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巴黎 Invalides 住宅丨法国巴黎丨Pierre Yovanovitch

2022/08/08 00:00:00
与巴黎的许多酒店一样,这座住宅也浸透了历史。在业主的同意下,Pierre Yovanovitch在住宅的设计中拥有充分的创作自由,重新想象了广阔空间的各个方面。Pierre Yovanovitch的室内设计结合了极致的别致,文化和简洁的线条。他特别注重对工艺的尊重,认为如果人们希望创作不要看起来像工业,那就必须与工匠合作。
As with many hotels particuliers in Paris, this residence is steeped in history. With the property owner's consent to have full creative freedom over the design of the home, Pierre Yovanovitch reimagined all aspects of the expansive space.Pierre Yovanovitch paid particular attention to the respect for craftsmanship. "if people want to create something that doesn't look like industry, they have to work with craftsmen," he said. His interior design combines extreme chic, culture and simple lines.
在每一个项目中,Pierre Yovanovitch都会试着在房间里设计主题故事。他喜欢简约的设计,他认为繁琐、复杂的修饰方法,这些都只能算是最粗浅的装饰方式,真正最有力量的表达是从室内的独特布局开始。在他的设计风格中,有大量的几何设计和透视法的运用,让每一个作品都充满了自己独特的味道。
In each of his project, Pierre Yovanovitch tried to design the theme story in the room. He likes simple design, he thinks trival, complex decorate a method, these can be the most shallow adornment means only, the expression with the most real power begins from interior distinctive layout. In his design style, there are a lot of geometric design and perspective, so that each work is full of its own unique flavor.
Pierre Yovanovitch作为法式风格的杰出代表之一,他将自己的作品融入了世界各地的住宅和商业项目,呈现出定制的奢华和前所未有的优雅。Pierre Yovanovitch对时尚和潮流漠不关心,他以一种不超负荷或不张扬的建筑风格取得了成功。
Pierre Yovanovitch is one of the outstanding representatives of the French style. He integrates his works into residential and institutional projects around the world, presenting customized luxury and unprecedented elegance. Indifferent to fashion and trends, Pierre Yovanovitch achieved success in an architectural style that was not overloaded or ostentatious.
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