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Helsinki 50 年代餐厅翻新项目丨FinlandHelsinki丨Note Design Studio

2022/03/11 00:00:00
总部位于Stockholm的Note Design Studio在Helsinki翻新了一家20世纪50年代的餐厅,将柔和的粉色色调与柚木装饰方案相结合,以尊重建筑的现代主义设计。
Stockholm-based Note Design Studio has renovated a 1950s restaurant in Helsinki, combining soft pink tones with a teak-lined scheme that honours the building's modernist design.
“当我们接手餐厅时,他们并没有要求现代和时尚的室内设计,”Note Design Studio说。“相反,他们要求的是经得起时间考验、尊重宫殿的历史和传统的东西。”Note Design Studio与SARC建筑事务所和Skanska建筑公司密切合作,创造了一个他们描述为“优雅和复杂,但温暖而热情”的室内环境。
"When [the restaurant] approached us, they didn't ask for a modern and trendy interior," said Note Design Studio. "On the contrary, they asked for something that will withstand time and honour the history and tradition of the Palace."Note Design Studio worked closely with SARC Architects and construction company Skanska to create an interior that they describe as "elegant and sophisticated, yet warm and welcoming".
设计师们小心翼翼地引用了大量20世纪50年代的原始室内设计,比如柚木镶板、蓝色地毯、白色桌布和定制设计的饮料手推车。Note Design  Studio说:”对我们来说,空间不仅应该传达一种对传统的感觉和尊重,并突出当地的气氛,但也应该表达自己。”
The designers were careful to include plenty of references to the original 1950s interiors, such as the teak panelling, blue carpet, white tablecloths and custom-designed drinks trolleys. "For us, the space should not only convey a sense and respect for tradition, and highlight the local atmosphere, but also be expressive on its own." Note Design  Studio said
Helsinki 50 年代餐厅翻新项目丨FinlandHelsinki丨Note Design Studio-6
Helsinki 50 年代餐厅翻新项目丨FinlandHelsinki丨Note Design Studio-7
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Helsinki 50 年代餐厅翻新项目丨FinlandHelsinki丨Note Design Studio-15
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Helsinki 50 年代餐厅翻新项目丨FinlandHelsinki丨Note Design Studio-17
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