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经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室

2022/09/15 14:55:00
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-0
每个人都有 属于自己的色彩 将这颜色适度地表达于空间中 家就变得更加丰满 有了温度
“人们要的已经不是一个室内空间而已,而是一个舒适与安全的居家环境。因此室内设计已不能只做表面装饰,而应当把居住体验的满足感当成唯一的目标。当代的居家设计,必须要真正贴近我们的生活态度与方式。” ——凯莉·赫本
What people want is not just an indoor space, but a comfortable and safe home environment. Therefore, interior design can no longer be just surface decoration, but should regard the satisfaction of living experience as the only goal. Contemporary home design must be truly close to our attitude and way of life.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-4
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-5
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Color has a mysterious and powerful power in regulating human emotions. A gentle color environment often has the effect of softening the outer horny layer of emotions, making the aura of people in it soft and warm.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-11
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Timeless, modern neutrals are the go-to choice for elegant home decor. Neutrals, in between warm and cool, will be the main color block of home decor, while strong colors can inject fun and personality into a space and are perfect as an accent.
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Since the Renaissance, Western countries have established a long tradition of humanism. With the continuous improvement of material levels, peoples needs for shelter have gradually shifted from physiological practicality and convenience to deeper spiritual needs. The underlying cultural logic of this modern home design concept happens to coincide with Chinas long-standing "people-oriented" concept.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-26
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-27
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The application of "harmony between man and nature" to the design concept can be extended to a natural, harmonious and self-consistent aura. Designers must use superb skills to create a "naturally de-carved" interior space, as if each object was born to harmoniously integrate with the space. No redundancies or shortcomings.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-32
温柔又坚定 成为中性色调的代名词 以它为基础的空间 迸发出无尽饱满灵感
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经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-35
"Home" is a dream we created for ourselves in the wild forest of "city". It is the base of the soul, so we hope that through design, a house can develop a physique that is good at taking care of human emotions.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-38
Needless to say, the characteristics of convenience, practicality, and beauty need not be mentioned. On top of this, the designer has devoted more effort to the selection of materials and colors, creating a rich sense of hierarchy with comfortable patterns, materials, and color matching, and strives to restore Lifes original tenderness.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-41
摩登、大胆、优雅 看似冲撞的元素 彼此之间侵占、组合 却又生发奇异的氛围
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经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-45
In contrast, the bedrooms color scheme is modern, bold and elegant, and the overall feeling is fuller and warmer. Walking into it, you can feel the warm yet cautious and gentle healing power just from the sight.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-48
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-49
The bright bedroom space is embellished with classic American elements, colliding with interesting dolls and decorations to create a wonderful aura, rejecting the dull and oppressive design style to satisfy the modern "Buddha system", the pursuit of inner peace, and the desire to be healed. spiritual needs.
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-52
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-53
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-54
自然、有机、迸发、疯狂、简约...对于生命与生活的热爱都将在家居空间中得到具象化的呈现。 当你踏进家门,深呼吸,你能清晰感知到这就是“你”的家,这个空间里拥有与你同一属性的磁场,仿佛与你融为一体...
Natural, organic, bursting, crazy, simple... The love for life and life will be embodied in the home space. When you step into the door and take a deep breath, you can clearly perceive that this is "your" home. This space has a magnetic field with the same attributes as you, as if it is one with you...
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经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-60
# 项目信息
项目位置 | Location:上海
项目类型 | Type:全案设计
空间性质 | Spatial properties:别墅
设计总监 | Designer:朱可 夏杭琪
主案设计 | Designer:邹明成 古风
设计时间 | Time:2022年
项目进展 | Progress:进行中
项目面积 | Area:500 m²
设计单位 | Unit:H-F设计工作室
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-71
朱 可 — 紫苹果集团设计中心总监 上海瑾澜软装创始人 ICAD国际商业设计师(A级) 中国建筑装饰协会会员 中国建筑委员会软装陈设与装配式副会长 意大利PLUINA设计师事务所中方设计代表
经典美式,温柔诠释家居生活新态度丨中国上海丨HF 设计工作室-73
夏杭琪 | Katrina — 意大利米兰理工大学 奢华酒店与设计管理硕士 上海H-F设计事务所负责人兼设计总监 上海集境设计创始人
Katrina 对品味生活有着独到理解和研究 提倡简单、纯粹、坚定、充满力量的设计理念
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