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David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates

2021/06/02 00:00:00
Gabellini Sheppard Associates 以“剧院建筑”的直接灵感为 David Yurman 的纽约旗舰店设计了一个创新的新概念,这一想法体现在这个标志性珠宝品牌现在所在的三层设计计划中。该品牌最重要的价值观:功能性、材料的真实性和真实性,在与公司新任创意总监 Evan Yurman 密切合作下以新颖、冒险和非传统的视角探索这个戏剧性空间的物质性发挥了关键作用。
Gabellini Sheppard Associates approached an innovative new concept for David Yurman’s NY flag ship with the immediate inspiration of “the architecture of theatre,” an idea that manifested into the three-tier design plan now home of the iconic jewelry brand.  The brand’s most important values—functionality, honesty of materials, and authenticity—played a critical role in exploring the materiality of this dramatic space with a fresh, adventurous and unconventional perspective conceived in close collaboration with Evan Yurman, the company’s new Creative Director.
At the street front a soaring facade created in limestone and fluted granite is graced with a monolithic rose gold cross piece creating a sweeping proscenium at the entry to the store from 57th Street.   Here rose tones transform to a darkened gold when passing through the front doors, providing a subtle arrival transition that creates an immediate sense of place and brand identity.  The dramatic entrance opens to a main floor that takes center stage followed by two upper levels resembling mezzanines of a large, regal theater.  The play in sequence from outside to inside and from floor to floor provides a retail experience that envelops and unfolds as it is traversed.
The interior design is both warm and subtly Brutalist, contrasting masculine and feminine energies through a balance of form and materials. A sophisticated use of materials and their finishes plays in perfect harmony with the luxury of the product on display. Traveling between floors, clients encounter metal finishes of silver nickel and rose gold in varying patinas that enhance the materials in the jewelry they are meant to highlight.  The striking use of marble and granite adds to the expressive palette of texture and finish.  The result of this focus on these tactile details is an intimately personal boutique experience in a grand flagship setting.
Flexibility of use was key to the store’s ultimate appearance.  Backlit, floating-panel wall systems that can be changed to feature any material, whether it be fabric, painted finishes or decorative plasters, allows an evolution of the space to support the company’s future product lines and marketing needs. This transformative nature inhabits the whole of the design and display fixtures are equally flexible with the ability to move freely as new arrangements or fixtures are conceived for the brand’s captivating advertising campaigns.
地板和天花板用特殊的材料处理。主层拥有定制的几何图案,交替使用Bardiglio Rambisserra大理石和Pietra Cardosa石灰石,创造出当代镶嵌设计,将观众拉过空间,从视觉上引导他们从前到后。类似的地板图案在厚的Dinesen橡木板上重复出现,给第二层和第三层带来视觉上的重量和吸引力。整个天花板也是橡木材质,使用重叠木板的重复同心设计,增强了设计的质感。这种对过去表达的熟悉感与新设计形成了对比,因为它取代了Evan Yurman对品牌新方向的物理表达。
Floors and ceilings were treated with exceptional materials. The main floor boasts a custom, geometric pattern with alternating bands of Bardiglio Rambisserra marble and Pietra Cardosa limestone creating a contemporary marquetry design that pulls the viewer through the space, guiding them visually from front to back. A similar floor pattern is repeated in thick Dinesen oak planks that give visual weight and appeal to the second and third floors.  The ceiling throughout, also of oak, uses a repeating concentric design of overlapping planks heightens the texture of the design. This sense of familiarity to past expression gives a counterpoint to the new design as it takes its place as the physical expression of the Evan Yurman’s new direction for the brand.
木头、石头和玻璃的不寻常处理是大楼梯的一大亮点,体现在有纹理的 Serizzio Formazza 花岗岩板、雕刻的法国橡木和 1.5 英寸厚的水晶玻璃护栏。突出的楼梯创造了一个轴上升的触觉和纹理的复杂性。Gabellini Sheppard Associates公司为该项目设计的定制家具包括贵宾室的雕塑展示桌,由银石灰华制成,镍银底座。男士楼层也有一张类似的桌子,镶有深色的镍银底座,厚实的软木台面与所展示的更具男性气质的物品相匹配。最终的结果是一个完全满足客户舒适度和提升的咨询体验,就好像他们即将舒适地坐在百老汇的剧院里,体验一场他们不会很快忘记的表演。
The uncommon treatment of wood, stone and glass are a highlight of the grand staircase, expressed in textured Serizzio Formazza granite slabs, sculpted French oak and 1.5” thick crystal glass guardrails. The prominent stair creates an axis that ascends in tactile and textured sophistication. Gabellini Sheppard Associates custom furnishings created for this project include a sculptural presentation table in the VIP room made of silver travertine with a nickel silver base. The men’s floor has a similar table, framed with darkened nickel sliver base and thick cork top to match the more masculine theme of the items on display. The end result is a consultation experience completely catered to the comfort and elevation of the client, as if they were about to comfortably sit in a theatre on Broadway and experience a performance they won’t soon forget.
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-12
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-13
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-14
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-15
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-16
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-17
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-18
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-19
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-20
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-21
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-22
David Yurman 57th Street 旗舰店丨美国纽约丨Gabellini Sheppard Associates-23
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