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法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所

2022/09/01 11:59:00
设计生活美学 城市诗意栖居Life Aesthetics & Live Poetically
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-1
展望星辰,相曦朝暮每一寸都是大自然的曼妙笔触 玄关ENTRANCE玄关是归家的仪式感开门第一眼就被惊艳到白色墙体的石膏雕花温柔典雅搭配清新的装饰画与浅绿色雪山玫瑰另有马歇尔音响和黑胶复古唱片机充分彰显品质生活Hallway hallway is a sense of ceremony for returning home. I was amazed at the first time I opened the door! The gypsum carvings on the white wall are gentle and elegant, matched with fresh decorative paintings and light green snow mountain roses, as well as Marshall sound and vinyl Vintage record player, which fully demonstrate the quality of life.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-3
客厅LIVING ROOM客厅以米白色为主色调挂壁式电视节约了空间使客厅更加明亮开阔空间的连接采用弧形门的设计柔和棱角,使气氛更加温馨舒适The living room is mainly off white, and the wall mounted TV saves space and makes the living room more bright and open. The space link adopts the arc-shaped door design, and the soft edges and corners make the atmosphere more warm and comfortable.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-5
典型的法式风格有不少留白自然而自在配合墙面雕花等细节勾勒越发显得韵味十足The rest are left blank, typical French style, natural and free. With the detailed outline of wall carving, it becomes more and more full of charm.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-7
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-8
人字拼木地板搭配柔软地毯莫兰迪色皮艺沙发使客厅整体视觉简约大气,和谐舒适精致浪漫的吊灯光洁并有金属点缀的电视机矮柜凸显家的气质与档次The mosaic wood floor with soft carpet and Morandi leather sofa make the living room simple, harmonious and comfortable. Exquisite and romantic chandeliers, bright and clean TV cabinets decorated with metal, highlight the temperament and grade of the family.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-10
靠窗的位置放置了褶皱布艺毛毛虫沙发一张木色小茶几沐浴午后暖阳,诠释氛围感绿色植物是家中的灵魂元素让家保持充分的“呼吸感”更贴近自然In the position near the window, there is a folded cloth lazy sofa, a small wooden tea table, bathing in the warm afternoon sun, explaining the atmosphere. Green plants are the soul element of the home, which keeps the home full of "breathing sense" and closer to nature.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-12
厨房KITCHEN厨房经改造后,分为西厨区和中厨区开放式的设计便于烹饪者与家人互动分享纪念和回味每一餐After the transformation, the kitchen is divided into the western kitchen area and the central kitchen area. The open design is convenient for the cooks to interact and share with their families, commemorate and aftertaste every meal.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-14
西厨区的浅色装修使空间没有压抑感操作台空间足够大方便主人家烤制百种美味The light color decoration of the western kitchen area makes the space free of depression, and the space of the operation desk is large enough to facilitate the host to bake hundreds of delicious dishes.
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中厨区与西厨区相连储物空间更大光线明亮,动线合理爱上烹饪只需要这样一个梦想厨房The central kitchen area is connected with the western kitchen area, with larger storage space, bright light and reasonable moving line. Love cooking, only need such a dream kitchen.
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餐厅DINING ROOM餐厅的美看轻奢风的银杏顶灯就能感受得淋漓尽致悦动而富有生命力让空间充满艺术的气息The beauty of the restaurant can be felt vividly and vividly by looking at the gingko ceiling lamp that belittles luxury. It is lively and full of vitality, making the space full of artistic breath.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-20
符合人体工学的皮质餐椅光泽动人与大理石餐桌和谐统一构造空间的平衡美足不出户便可体会高级西餐厅的优雅环境和浪漫温馨Teak colored dining chairs are integrated with the space, forming a school of elegance. Enjoy a dish in the whirling light and shadow. The engineering leather dining chair is glossy and moving. It is harmonious and unified with the marble table top to create a balanced beauty of space.
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-22
法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-23
卫生间TOILET卫生间也是改动较大的一个区域我们将原有的两个卫生间重新划分成为了一个四分的空间干区、家政区、座便区、淋浴区The toilet is also an area with large changes. We re divided the original two toilets into a quarter space: dry area, housekeeping area, toilet area and shower area.
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干区主要是两个洗手台与整面的梳妆镜可以满足家人同时使用需要与其他区域隔一条走廊各自独立The dry area is mainly a hand washing table and a full face dressing mirror, which can meet the needs of the family at the same time. It is separated from other areas by a corridor and is independent.
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家政区主要为收洗衣物设计洗衣机的摆放视觉效果上扩大了空间收纳储物也有充足的地方The housekeeping area is mainly designed for collecting and washing clothes. The visual effect of the washing machine expands the space, and there is sufficient space for storage.
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卸下周身疲惫淋浴后若不想花费精力再去打扫那么干湿分离一定要做好保证卫生间的整洁透明玻璃门让整体风格有一体感大顶喷的花洒让洗澡像做SPA一样享受If you dont want to spend energy on cleaning after taking off the tired shower, you must do a good job in dry and wet separation to ensure the cleanliness of the toilet. 卧室BEDROOM主卧色彩采用橙色与灰白的搭配大胆而活泼丰富的小盆栽使空间看起来生机盎然,美观耐看The colors of the master bedroom are orange and gray, bold and lively. Rich small potted plants make the space look full of vitality, beautiful and durable.
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在这样的卧室睡觉仿佛在欧洲海边橙色落日中甜美入梦Sleeping in such a bedroom is like sleeping in the orange sunset on the European coast.
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步入女儿的卧室,似乎进入了童话世界兔子造型的床头柜,独角兽彩绘墙面洋溢着梦幻与治愈的感觉在每一个细节都能感受到爸爸妈妈对小公主的爱与呵护Walking into her daughters bedroom, she seems to have entered the fairy tale world. The bedside table in the shape of rabbit and the painted wall of Unicorn are filled with the feeling of dream and healing. In every detail, I can feel the love and care of my parents for the little princess.
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法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-36
书房LIBRARY书房整体依然是轻奢简约的法式风格采光极佳,视野开阔颜值与功能并存The overall style of the study is still the light luxury and simple French style, with excellent lighting, wide vision, and coexistence of appearance and function.
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书房与阳台相独立又相连通将原本的空间发挥到极致等夕阳笼罩剪影下都是生活的美好 At the same time, the study and the living balcony are independent and connected, giving full play to the original space. When the sun sets, life is beautiful in silhouette.
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花园GARDEN花园庭院是一家人的世外桃源微风和煦,花香怡人可以在这方小天地中慵懒惬意地度过闲暇时光The garden courtyard is a familys paradise. The breeze is warm and the flowers and plants are pleasant. The family can spend their leisure time in this small world.
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法式慢生活,诗意栖居丨101 设计事务所-43
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