知末案例   /   娱乐空间   /   会所   /   Oleg Klodt


2019/10/12 12:45:00
The client for this project approached the Oleg Klodt Bureau with an interesting yet challenging proposal – to create the interiors for a professional club, whose premises are to be located in the bygone mansion of the Yakovlev dynasty of Muscovite merchants of the early 19th century. The mansion is in the very heart of historic Moscow. The idea involved a complete transformation of the building to provide a three-fold increase its usable floorspace, whilst simultaneously retaining the buildings historic facades and appearance. As a commercial project, the result had to be ultra-fashionable and elegant – whilst still keeping a firm handle on costs. Clients who visit the centre need to feel theyve arrived at a completely contemporary centre – yet which simultaneously retains the charming ethos of the late 19th century. A solution to this conundrum was found through the creation of numerous bespoke furniture pieces of natural wood, a solid oak floor, and the bureaus famous attention to fine detail in the planning and zoning of the space, which has been completed in a refined yet restrained Belgian style. The grey-toned colour scheme chimed perfectly with the use of loft-style chrome tubing, metal, and mirrors. 这个项目的客户向奥列格·克洛特局提出了一个有趣而又富有挑战性的提议-为一个专业俱乐部创建内部,该俱乐部的办公地点将位于19世纪初莫斯科商人雅科夫列夫王朝的旧宅邸。这座豪宅位于历史悠久的莫斯科的中心地带。这个想法包括对建筑物进行彻底改造,以增加三倍的可用楼面空间,同时保留建筑物的历史外观和外观。作为一个商业项目,其结果必须是超时尚和优雅的,同时仍然保持对成本的坚定处理。参观该中心的客户需要感觉到,他们已经到达了一个完全现代的中心-但同时也保留了19世纪末的迷人氛围。解决这一难题的办法是创造大量定制的天然木材家具、实心橡木地板,以及该局在空间规划和分区方面对细节的关注,该空间已以一种精致但有节制的比利时风格完成。灰色色调的配色方案与阁楼式镀铬管、金属和镜子的使用非常吻合.
The Club offers the full range of services, with a Beauty Salon on the ground floor. The Spa itself is situated on the Lower Ground, fitted with three halls, two hammams and a solar room. The upper floor features a technological kitchen with a lift to a restaurant on the third floor which offers a space to relax between spa procedures and soak up the atmosphere of the past – and cheerfully pass a whole day there. 俱乐部提供全方位的服务,底层设有美容院。水疗中心本身就位于低地,有三个大厅,两个火腿和一个太阳能房。楼上有一个技术厨房,带电梯到三楼的一家餐厅,它提供了一个空间,可以在水疗过程中放松,吸收过去的气氛-并愉快地在那里度过一整天。
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