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Square Trousseau 住宅改造丨法国丨Desjeux Delaye

2022/06/17 00:00:00
为了将这个前印刷厂改造成一个家庭,200平方米的车间被改造成一个 "法国式 "的家庭阁楼。造型、古董镶木地板、古色古香的柱子和室内庭院的创建是该机构完全重新考虑的一些技巧。 郁郁葱葱的花园以巴黎乡间别墅的风格建造,复古和设计师家具完美和谐地共存。 一个给人一种一直被认为是原样的印象的地方。
For the rehabilitation of this former printing shop into a home, 200 m2 of workshop were transformed into a family loft "a la francaise". Creation of moldings, antique parquet, patinated posts and creation of an interior patio are some of the tricks that the agency has entirely rethought. The lush garden was created in the style of a country house in Paris where retro and designer furniture coexist in perfect harmony. A place that gives the impression of having always been thought of as it is.
Desjeux Delaye是古典巴黎建筑或公寓改造的著名设计师,采用现有元素,添加中性背景,使用天然材料,并在复古风格的家具中备受追捧。Desjeux Delaye喜欢想象和重新设计倾向于男性时尚设计的区域,试图创造出随时间变化的大气敏感空间,重新审视别致的气氛,并以各种形式释放法国精神。
Desjeux Delaye is a renowned designer of classical Parisian architecture or apartment conversions, taking existing elements, adding neutral backgrounds, using natural materials and much sought after furniture in a vintage style. desjeux Delaye likes to imagine and redesign areas that tend towards masculine fashion design, trying to create atmospheric sensitive spaces that change over time, revisiting chic atmospheres and unleash the French spirit in all its forms.
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