

蒲公英以它的美丽而闻名于世。一望无际的蒲公英田,如同黄色面纱随微风轻轻舞动,久而久之化作轻柔的臂膀,在温暖的日子里随着微风飘荡。据说,能一口气吹落蒲公英所有种子的人,就会与所爱之人两情相悦……在“蒲公英”的美丽意向下,本餐酒吧的设计对于MJA Studio事务所来说就是一块试金石,验证了设计师是如何将空间与场所紧密联系在一起的。餐酒吧面积为700平方米,包括酒吧、餐厅、木制厨房,以及酿酒工坊,在繁忙的城市中心环境中以开放的姿态展示出空间的美以及材料的原始表达。设计旨在以新颖的形式让餐酒吧的两个楼层都萦绕在迷人的空间氛围中,并为所有参与其辉煌的人提供优质的服务。
The dandelion.. known worldwide for its beauty. Endless fields of yellow veil moving with the breeze, and over time transforming into its whispy arms floating away in the breeze on a warm day. The story goes, if you can blow all the seeds off a dandelion in a single breath, that the person you love will love you back…The essence of the dandelion is a touchstone we associate with the venue’s design and foundations. This 700m2 venue including bar, restaurant, woodfired kitchen and distillery talks to the beauty of open space and raw expression within a busy centre environment. The creation of a whimsical and enchanting experience, layered across two floors and offerings for all who partake in its splendour.
▼底层空间概览,preview of the ground floor
Two distinct dining and drinking areas flow over the double storey space- joined by their gradient of colour. What starts as a fresh, clean and vibrant pink transforms to an earthy and rich red. No matter the season, nor the time of day, Dandelion is a space that is welcoming, inviting and comfortably woven into its centre surroundings. Hand-picked finishes, metallic details and an eclectic edit of colour, texture and pattern come together to cultivate a place for neighbourhood gatherings and genuine hospitality and social exchange.
the space is dominated by vibrant pink
▼底层座位区,seating area of the ground floor
在踏入餐酒吧大门之前,精湛的工艺以及富有表现力的材料和细节就已经展示在人们眼前。柔和的灰粉色色调在不同的尺度和材料上和谐地交织,创造出通透开放的空间氛围,为空间中的主角 —— 底层酒吧以及铜制的杜松子酒架,提供了柔和微妙的背景。赤陶瓷砖地面、暖木饰面、檀香木和摩洛哥粉的组合营造出春天般的温暖感觉。而金属以及金银丝细工木的复杂纹理则宛如蒲公英纤维状的种子,进而呼应了酒吧的主题。
The craft and expressive detail and materiality begins as soon as you step through the front door. Muted, dusty pink tones work harmoniously across various scales and materials to create an open and airy space, delivering a subtle backdrop for the spaces heroes: the copper gin still and ground floor bar. The combination of terracottas, warm wooden veneers, sandalwoods and moroccan pink create a sensation of spring time. The fibrous seeds of the dandelion seen in intricate metal fabrics and filigree timber panelling.
the copper gin still and ground floor bar
▼吧台细部,detail of the bar
Travelling up the main stairwell, the palette draws your eyes to a shift of atmosphere between the lower and upper levels. The space becomes unapologetically moody and dynamic. The upper level colour palette is more autumnal; timber and blacks offset the burnt red ceilings and patterned tiled bar. The positioning of the chefs kitchen and wood smoker create an alluring ambience and energy as you approach the bar. Textured fabrics and delightfully worn leathers help local shopper who stop for a quick glass of rose, or imbibers that find themselves settling into the lounge by the fire to linger awhile longer. Delicately detailed wallpapers, stained timbers and worn leathers compliment the flooring, Shaw Dyelab Lac, to furthermore enhance the romantic, fiery, feminine feel of the upper level bar and dining areas.
▼上层酒吧入口,entrance of the upper floor
整个空间采用了各种具有丰富表现力的天然石材,这些石材与自然有机的混凝土瓷砖、温暖的手切砖瓦以及Shaw Dyelab地毯相平衡。地毯与瓷砖的自然颜色共同营造出奢华舒适的氛围,同时也定义了休息区和餐饮空间。同时,地毯的色彩也与各楼层的不同色彩主题相兼容,在营造出温暖质感的同时,优化了空间的声学环境,削弱了人们兴奋的交谈声与鸡尾酒杯的碰撞声。
An assortment of expressive natural stones are used throughout the space, balanced with the natural, organic feel of concrete griege tiling, warm hand cut brick slips and Shaw Dyelab carpets underneath. The varied, natural colorations of the carpet and brick slips evoke a sense of luxury and comfort, whilst also defining break-out areas and curated dining spaces. The carpet insets work harmoniously with the colour palettes of each floor, whilst also providing a feeling of warmth and providing some acoustic functionality, softening the excited chatter and clinging of cocktail glasses.
▼二层空间概览,preview of the upper floor
▼壁炉,the wood smoker
▼座位区细部,detail of the seating area
Dandelion feels like somewhere you want to linger for hours, settling in as the first glimpse of sunset appears across the balcony above, and settle into the dark, ambient space, unravelling the visual and gastronomic offering it has to offer its visitors.
▼卫生间,the restroom
Project size:700 m2
Completion date:2022
Design:MJA Studio
Project team:Jimmy Thompson, Matt Middleton, Jess Beaver, Alex Massara