阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹

2022/09/22 00:39:47
阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学于近期完成了其面向未来的最可持续的教学设施,位于 Amstel 校区的 Jakoba Mulderhuis 教学楼是其中最新完成的项目,将为技术学院的 6000-7000 名学生提供约 2.5 万平方米的教学空间。该建筑已于 2022 年 9 月 1 日举办的新学年开幕式上正式宣布启用。
Amsterdam UAS has opened the doors to its future-proof and most sustainable teaching facility. Jakoba Mulderhuis on Rhijnspoorplein is the Amstel Campus’s grand finale, situated on Wibautstraat. The building will accommodate some 6,000 to 7,000 students from the Faculty of Technology, encompassing approximately 25,000 m2 worth of teaching programmes. It has officially been opened since the opening ceremony for the new academic year on 1 September 2022.
▼建筑概览,Overall view
阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-3
阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-4
从城市规划的角度整合 Amstel 校区
Integration of Amstel Campus from an urban planning perspective
Jakoba Mulderhuis 教学楼位于 Wibautstraat 和 Mauritskade 街道拐角处的一处显著位置,紧靠历史城区外缘的 Singelgracht 运河。新建筑与 Wibautstraat 街道另一侧的历史保护建筑 Benno Premselahuis 一起,构成了通往城市的门户。街道两边的高层建筑构成了宏伟的环境,并连接了附近的其他建筑元素。
Jakoba Mulderhuis 位于一个引人注目的位置,在 Wibautstraat 和 Mauritskade 的拐角处,以及历史悠久的内城边缘的 Singelgracht 运河旁。与 Wibautstraat 另一侧的列为保护建筑的 Benno Premselahuis 一起,Jakoba Mulderhuis 形成了通往城市的门户。街道两侧的高层建筑赋予了该环境一种纪念性的品质,将附近的建筑元素连接起来。
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view
阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-10
▼从运河望向建筑,View from the canal
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Jakoba Mulderhuis 教学楼由一座细长的塔楼(13 层,54 米高)和一座位于 Mauritskade 街道的低层建筑(6 层,33 米高)组成。从城市规划的角度来看,塔楼所处的位置使其成为了一件艺术品般的存在。拓宽的 Wibautstraat 街道为市中心创造了一道引入注目的入口。
Jakoba Mulderhuis 由 Mauritskade 上的一座细长塔楼(54 米高,13 层)和一座低层建筑(33 米,6 层)组成。从城市规划的角度来看,塔楼的位置构成了一件艺术品。拓宽 Wibautstraat 为市中心创造了一个引人注目的入口。
▼项目由一座细长的塔楼和低层建筑组成,Jakoba Mulderhuis comprises a slimline tower and a low-rise block
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▼入口广场,Entry plaza
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Flexible means future-proof
2014 年,阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学建筑系毕业生 Marc Koehler(Marc Koehler Architects)和 Nanne de Ru(Powerhouse Company)合作设计了 Jakoba Mulderhuis 大楼,并邀请 de Architekten Cie 事务所加入其团队。最终完成的建筑是一座可持续且灵活的教育建筑,它具有开放的特点,配备了最先进的设施,能够完全满足学校对丰富学习环境的要求,使教育、研究、专业实践和当地社区在这里交汇。
Former Amsterdam UAS architecture students Marc Koehler (Marc Koehler Architects) and Nanne de Ru (Powerhouse Company) collaborated on the design for Jakoba Mulderhuis and involved de Architekten Cie. in the design team in 2014. The result is a sustainable, flexible educational building with an open character and state-of-the-art facilities, which is entirely tailored to the rich learning environment. Education, research, professional practice and the local area all converge here. The rhythmic play of the façade is imbued with subtle psychology.
The facade pattern runs upwards from left to right.
阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-25
具有韵律感的外立面以微妙的方式影响着人们的心理:呈对角线上移的图案可以从各个角度看到,有助于提醒学生们保持进步和发展。预制的立面单元是在不使用脚手架的情况下安装的,并且基于被动式建筑的原则,采用回收的铝窗框和天然石材进行装饰。Jura 石灰岩与相邻的 Theo Thijssenhuis 大楼保持了相似的色调,在和谐融入周围环境的同时也增强了建筑自身宏伟和面向未来的特征。开放的结构使建筑的每个楼层都拥有灵活布局,提供不同类型的开放和封闭区域,并且可以根据朝向、景观和日照量进行适度的调整。
A pattern running upwards from left to right is visible from all angles. Serving to remind students of progress and development. The prefab façade was fitted without the use of scaffolding and has been finished with recycled aluminium window frames and natural stone in line with passive construction principles. The Jura limestone is the same colour as that of the adjacent Theo Thijssenhuis, ensuring harmony with the surroundings and reinforcing the monumental, future-proof character. The open structure allows for a flexible layout on each floor in the building. Open and closed sections have been varied for each storey, fine-tuned to the orientation, view and solar load.
▼俯瞰入口台阶,Entrance aerial view
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▼首层空间,Ground floor space
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起连接作用的中庭 Atrium as connecting section
开阔的中庭空间将 Jakoba Mulderhuis 教学楼与相邻的 Theo Thijssenhuis 大楼连接起来,后者在施工阶段仍保持正常运作。所有的楼层都可直接通向中庭,并设有开放的平台,可供学生们开展项目工作。
A grand atrium connects Jakoba Mulderhuis to the adjacent Theo Thijssenhuis, which remained in use during the construction phase. All storeys lead into the atrium and have open terraces where students can work on their projects.
▼中庭概览,Atrium overall view
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▼中庭连接各楼层,All storeys lead into the atrium
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阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-39
The atrium lends the building an open character with plenty of natural daylight. What the architects had in mind was a new public sphere serving as a theatrical space for major events and exhibitions on the ground floor and as tiered platforms where students from different disciplines will meet up. A place that fosters creativity and where people enjoy meeting up to show off their work and share their knowledge. Making it immediately obvious what technology has to offer and where education, research, and society can converge and merge. With its ascending theatre terraces, the atrium enables students to ’hop’ from floor to floor, drawing inspiration from the projects that others are working on along the way.
▼中庭为教学楼带来开放性和大量的自然光线,The atrium lends the building an open character with plenty of natural daylight
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▼协作式学习空间,Co-working area
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▼交错开放的平台,The open terraces
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混合式学习环境 Blended learning 建筑中采用了灵活的设置,包括柱子之间留出的充足空地、可移动的室内隔墙和智能设备等,清晰地体现了通过调整内部结构来改变学习和教学环境的概念。教学人员可以借助混合的教学形式和空间设置来定制他们需要的场景,例如桌岛、教室、实验室和安静学习区域和会议区等。
The flexible set-up including ample spans between the columns, movable interior walls and smart equipment makes modifying the interior to changed notions of studying and teaching straightforward. Teaching staff will be able to customise their rooms with a mixture of teaching forms and spatial set-ups, such as group work at table islands, classrooms, labs, quiet study places and meeting areas – so-called blended learning.
▼混合式学习环境,The blended learning environment
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阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-54
▼可灵活变更的学习空间,The flexible set-up for learning
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阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-57
无纸化设计 Paperless design Jakoba Mulderhuis 是荷兰首批以 BIM 为基础进行招标的项目之一,其设计说明完全以数字形式发布,并以数字模型作为合同的基础,这是一次真正意义上的无纸化设计过程,它借助 BIM 实现了迅速且灵活的施工变更,并将其及时地呈现给项目各方。所有的基础信息都被纳入到设计的成型过程中,显著地节省了时间和资金成本,同时提高了施工的质量。▼教学楼夜间鸟瞰,Aerial view by night
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Jakoba Mulderhuis is one of the first projects in the Netherlands to have been put out to tender on the basis of Building Information Modelling (BIM). The specifications were issued entirely in digital form and the digital model served as the basis for the contract. A veritable tour de force of paperless design. In light of the protracted design process, BIM provided the flexibility to implement changes relatively quickly and make these visible to all parties. All underlying information was included in shaping the design. Thus saving time and money and improving the quality of the implementation.
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▼场地平面图,Site plan
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▼平面图,Floor Plan
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阿姆斯特丹应用科学大学Jakoba Mulderhuis教学楼丨荷兰阿姆斯特丹-68
Amsterdam, Rhijnspoorplein 2
Amstel Campus Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) Primary user
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Technology
Contract awarded: 2012
Design period: 2014 – 2020
Construction period 2019 – 2022
Commissioned: 1 September 2022
– Educational functions: 25,000 m2 gross floor area
– High-rise wing: 13 storeys, 54 metres tall
– Low-rise wing: 6 storeys, 33 metres tall
– Ground floor: Entrance hall with exhibition options, hospitality desk, Gerard van Haarlem theatre hall, Library study room, Café Ko and food units
– Design: Marc Koehler Architects, Powerhouse Company, de Architekten Cie.
– Interior design: Ex Interiors and Studio Groen+Schild
– Construction: Visser & Smit Bouw, Unica, ABT, LBP Sight, Royal Haskoning DHV, BREED Integrated Design
– Construction: The main load-bearing structure consists of a concrete shell with recycled granulate. The terraces comprise a steel structure and can be dismantled
– Façade: The façade is made of a non-load-bearing wood, steel and concrete system with aluminium window frames and natural stone (Jura).
– Interior: Forbo Linoleum, Valchromat MDF coloured, RE:FELT Acoustic PET Felt, Construction Steel box profiles 25x25mm, Serge Melton 100% pure new wool, ECOBoard, Kvadrat Drops
Copyright photography: Sebastian van Damme
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