由创始人Thomas Hickey和Edward Yedid共同成立于2001年的Grade Design,是一家多学科建筑和室内设计工作室,总部设于纽约。该工作室受到世界文化,艺术和设计的启发,旨在将尖端创新与现代设计融为一体,以精湛的设计打造奢华体验。他们专注于华丽,奢华,现代的空间设计。
Founded in 2001 by founders Thomas Hickey and Edward Yedid, Grade Design is a multidisciplinary architecture and interior Design studio based in New York City. Inspired by world culture, art and design, the studio aims to blend cutting-edge innovation with modern design to create a luxury experience with exquisite design. They focus on gorgeous, luxurious, modern space design.
Grade Design所设计的56 Leonard,是一套栖息在纽约城市景观高处的私人住宅,同时是一个宁静的避难所,但它却仍然体现了市中心曼哈顿的活力和别致的吸引力。地板到天花板的窗户为这所住宅提供了曼哈顿惊人的景色,开放的楼层计划鼓励自然光照射到每个房间。
Grade Design's 56 Leonard is a private residence perched high in the New York cityscape and a tranquil sanctuary, yet it still embodies the energy and chic appeal of downtown Manhattan. Floor-to-ceiling Windows offer stunning views of Manhattan for this home, and open floor plans encourage natural light to reach every room.
Scandinavian, French and Italian medieval furniture from all over the world has come together to decorate the living space. These unique pieces of furniture emphasize rich wood and textured fabrics in grays, whites and blues that embrace the surrounding sky. This classic design hue provides a tranquil juxtaposition from the busy street below.