—與城市共生伴惬意之光 SYMBIOTIC WITH THE CITY WITH THE LIGHT OF COMFORT “美的建筑是真正用心灵构想而成的有机体,也是在灵感的指导作用下用最佳技艺创作而成的艺术品”
Architecture of beauty is really an organism conceived with the mind,It is also a work of art created with the best techniques under the guidance of inspiration.
武汉大悦城占据武汉东湖高新区“光谷中心城”核心位置,位于世界级“黄金十字轴”——高新大道科技廊道和豹子溪生态廊道交汇处。尽享得天独厚的地理优势的两间样板间以及一间 LOFT 公寓成为本案的主角,设计师为空间注入情感,以简练的手法凝结生活的艺术,体现出十足的人文主义关怀。恰如罗曼罗兰所言:“艺术的伟大意义,基本上在于它能显示人的真正感情、内心生活的奥秘和热情的世界。”
01. 卷曲与自由
Based on functions, the diversified space with simple fashion is created.
In a fast-moving new life, home is the only place to slow down. The space of the house and studio is designed in a modern and simple style, with the quality of individuality and fashion expressed through furniture and accessories. Simple aesthetic means to build a space with multiple meanings.
The overall design is composed of warm gray, with pure Klein blue. Pure and fresh quietly elegant, black and white all match zero error, such colour combination lets originally simple and ordinary become wonderful.
The style of the working area is elegant and warm. The harmonious unity of colors sets off the high-light transparent and textured materials and objects, and then embellishes them with the gray of different materials. There are many bright spots in the gray, reflecting the modern attitude to quality life and the pursuit of details.
02. 浪漫与靜谧 CRIMP AND FreEDOM
「徜徉优雅从容生活,臻享浪漫之居」Based on functions,the diversified space with simple fashion is created.
Air fruity points to the slowly falling water droplets, hidden in the delicate undulation of the screen to break; Tong Ying clear crystal, such as early spring to melt ice; The property of space is originally frozen. Due to human activities, time and space overlap, and the past and future are also related.
The rest space achieves the perfect balance between sweetness and fashion. Green plants in small window swaying, natural rhyme landing in all aspects, a light, a little crystal, a dream gorgeous, a romantic and fresh. Everywhere is filled with the pursuit of high quality of life and delicate and elegant lifestyle.
90㎡LOFT 样板间
Based on functions, the diversified space with simple fashion is created.
The world is colorful and gorgeous, because some of the various colors, they, or enthusiasm bright, or calm and melancholy, or sweet and lovely, or composed atmosphere, and in these colors, magenta is more elegant atmosphere. In the vanguard of innovation and integration of international, let every space exudes international artistic atmosphere.
Space as a whole continued the theme design style, modern gray to vibrant orange, to reflect modern elegant luxury, the luxury of space is presented by the senior feeling, it USES the fashion element, rich sense of advanced materials, simple line and shape create a space effect of visual tension, giving people a sense of elegance and luxury living space, In order to adjust the transformation of people’s spirit and emotion, to meet people’s perceptual and rational needs for space environment.
Kitchen space with simple wind to construct a unique and comfortable experience. Several green interspersed overlapping, the bouquet is vivid, warm and natural elegance of the gas in the space winding.
The master bedroom space with geometric carpet embellished with clash colors has a strong sense of hierarchy, which constitutes the main body of art from a practical point of view to the play of overload.
Children room condenses tong qu and artistic coexisting interior space with succinct design gimmick. The interweaving of pink and white, the collision of orange and blue, the gradual warming of the idea of truth slowly precipitation, growing with the art space without restraint, creation and aesthetic art spread here.
The best design always comes from the original intention of idealism
项目名称| Project name:中粮·武汉光谷大悦城示范区
项目类型| Project type:样板间
项目面积| The project area:58.2㎡、89.7㎡
地 址| Address:武汉·光谷
软装设计| Interior design:安奥拉(AN-AURA)
设计团队| Design team:段志 梁世荣 朱美云 陈子晴
设计时间| Design time:2020.11.02
完工时间| Completion time:2020.12.20
项目摄影| The project of photography:梵镜·建筑空间摄影
段志 AN-AURA 创始人兼艺术总监
梁世荣 AN-AURA 合伙人兼设计总监
-About AN-AURA-
安奥拉(深圳)装饰设计有限公司,亦称 AN-AURA,创立于 2013 年,专注为客户提供高品质的室内整体服务,业务涵盖酒店、商业空间、房地产会所、别墅样板房、私人豪宅等领域,坚持以独特性的品位、前瞻性的风格、专业的时尚触觉,为客户量身定做极致创意氛围的空间设计方案。不追逐流行,坚持作品的独特性,是 AN-AURA 的叙事风格。
AN-AURA(Shenzhen) Decoration Design Limited
地址 Add:深圳市南山区华侨城创意文化园北区 B4 栋一楼 10-5 10-5
1st floor, building B4, North District, Oct creative culture park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
地址 Add:香港九龍旺角彌敦道 610 號荷李活商業中心 1318-19 室
Room 1318-19, Hollywood Commercial Center, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
商務電話 Tel: +86 755 25885486
人事郵件 Mail: hr88anaura@yeah.net
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