

Storage 工作室完成了整个Ceresio 7的健身房和水疗中心项目的改造,这是20世纪30年代米兰建筑的一个宏伟而美丽的典范。通过对那些年代的品味和美学进行更当代和更新的诠释。
Storage studio has completed the renovation of the entire Ceresio 7 gym and spa project, a magnificent and beautiful example of 1930s Milanese architecture. Through a more contemporary and updated interpretation of the tastes and aesthetics of those years.
Ceresio 7 Gym Spa项目源于对将光线恢复到审美的渴望,这种审美现在已经被抛弃,但仍然与当地的真正功能联系在一起。工作室试图从美学的角度回到那些原始的地方,那里的健身房纯粹是功能性的,只使用很少的工具,简陋的材料,没有任何装饰的混凝土场地,其魅力是由空间的比例和材料的颜色选择所赋予的。
The Ceresio 7 Gym Spa project grew out of a desire to restore light to an aesthetic that has now been abandoned but is still linked to the true function of the place. The studio sought to return aesthetically to those original places, where the gym was purely functional, using few tools, rudimentary materials, and a concrete field without any decoration, whose charm was given by the proportions of the space and the color choice of the materials.
The combination of functionality and aesthetics, the basic principle of that glorious era, laid the foundation for solving this project. In search of a pure design approach, Storage has completely eliminated redundant internal subdivisions. The main space comes from the stone architecture of the Lombards, a repetition of the materials of the time and the Milan region.