

意大利的设计工作室Storage Associati完成了位于米兰的一个花店项目Potafiori。花店主人兼歌手Rosalba Piccinni的愿景,是在米兰和贝加莫拥有三家店铺。多年来,她通过改变准备花束的时间来享受美妙的音乐,美味的食物,培养欢迎顾客的热情。无论何时只要人们想用一份特别的鲜花礼物取悦某人,她都是值得信任的花商。
Italian design studio Storage Associati has completed Potafiori, a florist shop in Milan. Florist and singer Rosalba Piccinni's vision is to have three shops in Milan and Bergamo. Over the years, she has changed the time it takes to prepare bouquets to enjoy great music, delicious food, and a warm welcome to customers. She is a trusted florist whenever people want to please someone with a special gift of flowers.
The Potafiori project opened up a new way of getting along. A florist with a kitchen, a familiar atmosphere, open 7 days a week from 8 to 24. Customers can go there in the morning for coffee or lunch and admire seasonal flowers and works of rope, wire and bark. The evening is still there, and in front of a good glass of wine, Rosalba will come to you with her solo music.
The original beauty of the place is completely hidden in the internal partitions and scattered Spaces. The studio's first idea was to open up the space and give new light to the original structure of the early 20th century building. The aim is to follow the flow of neat geometric shapes, all wrapped in natural and soft light during the day and night.
一个黑暗而圆润的外壳,其中Ceppo Lombardo和黑铁的体量交汇在空间中迸发。粗糙的Placocem的隔板被插入先前存在的拱门之间,关闭了厨房的技术体积,并通向下层。原材料的不完美被明确地保留下来。储藏室被要求设计成一个空间,电主让建筑师全权诠释这个鲜花和食物的新世界。
A dark and rounded shell, where the volumes of Ceppo Lombardo and black iron meet and burst out of the space. Rough-hewn Placocem partitions are inserted between the preexisting arches, closing off the technical volume of the kitchen and leading to the lower level. The imperfection of raw materials is explicitly preserved. Asked to design the storage room as a space, the architect gave the architect carte Blanche to interpret this new world of flowers and food.