—德国 Schuco(旭格)是全球领先的高品质铝合金门、窗、幕墙、推拉、安防与遮阳系统的供应商。产品在全世界范围内应用广泛,满足设计、舒适、安防和节能方面的极高要求。作为品牌旗下店面,设计延续品质要求,传达了现代技术与自然共生、美好舒适的生活理念。
Schuco is the world’s leading supplier of high-quality aluminum alloy doors, windows, curtain walls, push-pull, security and sunshade systems. Products are widely used all over the world to meet the extremely high requirements of design, comfort, security and energy saving. As a store under the brand, the design continues the quality requirements and conveys the concept of symbiosis between modern technology and nature, beautiful and comfortable life.
平面图 | plan |
设计概念|design concept|
Space design caters to the brand’s concept of "future · top priority", so that modern technology can better serve people, make indoor and outdoor common, and make indoor life free and comfortable. Integrate the natural green and wood into the steel, glass and other material space representing modern life. The contrast of materials collides with their pursuit of quality of life.
效果呈现 | effect presentation | 01 」▼店铺外观 exterior view of the store
The appearance of the store caters to the product characteristics. It is made of gray and black matte steel with its own reflective effect, which is introverted and can not be ignored. The overall sense is cold and resolute, and stands in the field with a domineering attitude.
∷ 店面入口
∷ 转角产品展示台
02▼ 前台
The reception desk uses silver steel, installation end and multi-level lighting to create a sense of modern science and technology for the space, expressing the brand’s rational pursuit of technical concept and excellent requirements for products.
∷ 千层玻璃装置灯箱,结合交叉灯光体,交织出视觉冲击,成为前厅的艺术装饰。
03▼ 样品展示区
sample display area
The exhibition area applies all walls to the extreme, and the product display is integrated into the wall modeling. The product category and details are presented one by one according to the sequence number, which is clear and smooth.
The central selection area selects natural materials such as wood and green plants to give people a sense of closeness to nature. Compared with the modern door and window system and silver steel plate, it shows the harmonious beauty of modern life and nature, and the symbiosis of humanistic temperature and technological development.
accessories and structure display area
The accessory structure display area uses green with high saturation as the background color to create an eye-catching visual focus. The arc corner echoes with the silver steel staircase, which is too natural and soft.
∷ 钢架楼梯
scheme reporting area
The overall tone of the scheme reporting area is simple and simple, exuding a tranquility based on nature and producing simple and light beauty. Use the rhythm and rhythm of form to show a simple high-level sense.
∷ 野口勇 Akari UF3-Q 落地灯
Take advantage of the floor height to create a teahouse for the space. Assimilate the color of the wall and roof, weaken the shortcomings of floor height, and create a quiet atmosphere for the tea room. At the same time, bring in green, inject vitality into the space and unify the spatial tonality.
Name | 项目名称:德国 Schuco(旭格) 展厅.
Project name | 项目地址:武汉.
Spatial properties | 空间属性:商业空间.
Area | 项目面积:180㎡.
Interior Team | 设计机构:上作空间设计
▲华侨城原岸 | 时光至臻,宁静致远
▲上作空间 |Shindler 迅达电梯展厅
▲华侨城原岸 | 向光而生,面向自然,宠娃宝妈打造成长“小木屋”
▲上作空间 | RUYIART · 「如意梵品」木作定制研究室
▲上作空间 | TOSHIBA 东芝空调展厅
▲上作空间 | 柏克利软装展厅
▲上作空间 | 素颜,家的样子
▲上作空间 | 打造素雅日式风,享受静谧慢生活!
▲上作空间 | 钢琴王子的 cool boy’s home
▲上作空间 | WHW 私人形象沙龙
▲上作空间 | 空间重生,回形动线让家灵动洒脱
▲华侨城原岸 | 精装大变身,打造休闲品质空间
▲ 保利城︱现代自然风,最舒适的空间体验感
2020 年荣获金堂奖设计金奖、法国双面神 GPDP AWARD 创新空间奖、包豪斯现代设计奖金奖、大中华区年度 100 大杰出设计青年、红棉奖最佳极简空间、40under40 湖北榜设计杰出青年。
2019 年荣获光华龙腾奖 100 位设计杰出青年、40under40 武汉城市榜设计杰出青年、艾特奖武汉赛区公寓设计优秀奖。
2018 年荣获 40under40 武汉城市榜设计杰出青年。
室内设计 / 软装陈列 / 地产项目 / 商业空间
地址:中国 武汉 洪山区欢乐大道东湖尚郡 6-1106