
2019/09/25 12:06:00
The proposal for a monument in the port of Veracruz to commemorate 100 years of Jewish immigration came about after an open competition was announced for Mexican and international architects, designers, visual artists, organized by the central committee of the Jewish community in Mexico. This symbolic project was made possible thanks to the support of the State of Veracruz’s port authority, which donated the physical site for the monument, and to the private donations provided by the Jewish community. 在韦拉克鲁斯港设立纪念碑以纪念犹太人移民100周年的提议是在墨西哥犹太人社区中央委员会组织的墨西哥和国际建筑师、设计师、视觉艺术家公开竞赛之后提出的。这一具有象征意义的项目之所以成为可能,是因为韦拉克鲁斯州的港务局提供了支持,后者捐赠了纪念碑的有形场地,并得到了犹太人社区的私人捐助。
Jacobo Micha and ARCHETONIC won this competition and were awarded with the opportunity to build this monument. Jacobo Micha和ARCHETONIC赢得了这次比赛,并获得了建造这座纪念碑的机会。
The project is a load-bearing wall that supports 100 sculpted elements on one side, and 400 lines of stone suspended in the air on the other, to symbolize Veracruz as the port of entry to Mexico. Each one of these 100 pieces mark one of the years in which the Jewish community has been welcomed into Mexico, a country they now call home. These commemorative works, with their rough and sturdy finishes, refer to the arrival of the ships as well as their immigrant passengers who disembarked perhaps without much preparation but full of courage and willingness to start their new lives. 这个项目是一个承重墙,一边支撑着100个雕塑元素,另一边是400行悬挂在空中的石头,象征着韦拉克鲁斯是墨西哥的入境港。这100件作品中的每一件都标志着犹太社区在墨西哥受到欢迎的一年,墨西哥现在被他们称为家园。这些纪念作品以其粗糙和坚固的完成,指的是船只的到来及其移民乘客的到来,他们也许没有充分的准备,但却充满了开始新生活的勇气和意愿。
On the opposite side of the wall, the 100 pieces are multiplied to a total of 400, showing the birth of the new families; these 400 pieces are refined and polished, symbolizing Mexico as somewhere people can explore new opportunities and start their lives afresh, always within a community. This is also a block shaped by many members who have helped one another on their path toward a common purpose, and demonstrating their achievements. 在墙的另一边,这100件作品被成倍地增加到总共400件,展示了新家庭的诞生;这400件作品被提炼和抛光,象征着墨西哥作为人们可以探索新机会和重新开始他们的生活的地方,总是在一个社区内。这也是一个由许多成员组成的街区,他们在通往共同目标的道路上互相帮助,并展示了他们的成就。
These pieces were sculpted with particular forms and features, without repetitions. Although ostensibly similar, each piece has small, distinguishing details to convey the importance and uniqueness of each year in which the Jewish community has lived in Mexico. 这些作品是用特殊的形式和特征雕刻的,没有重复。虽然表面上是相似的,但每一件作品都有很小的、与众不同的细节来传达犹太社区在墨西哥生活的每一年的重要性和独特性。
The wall sculptures are made of slate, granite and marble, cut and sculpted in various parts of Mexico, such as Guerrero and Puebla, before being transported to their final destination: Veracruz. This process represents the immigration and immigrants, with the pieces inserted into the wall as if into an open door. 墙上的雕塑是由石板、花岗岩和大理石制成的,在墨西哥的许多地方,如格雷罗和普埃布拉,都是经过切割和雕刻的,然后才被运往最终目的地:韦拉克鲁斯。这一过程代表了移民和移民,将碎片插进墙上,仿佛插进了一扇敞开的门。
The plinth bears the names of the various participants and aims to give the sense that the wall is lightly suspended or floating in the air, at the same time as alluding to the opportunities given to the Jewish community to find success in Mexico. This base also includes a philosophical explanation from Aslan Cohen Mizrahi and a historical text by Alberto Rayek Balas. 地台上有各种参与者的名字,其目的是使人感觉到这堵墙是轻轻悬挂或漂浮在空中的,同时也暗示给犹太人社区在墨西哥取得成功的机会。这一基础还包括阿斯兰科恩米兹拉希的哲学解释和阿尔贝托雷克巴拉斯的历史文本。
To complete the project, a bench was designed for people not so much to sit down to observe the monument as to sit and contemplate the sea, in order to remember those who came to establish themselves. In honor of this cause, a plaque was laid with the names of all the donors who made this monument possible, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Jewish immigrants’ arrival in the port of Veracruz. 为了完成这项工程,我们设计了一条长凳,让人们坐下来观摩纪念碑,而不是坐下来观望大海,以纪念那些前来定居的人们。为了纪念这一事业,在纪念犹太移民抵达韦拉克鲁斯港100周年时,为纪念犹太移民抵达韦拉克鲁斯港100周年,为纪念这座纪念碑的所有捐助者的名字,设立了一个牌匾。
Location: Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico Year: 2013 Area: Status: Built 地点:墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯
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