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YOUNG HOUSE · 深圳罗湖的健身中心设计新典范丨中国深圳丨十米设计

2021/10/22 15:28:18
YOUNG HOUSE · 深圳罗湖的健身中心设计新典范丨中国深圳丨十米设计-0
拒绝封闭感和钢铁般的冰冷感,打破沉默,始见希望之光,YOUNG HOUSE 来了。
Refuse to feel closed and cold as steel,Break the silence and see the light of hope,young house here.
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“young house”,就是一个打破沉默与冷漠的场所。“实”的包裹与“虚”的突破,协调着张力与美的平衡;互动的、好奇的、安静的、热情的、探索内心本真的自在的空间。
"Young House" is a place to break the silence and indifference. The wrapping of "real" and the breakthrough of "virtual" coordinate the balance of tension and beauty; Interactive, curious, quiet, passionate, explore the inner space of the real free.
1. 闻香而来
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Deep treetops extend over the walls, and this is a place of flowering, where passers-by come to smell the fragrance, expecting fruit. Under the treetops you can receive, rest, chat, and read; It not only meets people’s need for rest, but also creates an environment suitable for communication. That gules glass door in the distance, present a different hazy effect, already connect fully, ambiguous, also be the door that we want to open.
2. 漫步庭院
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Slowly open the red glass door, come to the "courtyard" corner of the aerobic area. Looking out, strands of golden light will flood in from outside the curtain wall, and the light will fall to the ground through the wood that looks like the extended branches of the tree. At that moment, is quiet and movement of collision, will erupt flame - red ignited!
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Eyes follow the strip lights into the equipment area. The big tree in the distance supports the whole day of the courtyard. Exercising in the courtyard under the big tree brings a breath of returning to the origin of life.
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On the right side is a peaceful and calm space, walking slowly from the eaves corridor in the middle, walking through the movement and movement. In the closed environment on all sides, the interior space outside is originally considered as leisure; But a touch of red in the distance can give a sense of passion for life.
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The boxing area uses a strong red color to bring an explosive atmosphere to the whole space. The wall is made of red perforated steel plates, reflecting the transformation from metal cold to heat. Combined with the strong strips of wood that extend the branches of the ceiling, they reflect each other, creating an extremely powerful fighting scene.
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YOUNG HOUSE · 深圳罗湖的健身中心设计新典范丨中国深圳丨十米设计-26
YOUNG HOUSE · 深圳罗湖的健身中心设计新典范丨中国深圳丨十米设计-27
Leisure area, here is the guide area of the space, such as the kiosk can be stopped; Extract the form of trees, to create a place for communication, light, tea tasting pavilion. 4 私人后花园
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The private parish serves as the back garden of fitness, in which the lights use staggered cloth, providing continuous movement to the space, but also provides a bright and clean exercise space; Add the red strip glass with strong perspective to make the explosive force of space penetration more heat. 5 White sacred scene.
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Wander into peaceful, peaceful Spaces. In Pilates interior, we use rustic color matching and roof skylight design. The interior of the space is simple, but rich in changes. I hope to experience a state of life that is back to nature and close to nature, where I can get a kind of relaxation and rest, making my body and mind happy.
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现在正行走在人文廊道上,不时从墙上读取“young house”的精彩,感受天花屋檐的重组而营造的极具趣味性廊道环境;伴随人造天光的洒入,形成的白色朝圣感,给心灵以纯净洗涤。
Now I am walking on the humanistic corridor, reading the wonderful "Young House" from the wall from time to time, feeling the reorganization of the ceiling eaves, and creating a very interesting corridor environment. Along with the artificial skylight into the sprinkling, the formation of a sense of white pilgrimage, to the heart with pure washing.
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YOUNG HOUSE · 深圳罗湖的健身中心设计新典范丨中国深圳丨十米设计-40
Air yoga room, soft lighting rendering elegant, relaxed and natural atmosphere.
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Large Pilates room, the use of flexible white polyester cotton gauze as the main atmosphere, reflecting relaxed, soft, aesthetic, quiet drunk white holy scene space. Adding plants to render the natural ecological green environment, fit the original intention of Pilates.
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Aisle glass design, flooding type of natural light has a strong appeal, natural integration with the white space, white holy scene can be seen far.
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Female change clothes ought to be a space of downy perceptual beauty, use a few arc and colour to ease the firmness of movement and warm blood, let body and mind relax to experience the comfort that hot water scours, what hope comes out from change clothes is a brand-new self.
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“young house”不只是一个健身空间,也不是一个网红点,而是一个有生活属性的空间。可以通过稳定的内容输出,吸引人群,形成记忆,养成习惯,从而留下。
Young House is not just a fitness space, it’s a space with attributes of life. With stable content output, attract a crowd, form a memory, form a habit, and stay.
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项目坐标:深圳 罗湖
Project coordinates: Luohu, Shenzhen
Brand name: YOUNG HOUSE
Project area: 2000㎡
Type of project: Fitness center
Design time: 2021.08
Design agency: Ten Meters Design
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