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多伦多四季酒店丨加拿大多伦多丨Yabu Pushelberg

2022/09/08 00:00:00
2013年,Yabu Pushelberg在设计多伦多四季酒店时借鉴了极简主义风格。这家酒店是设计之旅的延续,旨在创造未来的房间,满足所有客人的需求。
In 2013, Yabu Pushelberg drew on that minimalism when it masterminded the look of Four Seasons Hotel Toronto.That Hotel was the continuation of a design journey to create the room of the future, something that speaks to all guest needs.
由Yabu Pushelberg设计的多伦多四季酒店拥有设备齐全的客房,现代风格的风格在浅色和温暖的调色板。这种别致而又温馨的美学风格在整个酒店中得到了精心策划的艺术作品的补充,为酒店的加拿大传统文化提供了有品位的点缀。
Four Seasons Toronto by Yabu Pushelberg cq5damDesigned by  Yabu Pushelberg, the  Four Seasons Hotel Toronto features well-appointed guest rooms with contemporary accents styled in a light and warm colour palette. This chic yet welcoming aesthetic is complemented throughout the Hotel by carefully curated art that offers a tasteful nod to the Hotel’s Canadian heritage.
国际设计公司Yabu Pushelberg的George Yabu和Glenn Pushelberg在过去的33年里一直在为世界各地的高端客户和豪华零售、酒店、住宅和餐饮品牌创造独特的标志性环境。
George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg of international design firm Yabu Pushelberg have been creating distinctive signature environments for high-profile clientele and luxury retail, hospitality, residential and restaurant brands around the world, for over thirty three years.
客房的设计兼顾了休闲和商务旅行者,是多伦多最宽敞的客房之一。在dbar和Cafe Boulud用餐是一流的,新的水疗中心是城市中最大的,也是世界上所有四季酒店中最大的。
The guest rooms have been created with both the leisure and business traveller in mind and are amongst the most spacious in Toronto. Dining at dbar and Cafe Boulud is top-notch, and the new Spa is the largest in the city and in any Four Seasons hotel worldwide.
The traditional rectangular desk was replaced by a round activity table with two chairs, because most people now work from laptops or iPads while lounging in their room.The room was deeply restful – rich in materials, quality and execution – with a neutral palette.
A master light switch was placed beside every bed so that a guest wouldn’t have to get up out of bed to turn off lights. Each guest room would feel like a sanctuary – a place to rest and recharge – whereas public spaces, such as restaurants and bars, would energize guests and encourage conversation. The Spa offers 17 spacious treatment rooms, two steam rooms, and a salon.
Yabu Pushelberg以其深思熟虑和“一切皆有可能”的设计方法而闻名,他们对试验新材料的热情,与独立工匠建立关系,帮助Yabu Pushelberg挑战传统美学,超越设计趋势。
Known for their thoughtful and “anything is possible” approach to design, their passion for experimenting with new materials and forging relationships with independent artisans helps Yabu Pushelberg to defy conventional aesthetics and transcend design trends.
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