.
While maintaining a uniform tone in the kitchen area, the dark color will also increase, and the tone will sink to create an atmosphere of quiet enjoyment of food.
The litchi-faced natural marble and curved ceiling in the dining area echo the details of the living room, and the orange and black dining chairs add a little visual surprise.
The space concept of dual kitchen configuration and "DK" integration releases the space, and the western kitchen, restaurant and Chinese kitchen form an organic whole.
The island is located in the center of the western kitchen and dining table, where you can enjoy breakfast, drink at leisure, and make cakes when you are interested.
The Chinese kitchen is set up separately to meet the dietary habits of the Chinese people and enjoy the fun of living in the kitchen.
The display cabinet on the right collects the red wine glasses loved by the homeowner. When comrades with similar interests share some joy and feelings with each other, they also give emotional meaning beyond the space jumping function.
转处”,清洗整理后放入冰箱,随手而储的方式,使餐厨区这处烟火地也由此变得精致起来。At the time of the epidemic, people’s living and storage habits have also changed. Therefore, while the storage room is equipped with a storage refrigerator, the cabinets behind the West kitchen island share part of the storage in the kitchen area. The refrigerator and the steam oven are hidden. After purchasing, you can use the island as a "transit place" and put it into the refrigerator after cleaning, so that the fireworks area in the kitchen area can be refined.
activity and explore various possibilities of the space.
阳台是屋主家最喜爱的一处地方,木格栅板天花+灰色大理石地面的组合有别于他处,让这方小天地好似独立出来,自然、开放、自由而具无边际感。The balcony is a favorite place for homeowners. The combination of wooden grid ceiling and gray marble floor is different from other places, making this small world seem to be independent, natural, open, free and borderless. 远处美景一览无遗,近处柠檬树和绿苔点缀其中,安静且不失生机。享受悠闲下午茶时偶有猫咪小主静坐身旁,与爱人相视一笑,不用说其他就很惬意美好~~The beautiful scenery in the distance can be seen at a glance, and the lemon trees and green moss in the vicinity are dotted with it, quiet and full of vitality. When enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea, there are occasional cats sitting quietly beside me, looking at my lover and smiling. Needless to say, it is very pleasant and beautiful~~
The dressing table is placed in the cloakroom, which is convenient for the hostess to make up and match clothes here. On the right side is the exclusive space for the domestic pet. The cat can hide here to play and nap without being disturbed, and can also enter the bedroom through the exclusive passage for the cat to wake up the owner of the bed who stays in bed.
不算大的入口保证了浴室的私密和低调,色调的延续性让整个家的内外场互相映照,双槽双镜可满足两人同时使用,带来更贴心的生活体验感。斧凿面天然大理石带来原始狂野的自然感,挖出壁龛,用于放置氛围香薰及私人收藏,尺度感恰到好处的浴缸配以豪华江景让屋主舒服地享受私人时光。The small entrance ensures the privacy and low-key of the bathroom. The continuity of the tone allows the internal and external fields of the whole family to reflect each other. The double slot double mirror can meet the needs of two people at the same time, bringing a more intimate sense of life experience. The axe chiseled natural marble brings a primitive and wild natural feeling. The niches are dug out to place the ambience aromatherapy and private collection. The bathtub with the right scale and the luxurious river view allow the homeowner to enjoy his private time comfortably.
写在后面:Write after:
设计师认为:设计师是空间的导演,居住者是空间的主角,通过对空间的导演,制造出更多温馨且高级的剧情是设计师的使命。The designer believes that the designer is the director of the space, and the resident is the protagonist of the space. It is the designer’s mission to create more warm and high-level stories through the director of the space.
原结构的整体空间割裂感和闭塞感明显,给彼此的交流和生活带来诸多不便。设计师在不破坏家庭成员私人空间的基础上,将中心处的公区打通开来,使空间的采光、通风、流动性、这些基础的科学条件得以满足及增强。同时利用空间的联动性,有意增加居住者彼此的相遇点,为人与人间、人与宠创造小确幸时也给情感上带来更多的互动交流,使空间不仅仅停留在空间的层面,而赋予它更多“家”的属性。有时转角不一定遇到爱,但或许会遇到亲密的家人和一只治愈的小猫咪~The whole space of the original structure is obviously divided and blocked, which brings a lot of inconvenience to each other’s communication and life. On the basis of not destroying the private space of family members, the designer opens up the public area in the center, so that the lighting, ventilation, mobility and these basic scientific conditions of the space can be met and enhanced. At the same time, by using the linkage of space, it is intended to increase the meeting points of residents, and bring more interaction and communication to people, people and pets, so that the space is not only at the level of space, but also given more "home" attributes. Sometimes you may not meet love at the corner, but you may meet close family members and a cured kitten ~
有宠,撒娇卖萌,有家,遮风挡雨。此处心安即是吾家!There is a pet, coquettish and cute, there is a home, shelter from the wind and rain. Peace of mind here is my home!
项目名称:恒大御景半岛 Project Name: Evergrande Yujing Peninsula
项目地址:中国▪广州 Project address: China ▪ Guangzhou
设计公司:摩赫别墅建筑设计 Design company: Mohr Villa Architectural Design
Design of Mohe Villa
Construction company: Hongdai Impression Decoration
Project principal: Ye Yuliang
Executive designer: Zhu Ying, Chen Ruan
Project area: 270㎡
Design time: 2020y
Completion time: 2022y
Project photography: XSVISION
Project copywriter: Cheng Zi
01 Ye Yuliang Introduction
鸿大印象全称“新加坡鸿大印象集团有限公司”,成立于 2011 年。拥有“鸿大印象装饰”“摩赫别墅建筑设计”“TOKA 托佧国际整体软装”旗下独立品牌,是一家集室内设计、预算、施工、材料、整体软装于一体的专业化设计公司。专注:别墅建筑、平层、商业空间、办公空间、软装、设计与施工。
The full name of Hongda Impression is "Singapore Hongda Impression Group Co., Ltd.", which was established in 2011. It owns independent brands of "Hongda Impression Decoration", "Mohe Villa Architectural Design" and "TOKA International Overall Soft Decoration". It is a professional design company integrating interior design, budget, construction, materials and overall soft decoration. Focus on: villa construction, flat floor, commercial space, office space, soft decoration, design and construction.
CSE 江西省室内设计大赛暨室内设计双年展专业组大奖
CIID 中室学室内建筑师中心会员
意大利“IIDA AWARD”国际设计大奖:年度 TOP10 国际影响力设计机构奖
法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖 别墅空间创新奖[2019 届、2020 届]
第七届 ID+G 金创意奖|国际空间设计大奖 别墅豪宅/国际创新设计奖
年度日本东京 IDPA 国际先锋设计大奖
第 32 届中国(佛山)国际陶瓷陶博会“广东室内设计 50 强”……
2021 人居中国设计精英人物
2021 金住奖-中国居住空间设计年度评选
2021 华语设计领袖榜
2020 年意大利“IIDA AWARD”国际设计大奖:TOP10 最具国际影响力设计机构奖
2020 年法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖:别墅空间设计/创意设计奖
2019 年法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖:TOP10 最具国际影响力设计机构奖
2019 年法国双面神“GPDP AWARD”国际设计大奖:别墅空间设计/创意设计奖
2019 年 FIDA 佛山室内设计协会副会长单位
2019 年 ID+G 金创意奖国际空间设计大赛:别墅豪宅/国际创新设计大奖
2019 年
FIDA 佛山室内设计协会 2015-2019 优秀会员单位
2019 年广东狮子会爱心企业
2019 年度日本东京 IDPA 国际先锋设计大奖
2019 中日国际设计文化交流大使
2018 年第 32 届中国·佛山陶博会《广东室内设计 50 强》
2018 年 A963 设计网 2017-2018 年度佛山区域十大优秀设计师
2017 年广东省质量协会用户满意服务明星企业称号
2017 年度国际空间设计大奖《艾特奖》入围奖
2017 年国际设计大奖《艾鼎奖》提名奖
2017 广东省装饰行业杰出设计师
2017 年佛山设计梦想家
2017 年理事会理事
2017 年龍承奖年度办公空间软装设计奖铜奖
2017 年新家杯年度国际家居设计创新项目作品大赛别墅豪宅空间类金奖
2017 年新家杯年度中国家居设计百强新锐青年设计师
2016 年度营造空间优秀设计作品大赛住宅空间类金奖
2016 年第十一届中国国际室内设计双年展优秀奖
2016 年度广东省“岭南杯”装饰工程项目设计技能大赛二等奖
2016 年度广东省“岭南杯”装饰工程项目设计技能大赛精英设计师称号
02 设计主张
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