

这座位于西班牙巴塞罗那郊外的废弃水泥工厂后来成了建筑师Ricardo Bofill的家。Ricardo Bofill将现有的建筑改造成一个开创性的工作室,他的家庭生活空间就坐落在里面。
An abandoned cement factory outside Barcelona, Spain, became the home of architect Ricardo Bofill. Ricardo Bofill has transformed the existing building into a groundbreaking studio in which his family living space sits.
Ricardo Bofill第一次见到这座31,000平方米的工厂是1973年他在加泰罗尼亚郊区的一次驱车旅行中。他一直在寻找一处房产,既可以为车间建造一间宽敞的办公室,也可以为自己和家人建造一幢宽敞的住宅。在当时,这是一个相对激进的主张:在他居住的巴塞罗那,一系列规定意味着不可能有一个工作兼生活的空间。然而,驱车前往该市郊区给他提供了一个巨大机会。向天空排放浓烟的是西班牙最古老的水泥厂之一,烟囱最高。后来,Ricardo Bofill买下了这处房产和周围的土地,希望把他的梦想变成现实。
Ricardo Bofill first encountered the 31,000-square-meter factory on a drive around the Catalan suburbs in 1973. He had been looking for a property that would allow him to construct both a spacious office for the workshop and an ample home for himself and his family. It was a relatively radical proposition at the time: in Barcelona, where he was living, a series of regulations meant a work-cum-living space was impossible. However, the drive to the western outskirts of the city provided what he saw to be a monumental opportunity. Pumping smoke into the sky was one of the oldest cement factories in Spain, with the tallest chimney. Then, Bofill bought the property and all the land around it in a bid to bring his vision to life.
对Ricardo Bofill来说,为这一建筑经典做出贡献是一件非常有趣的事,因为他对城市主义的看法让人耳目一新。它迎合了他对保护和增加已建环境的渴望,就像城市在历史上形成一样,而不是简单地以更现代的模式拆除现有的结构。就像令他着迷的废墟一样,这是一种有点浪漫的景象。
Contributing to this strand of the architectural canon was of great interest to Bofill, with his refreshing take on urbanism. It appealed to his desire to conserve and add to the built environment, just as cities were formed throughout history, rather than simply tearing down existing structures in the more contemporary model. Like the ruins he was fascinated by, it was a somewhat romantic vision.
La Fábrica是超现实主义的杰作,它是不同建筑的总和。这座建筑向人们闪现出各种各样的意象,让他们的视野充满了如何利用它的灵感:有通向任何地方的楼梯,还有各种各样的空间,虽然在视觉上强大,但在实际上毫无用处。由于对混凝土的粗暴处理,它既原始又野蛮,体现了野兽派主义。
La Fábrica is a masterpiece of surrealism and it is the sum total of different buildings. The building flashes various images to people, filling their vision with ideas about how to use it: there are staircases that lead anywhere, and various Spaces that, though visually powerful, are practically useless. Due to its rough handling of concrete, it is both primitive and barbaric.
拒绝功能主义,La Fábrica揭示了建筑以外的存在,同时它继承并维护了塑造西方国家现代边缘的创造力。从一个衰败的工业聚落,熟练的建筑师可以雕刻出一个地方,在那里工作和生活以平等的方式在一个良性的连续统一体中完成自己。
Rejecting functionalism, La Fábrica reveals an existence beyond architecture while inheriting and preserving the creativity that shaped the modern fringe of western countries. From a decaying industrial settlement, a skilled architect can carve out a place where work and life can be completed in a benign continuum in an equal way.